Very disappointed with Ramah TaskForce

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by SirNando, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. SirNando

    SirNando Sir

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Sorry but i have played all the times since Ramah exist, eight tournament (2 satelits) and i still thinking is not a good sectorial, IN MY OPINION!

    The best thing that RTF adds is Mukhtar and Nahab.

    Tarik dies easily, bioinmunity? why? is unuseful on this character, ARM 3 BTS 3.... only work with viral ammo. Tarik only have one wound more than a Khawarij ( bioinmunity is more useful ARM 1 BTS 3), 2" more, but nothing more really important, same negative to enemy, S5...double cost.
    Is this really the great Tarik of Haqqislam???? The inspiration of all soldiers??? the Bad ass of bourak??? Seriously?
    You can not depend on critics

    Mukhtar is much better for the same objective, kill enemies. Mimetism, same BS, same RoF (with Red Fury) MSV2, movement 6-2 with FD2, 2/3 cost, and 2 wounds also.

    Too many options to link line troops, but nothing really strong.
    Infiltration to acomplish the objectives: Nahab(no camo or mimetism) Tuareg (the best, but too expensive to push a button)

    Janissaries, old troop, old profiles for a new sectorial.....and also included in Qapu....
    Hortlak good profile, very balanced, but only two profiles.

    Namur is a good choice, on the paper, but very situational to take benefit for the cost in the game.'s a joke, same cost of khawarij, mukhtar (more or less). Closed link. low option useful really, the best skill that they have is veteran, for the new additions of EM ammo in a lot of troops.

    The Al Fasid stays on the shelf always...and wich are the sense to make a fireteam with the missile launcher remote???

    What's your defense on reactive turn, a fireteam of ghulam with missile reaction, one troop with mimetism, TO or ODD, take down your defense easy.
    No defense in mid table. Many army has recieved jammer, originally haqqislam exclusive weapon, but ramah no (thanks)

    This a expensive sectorial, i know, but too much for the low level troops. Vanilla is better now, true.

    I'm from Barcelona, we play a weekly tournament, i have tried very hard to play with RTF (i was waiting this army since i start to play), and i'm very dissapointed, very very. I was trying list for the Interplanetario and finally i will leave this army in a box and will use my other army.

    IS MY OPINION, respect it and discuss friendly ;)
  2. Fenrir

    Fenrir Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    Thinking the same here.

    My opinion is that ramah isn't a tested army they put some new profiles and make logic and fast core and haris. (like... ghulam + naffatum + kawarij, haris muktar and we got a sectorial). then put carmen (still thinking why is she insite ramah) and ghulam smoke and thats all.

    Al fasid + remote = joke? Al fasid was perfect for haris + 2 jenizaros or 2 Zhayedan at least makes sense. would be pretty better. 3 al fasid haris or 2 al fasid + jenizaro/Zhayedan. A lots of combinations came to my head easly.

    Next one es the Zhayedan you can remove them and no one would care cause they are expensive and just 2 porfiles are usefull if you want to play tropical mmsl2. they could cor with ghulams or something like that. Maybe the hmg with mmsl2 is broken(32points).... ejem... spetnaz...(38 points) dont make any sense to me.

    The other part of my thoughts are about hortlark why only on core jenizaros? And why not HARIS JENIZAROS why? In qapu only core is ok but in ramah why not?

    Me and my friends were talking about the name Ramah crit force because the only way to win is with crits and is not funny at all.

    Good things about ramah are maggy + rafiq at least is funny, nahab cause KHD is god, muktar no more words, and maybe kawarij mk12 and carmen? I do not count on the monstertrucers cause is like krakots mercenaris.
    Urobros, oldGregg and Golem2God like this.
  3. Koval

    Koval Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2019
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    You bring up a lot of good points, and I'll try to address them all. Just like you posted your opinion, this is informed by my own experience.

    Tarik: The extra wound is significant, but you're right that it doesn't justify his cost. I feel like the combination 6-4 and super-jump is worth more than you think, though. The issue with him, for me, is that you lose a lot of that mobility in a fireteam. Tarik gets a lot of attention, sure, but Ramah isn't just Tarik Taskforce. Honestly, he's not in most of my lists.

    Mukhtar: In my opinion, these are the best unit in the sectorial. I'm not sure I've won a game without a haris of them, though sometimes that team includes Tarik, to mitigate the mobility issue I mentioned earlier.

    Mixed Core: Here's where I'm really going to start disagreeing with you. I really like this team, though it generally always consists of one or two khawarij, the ghulam NCO, the ghulam doctor, and one or two cheap models. From there, I often throw in an extra sniper or two, but I'll cover those later.

    Skirmishers: I'd consider this to be a clear weakness of the sectorial. We just dont get a cheap button pusher. But, in addition to the ones you mentioned, the rafiq or namurr have the mobility to get there. And I'll often have a fireteam operating in the midfield. Every fireteam should have a specialist.

    Janissaries: We don't really get much unique for our heavy infantry team, because that's not what Ramah is really about.

