Archangeleong's Ikari Co Army Log

Discussion in 'Ikari Company' started by archangeleong, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    It's true that they would be good fit. I just had other plans ;-)
  2. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    That's kind of what I"m doing. I'm re-purposing my original Invincibles as Tankos. Now people hardly recognize the 1st edition stuff!
    Section9 and archangeleong like this.
  3. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Bashi Bazouk

    Mei-Ling always found it hard to fit in. Although the StateEmpire tolerates all religions nowadays, Mei-Ling's Muslim family background meant she grew up as minority in a largely Han neighbourhood on Shentang. Fierce and proud, her status as an outsider saw her get into numerous scraps as a teenager and she became tarred as a troublemaker with antisocial tendencies by the local authorities. Booted out of school and hanging with the local Yakuza, she surprised everyone when she volunteered for military service, the Tiger Soldiers no less, and seemed to turn her life around.

    She excelled in the Tiger Soldier regiment, hurtling into the thick of battle and smashing aside the enemies of the StateEmpire. Her fierce independence was channelled into audacious bravery and she had finally brought pride to her family name by becoming a true patriot of the StateEmpire. All was well for Mei-Ling for a time as her reputation as an elite soldier grew, however slowly and surely a pill of bitterness grew in her heart as she saw other lesser candidates promoted instead of her.

    Suspecting that her background was handicapping her career prospects, Mei-Ling sought some soul searching and turned to New Islam, fully embracing her faith. Then the Japanese uprising swept across the Sphere like a tsunami and Mei-Ling found herself partaking in heavy handed military actions that saw massacres of civilians on her home world. Not wholly burdened by a bad conscience, but unable to stomach the hypocrisy of the StateEmpire any longer, Mei-Ling defected to Haqqislam with the help of her Yakuza contacts and joined up with the Bashi Bazouk mercenaries.

    Still a bit of an outsider as a Yu Jing defector amongst her new comrades, she has nonetheless earned their respect as she hurtles into the thick of battle like she was born to do. Mei-Ling cuts a distinct silhouette in her Tiger Soldier armour amid her fellow Bashi but it is her fearless and ruthless efficiency that truly stands her apart. Contracting with Ikari Company has had its questionable moments, but the pay is good and she has had many chances to payback those hypocritical StateEmpire lackeys for their ignorance.

    Bashi Bazouk (Rifle)

    Bashi Bazouk (Rifle) Conversion

    Mei-Ling was made from:
    · Operation: Red Veil TigerSoldier Hacker;
    · Operation: Red Veil Ghulam arms;
    · Head from Statuesque Miniatures; and
    · Armour plates from 40K Imperial Guard.


    More Pics at:
    #43 archangeleong, Jun 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2019
    Doa, KestrelM1, Space Ranger and 5 others like this.
  4. roobot

    roobot Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    That Bashi Bazouk is simply stunning! It may be my favourite conversion I've seen on these forums! Well done!!
  5. G-Spot

    G-Spot Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I'm in love with this bashi-bazouk. :heart:
    Great job at converting this mini and the color palette suits her very well. Congrats!
  6. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Love the figure and especially the background!

    I really like the head. For some reason it’s face reminds me of Gelflings from the Dark Crystal movie. So I love it even more!
  7. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks! It was really fun and quite simple to convert in the end. What was tricky was choosing the colours. Once I settled on the colour scheme it was, however, a pleasure to paint and I think it turned out well :-)
  8. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Lol, the dark crystal you are right! Kinda long face I think is what is bringing on that Gelfling vibe.

    Had a blast writing the story too. I daydreamed it whilst painting up this little lady, which made the painting pass by more leisurely ;-)
    Space Ranger and Fathoym like this.
  9. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Armande la Silencieuse (Armand le Muet proxy)
    Rumor has it that this killer for hire has fought across the entire Sphere and had her cube replaced in so many lhosts that she no longer remembers who she really is. Another rumor has it that her cube has been placed in numerous different and varying genders and ethnicities over time, but each to there own really and that is hardly shocking for those who have traveled through Bakunin. Yet another rumor has it that her cube may even be alien in origin, but that is just preposterous! Whatever credence these rumors have none can say. Armande, embodying her namesake, certainly doesn't speak much to confirm or deny what others say about her. She simply lets her bullets do all the talking... and has a penchant for playing that darn harp all the time! Ikari Company doesn't care either way as long as she is able to earn her considerable pay, which she does with unerring accuracy one bullet at a time.

    Made good use of my spare Tuereg from Operation Red Veil. Borrowed an excess Ghulam head and added a bit of putty and presto Armande was born! Had a lot of fun coming up with her colour scheme and was inspired by some Destiny Warlock armours that I found on the net.


    WIP Armande la Silencieuse


    More pics at:
    #49 archangeleong, Jul 6, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  10. Guardian

    Guardian Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Very cool!
  11. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Cube Jäger
    It was a hard blow to the Cube Jäger industry when those darn Tohaa came on the scene. Now that Deadalus jump gate is down, human Jägers are finding more work opportunities since those artichoke heads have become a rarer breed in the human sphere. If you hail from Haqqislam and have biomedical skills then it shouldn’t be hard to get a gig these days as a Jäger. Khan is one such fellow now in the lucrative employ of Ikari Company who aren’t too picky about who collects their lost cubes.

