A fun MO list

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by Nomadimp, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. Nomadimp

    Nomadimp Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2018
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    Joan duo

    [​IMG]10 [​IMG]4
    ORDER SERGEANT Spitfire / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 19)
    MAGISTER KNIGHT Panzerfaust, Light Shotgun / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 22)
    MAGISTER KNIGHT Panzerfaust, Light Shotgun / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 22)
    MAGISTER KNIGHT Panzerfaust, Light Shotgun / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 22)
    MAGISTER KNIGHT Panzerfaust, Light Shotgun / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 22)
    KNIGHT OF SANTIAGO Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, D-Charges + 1 TinBot A (Deflector L1) / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 38)
    JOAN OF ARC Lieutenant Spitfire, Nanopulser / Pistol, AP CCW. (1 | 51)
    KNIGHT OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE (Chain of Command) Breaker Combi Rifle / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 52)
    SPEC. SERGEANT (CH: TO Camouflage, Infiltration, Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 27)
    SIERRA DRONBOT HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 25)

    3 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    Just wanted to share a fun list idea that I've been playing around with for a bit. I know people here tend to be a little down on MO but I've had fun playing this.

    The basic ideas are pretty simple. You want to deploy to have 3 different attack vectors: joan+khd, magister link+TOFOOS and TR bot+KotHS.

    Joan goes in a Duo with the santiago KHD, giving her the tinbot bonus and some protection from hacking plus she drags a specialist along with her while she goes on her attack run turn 1. Just play her as aggressively as possible, split burst and attack multiple targets then ideally put her in suppression somewhere annoying. The Santiago's 360 visor helps watch her back and hopefully opponent has to spend some orders digging her out. She's going to die but that's fine, because you've got CoC.

    The KotHS pretends to be an order sgt hacker hanging out next to the TR bot, watching it's back and pretending like it's there to give Buffs while the TR bot does TR bot things - the TOFOOS starts in hidden deployment to make the missing points more plausible. If for some reason Joan is in a bad position for a turn 1 run, you might be able to use the KotHS instead. Using holo-echos effectively takes some practice but for the most part you want enemies to Hold their AROs so you can keep moving and get where you want to go. Even if they take a shot and guess correctly, you've got pretty good odds of not dying, so just keep moving.

    The 4 magisters and OS link up together, everyone but the OS can just stand up and provide AROs (preferably not on a roof, you want to be able to use this link offensively as well). The great thing about this link is that you can transition from your defensive posture to being active very easily even you're in LOS of enemies. You just break the link at the beginning of the turn and then use a coordinated order with all 4 knights and move/go prone etc. to break LOS and then panzerfaust whatever thinks they have you locked down, then reform the link. This attack will kill pretty much any ARO piece I've ever come across and can be used to create an opening for Joan or another attack piece. Additionally, if they aren't going to take any AROs, you can break the link and get free impetuous moves and then spend a token to reform. Because we're LI and have Joan, orders are often more precious than tokens. To conserve ammo, the OS can be used as a workhorse active piece--the HRL or Spitfire both work here--as you move the link up the board and get into shotgun range where the magisters can really do some work. If the enemy has played a 'soft' defense, relying on mines etc. the magisters will blow right through that kind of setup. Remember you have stealth and can avoid most hacking. This link is going to suffer heavy casualties, but once the magisters cross the midline they dont really need the link team bonuses anymore so feel free to just let them off the leash and do their thing.

    The TOFOOS is mostly there to get you out of a jam and should be hidden deployed somewhere that will help support your magister link. Destroying annoying repeaters, jammers etc. You can also sometimes put someone in a bind if they try to attack a magister knight and you reveal in ARO and force them to split their burst.

    The list has some obvious weaknesses and drawbacks. You've got no engineers or doctors so when something dies... it's dead. There's no MSV2 so smoke will negate your AROs. These are somewhat mitigated by the fact that you've got 7 HI with decent CC, there's no soft backfield for warbands to go chew up, and even the things that look soft at first (like the OS hacker) are just bait. You've only got 3 specialists so you do need to be careful not to throw them away and as with all LI lists you don't have a ton of orders so you do need to play efficiently.

    Anyway, it's a fun list and worth giving a shot if you get a chance.
    andre61 and Seraphin like this.
  2. Werekill

    Werekill Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Looks fun, but it feels a bit short on both SWC and specialists. If someone takes out just two of your big guns (which are also just spitfires too, with your only HMG being on the Sierra), you'll be in a very tricky situation. Same goes for specialists.

