True. But one bad thing about it is that the enemy knows it's just got an SMG. They can just shoot Madtraps knowing you are too far to have a good shot.
I would have thought the perimeter weapons were classified as allied and unable to be targeted when you cybermask. Does this mean you can run and use the the madtraps to cause problems while remaining in the protection of marker state?
There are two other troops that can have a marker state as well as perimeter weapons, the Kanren and Kotail with SymbioBombs. I think it was determined that their marker state does not effect perimeter weapons.
I think every line trooper hacker will be eager to change the combi for a cheap SMG. Yes mid range aro will be bad, but at least you can hide and do your buff-job and bring some suppression fire, if it´s neccesary. I think the price difference is too big.
It's got nothing to do with being allied - the state carries over to troopers with G: Synchronized because the G: Synchronized rules say so: If the player activates any Hacking Program which provides any MOD or state to the Controller of a G: Synchronized trooper (Cybermask, or Kaleidoscope, for example), then such MOD or state will also be applied to the G: Sychronized trooper. That's specific to G: Synchronized, and doesn't even apply to the almost-equivalent G: Servant Skill.
I actually hope this does happen. Freeing PanO up for improvements would help make the Hyperpower feel more like a Hyperpower. Auxbots and few other unique things could become a reality if CB wanted to do this. And that is the big "if". Does CB want that? Or is something else cooking up in their collective brains for the foreseeable future of the 2020's decade?
I'm kind of behind on videos and news, but I'm watching the O-12 video and seeing the cost of the Gamma vs. the cost of a Sogarat made me choke on my beverage.
Symbiobombs aren't a perimeter weapon, and using them would take you out of your market state as the Kotail. Symbiobugs are the Tohaa perimeter weapon and are only on the Taqeul unfortunately
I skimmed back but I didn't see much discussion of its points cost; it was mostly about whether its sculpt looked too much like the Azra'il. For essentially the same cost as a Sogarat, the Gamma has higher BS, higher BTS, upgrades AutoMediKit into NWI, and always has Full Auto L1. The Sogarat, on the other hand, has Morat, better CC, and Bioimmunity. Also +1 PH, but I'd take PH 14 and NWI over PH 15 and an AutoMediKit most days.
@toadchild That is pretty much what I got out of seeing the profiles. Just a human Sogarat with a few twists. I'd think the Sogarat should have the same BS as it's human counterpart as war is part of the core Morat's societal make-up. Plus the HMG Sogarat should get Full Auto L1 as well.
I guess to me it looks like more than a "human twist". For a unit that's that much of an upgrade, I would like to see a commensurate increase in points cost.
Peacekeeper is a rule for narrative scenarios that lets O-12 ignore the Concilium Convention restrictions on weaponry. No effect in ITS. (confirmed by Koni) Light Riotstopper is a new weapon but no new rules (hint from IJW on the Book of Faces), I'm guessing a stun DTW.
Peacekeeper is a campaign-only rule so won't be relevant very often and riot stopper is rumoured to be some kind of ADHL weapon but that's only rumour
Do CB plan to expand the Salvora Complex terrain series? I mean Bridges, Object Room, Scatter and so on. Would be great as I plan to do a whole Table with it.
I don't think they will, but a terrain partner might. CB will sell the terrain pack separately later, though.