    This guy was a very simple conversion made up from the Red Veil Zhayedan and Kaizoku Spec Ops arms. wisefaiz's efforts on his Zhayden's leather coat was a big help on getting the coat done on this guy, so thanks buddy! His Haqqislam is real a inspiration and it looks like we are working in a similar colour palette ;-)

    #51 archangeleong, Jul 12, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2019
    Doa, Remnar, aglaraina and 3 others like this.
  12. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY IKARI COMPANY: Authorized Bounty Hunter


    Authorized Bounty Hunter
    Wandering the wasteland of the Human Edge with his beautiful lover, this Authorized Bounty Hunter is a hired gun whose itinerant lifestyle belies his combat skill and professionalism. Likely an outcast of a former career in black ops, it appears that his body has undergone full cybernetic replacement after some horrific trauma. There is a certain pathos that he can never again feel his lovers embrace on his skin during this lifetime, but her dedication to their love goes far beyond the skin deep. Who knows, perhaps one day they will be able to afford a new lhost for him. In the meantime, they will put their considerable combat acumen to good use (to the highest bidder) in order to earn enough coin to fulfil their dreams.

    This guy was converted from the Hsien from Operation Red Veil. I tried to capture the essence of the limited edition ABH, which in turn had a bit of an Appleseed's Biareos vibe about it. The conversion utilised the standard parts of the Hsien, with the back fins carved to become "rabbit ears," along with greenstuff sculpted as required. After I built the head it felt necessary to bulk out the shoulders a bit so that the head didn't seem to large. Thus I added plastic shoulder guards scavenged from my old 40k Imperial guard bits box. I also added pouches and a knife, sourced from IG as well as a Ghulam backpack, in order to kit up the model to pay homage to both the studio ABH as well as Briareos. The paint scheme harks back to the original limited edition ABH and blends it to my Ikari Company colours. Painting this guy felt like I am finally getting used to light source painting on 3d models. Can you guess what number he rolled on the Booty L1 table?


    WIP pics at:
    nehemiah, Doa, Remnar and 3 others like this.
  13. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Loved they story but stunned by the figure! :dizzy_face:
  14. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks :smile: Actually the story is a riff on Appleseed, which is where the model is inspired from.
  15. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    :+1: Now you need a Deunan!
  16. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Its true, but what can I use?
  17. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    When this little lady came out I have to say I wasn't that interested in getting her as I didn't want to get Operation Cold Front. Then I got into Ikari Co and her artwork image was part of the defining Ikari Co colour scheme, so I just had to have her. I had a lot of trouble trying to get her on the second hand market for a decent price but have now got my mitts on her and am very happy lol! I painted like the Ikari Co artwork pic and am doubly pleased by the results, especially as no one seems to have done this yet (that I could find on the net anyways), including the studio version. I Really like the face plate effect most (can't bring myself to use gloss varnish on it though...)


    More pics:
  18. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    So it seems this forum can't keep pics on it. That's why I started an actual blog in order to keep record of my work without it disappearing for no good reason.

    That said, here is an oldie but a goodie:

    INFINITY IKARI COMPANY: Druze Hacker (Limited Edition)

    Druze Hacker (Limited Edition)
    Was so happy when I got my hands on this mini. I even managed to get her with the Human Sphere book on eBay for basically normal retail price! This lady is the main reason I wanted to start a Mercs army and is one of the best minis CB has produced IMHO. The colours I used on her where my template for the whole Ikari Co army as she was the first mini I painted up.


    More pics:
    #58 archangeleong, Aug 2, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
    Smiler likes this.
  19. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Simple designs, but I like them a lot. Very easy to paint. I especially enjoyed working on the visors and was pleased at how they turned out. Also fun to do a bit of camo patterns for a change. Quite a large little mob in the end with the limited edition minis included. There appears to be a bit of a gender bias with this trooper profile. Ladies must make better brawlers lol!

    Brawler (Uprising Pre-Order Exclusive Model) - Rifle

    Brawler (Daedalus Fall Pre-Order Exclusive Model) - Hacker

    Brawler - Rifle


    Brawler - Doctor

    Brawler - Heavy Rocket Launcher

    Brawler - Sniper

    Brawler - Link Team

    Many More Pics at:
  20. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY IKARI COMPANY: Yuan Yuan (Limited Edition)


    Yuan Yuan (Limited Edition)
    I really wanted this guy in my army as he is depicted in the Ikari Co artwork. I somehow managed to get the Red Veil box with this dude in it and that was the start of Ikari Co for me. I also wanted the Ninja, but it seemed a bit of a waste to buy the starter box for only 2 minis. However with a bit of creative converting it turns out that most of the content has been ideal for an Ikari Co army.

    This guy was the second mini I painted for Ikari co as I wanted to nut out the colours I was using on the whole faction. I was pleased with how the dark blue turned out and I first went for a tri colour of green with the glowy bits. However the green seemed to "pop' too much so I went back later and repainted the glowy bits with a blue green instead. Now the model blends in better with the rest of his Ikari bros and sistas. Only sad that there was no space to paint the Yuan Yuan icon in white on his shoulder as his hair is in the way (the other shoulder pad is too small). He turned out ok overall though.


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