    Is there any way to tweak it a bit and maybe find a way to spend some more SWC? I'm not familiar enough with MO to properly recommend specific unit replacements.
  3. andre61

    andre61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I like it! but then again I suck at playing MO. So, let us know how you came out with this list.
    Werekill likes this.
  4. Nomadimp

    Nomadimp Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2018
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    The specialists are definitely a problem, but it's somewhat mitigated by 2 of them being HI, 1 being TO and 2 having some kind of marker state. But for sure, if they go down early you're in trouble. Also this has a pretty narrow spread for classifieds, but somewhat offset by nearly everything in the list being able to do Veteran/Elite classifieds.

    With the SWC I feel like it can be deceptive with the TOFOOS and Joan because they get discounts in MO. In terms of firepower on the board, I find that the magister knights tend to punch well above their SWC-weight. Granted, they will run out of ammo so you've only got 1-2 shots per knight, but that's been enough to get the job done for me. In my experience people tend to really only leave 1-2 dedicated long range ARO pieces out that you really have to deal with. But if you're regularly facing more than that then that tactic probably wont work.
  5. Werekill

    Werekill Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hmm. The marker state for the third Specialist does help, but I do still worry that it's not enough. Same with the SWC, but I'll agree that the Panzerfausts do help. They just have a low burst even with the fireteam bonuses, and that makes it a bit tricky.

    I was going to suggest changing the CoC knight into something cheaper to free up some points for more stuff, but that'd hurt your ability to go aggressive with Joan with less risk. So I'm a bit stuck on suggestions.

    How well does the list fare when going second?
  6. Nomadimp

    Nomadimp Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2018
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    Going second is fine most of the time. It's got a surprisingly good ARO game in my experience between the TR bot and the magister link. But you have to deploy way more aggressively than you would normally. All 4 magisters are standing up on ARO duty. They each get basically 1 shot with the panzerfaust on ARO and then they dodge out of LOS on the next ARO. Most things can't kill a magister knight in a single order, so ideally you're forcing them to spend at least 2 orders per knight and still have at least 1 wound left. Even when you're out of ammo and still have 2 wound I'll just keep dodging until I take a wound. With Joan around you can choose to pass or fail any guts roll. As usual, the point is just to drain orders but sometimes you'll get lucky and explode whatever tried to attack you.

    The only time I've had this tactic straight up fail hard was when something nasty like a Q-Drone with plasma and supportware gets into the magister's dead zone between 8-16 inches. Things that force lots of arm rolls like explosive or even DA are bad news as well, because you're really banking on forcing them to spend multiple orders per knight.
  7. Werekill

    Werekill Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So all 4 of them are exposed? That sounds like it could end up a bit rough, but if you say you're doing ok, I'm glad to hear it. Like you said, explosive weapons seem like a pretty tough weakness of that strategy. I could see Smoke being an issue as well.
    Judge Dredd likes this.
  8. Nomadimp

    Nomadimp Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2018
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    Yeah smoke isn't so bad, just because a. you still have SS2 if they try to shoot you through smoke, so the mods aren't that bad really. Also if they're just trying to use the smoke to get some warbands up and try to chain rifle you or something, you're practically impervious to that kind of attack - everything is PH14 and high armor, so you really don't have to worry about direct templates much. CC is a little rougher because it's pretty much a toss up vs most warbands and they're a lot cheaper than you are--but relatively speaking you're not as vulnerable to that kind of attack either.

    What you can't do is stop them from using smoke to move around and do objectives, so that is definitely a problem. But if all they do is move stuff closer to the middle of the board that's kind of where you want to be fighting anyway so it works out.
  9. Werekill

    Werekill Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yeah, I was thinking of objectives or just getting close enough to get in the Panzer's bad range.

    The list does seem like it would be fun. I'd give it a shot if I had MO.
  10. Quehacesfede

    Quehacesfede You must obey the Knight Commander

    Nov 8, 2018
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    I like the idea of the core fireteam. It's one of the cheapest (if not THE cheapest) combination for a HI core in the game.
    Joan + KHD duo is always respectable, I play this combo a lot. In fact, they were without a doubt the MVP in my last game against Steel Phalanx.
    I don't know about the KoTHS. The profile I've been more successful with is the one with the LGL. Being able to deploy with FDL2 and spec firing with 11, means I can be causing headaches to my enemy very early. But I admit, it's pricey and if you go second, the efectiveness of the unit can be negated. Everybody knows what it can do and how much it costs, so it's kind of a bullet magnet.
    As for the profile you included in your list, I've used it only once with moderate results. I was able to make my opponent think it was an OS, but that was it. The breaker combi version doesn't pack enough punch, and doesn't have the LGL for "creative" shooting options. Paying that much to get "only" a breaker combi seems not entirely OK with me.
    As for the Spec Sergeant, it's the most survivable MSR available to MO. Soy it's practically an auto include.
    I've never used the Sierra. There's not much I can say on this unit except this: SWC 1 for a HMG sounds great. BS 11 for a Pano unit kind of sucks. TR is great, so I guess great wins 2-1.
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