    Namurr: My decision to take the namurr or not is generally determined by the scenario. If it involves killing a designated target, especially with a datatracker, the namurr has always scored those points for me. If it involves pushing buttons in an exclusion zone, I'd probably take her.

    Zhayedan: I don't get it either. My best guess is that they're paying way too much for those automedkits.

    Al Fasid: I keep trying to make this one work. I'd consider it as the core to my reactive turn strategy in limited insertion, but that's about it.

    Reactive Turn: Bring disposable ARO pieces. Take 3 fanous and overclock them. Take a ghulam sniper or two in addition to enough models to rebuild your core without them. They'll all probably die, but they're cheap enough that you're still in the game without them. That being said, I do consider this a significant weakness of the sectorial. I just have suggestions on how to mitigate it.

    Mercenaries: Don't gloss over Carmen and the monstrucker. They both add a lot to the faction to cover up some of our weaknesses.

    Overall: I don't think Ramah is bad, but I also dont think it's particularly good. Ramah has some very strong pieces, like Tarik, MSV+smoke in the core team, and the mukhtar. But those are balanced out with some big weaknesses. It seems like you haven't been having much success with the sectorial's strengths, and have been running up against its weaknesses pretty hard.
  4. thirteenpixels

    thirteenpixels Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    I've had a lot of luck with RTF. I think I'm 8-1 with them so far. My only loss was v. a Sally and I definitely felt the lack of reliable heavy weapons. I probably should have stabbed rather than shot at them. Other than that I never feel like I'm missing any tools. Everyone is fast, most have multiple wounds, LT2 plus two NCO options. No complaints here.
    RasPuto likes this.
  5. Agorapocalypse

    Agorapocalypse Namurr and Nahab are girlfriends

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Im fairly happy with Ramah but i do agree that they seem sorta dated in design and need some minor changes.

    Tarik: just give the man bts 6 already, shock and viral are the new hotness so theres plenty of opportunity to show off how tough tarik can be.

    Mixed troop links: should be ghulam, naffatuns, and zhayedans, that would make zhayedans somewhat usable and everything synergizes well

    Mukhtar: honestly just make them 6-4 instead of 6-2. Just a personal preference to make the true super speed soldier.

    Supersoldiers link: make tarik, khawarijs, mukhtars, and namurrs mixed linkable.

    Drop janns and give hortlaks another profile option with perhaps a special mid range weapon and give them haris options with fasid and maybe wildcard for elsewhere.

    Besides that, just please fix zhayedans. Hell, just swap automed for regen, at least it comes with shock immunity.

    Also whats everyones thoughts on hakims now?
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    I don't really have a stake in this convo, but sometimes rules are included for thematic reasons, and not necessarily to make a unit significantly better. Bioimmunity is meant to reflect Big T being a genetically engineered super-soldier. With all the other advantages he's gotten, I don't think he needs a boost to survivability too.

    I'm not a Ramah expert, but I do wish there were more options for the Hortlak Janissaries. I really like the look and feel of the unit, but just in experimental listbuilding, I couldn't find a role for them that felt strong.
  7. ldgif

    ldgif Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I feel like just buffing Zhayedan in some way would go a long way in improving ARO/ Long range Capabilities. If Fatality L2 is allowed to be put into Cheap LI links, I don’t see why the Zhayedan Sniper with MML2 shouldn’t. They would see a lot more use if allowed into the Ghulam Core, even with their insane auto-medkit tax.
    Barrogh and Choofa like this.
  8. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    my roommate and regular opponent is a big Haqq player, we have discussed Ramah at length. (he is not a fan).

    some highlights from our convos:

    - like most people we agree mukhtars are probably the best thing in the sectorial and are really fun

    - He doesn't like Tariq and finds him boring along with the bog-standard core link of Ghulam, Kwarij and Tarik. I disagree but whatever. I think the core link is really strong.

    - Zhaeyadan not much to be said.

    - Hortlak's are really neat but theyre in a weird spot. right now they don't have the options or link teams to see any meaningful use, but my argument is that if you're able to stick that sniper in a Ghulam link then they'd be too good.

    - My roommate HATES how there is a severe lack of button pushers/ infiltrators. I'm in the camp that the Hakim fills that role nicely and imo is a very attractive option for the army. he disagrees.

    - He never wants to do remote spam, but coming from PanO, I love it.

    - Namurr is tough to use. I can see people loving or hating it. I like the Shikami so I like the Namurr.

    - Rafiq Red Fury is great. really great.
    Zelaponeepus, Golem2God and Xeurian like this.
  9. Ankaa

    Ankaa Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2018
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    Agreed. It's a shame such a cool unit only has a couple profiles and limited application beyond "make the Jann link cheaper".

    Mukhtar are excellent and I think are one of the main reasons to be playing the Sectorial as a Haris of them can be profoundly deadly gunfighters as well as capable button pushers. I also tend to just take them over Tarik however I will say this much.

    Tarik is really only worth his cost if you have him as your Lt. Once you start treating him as a two order model, now you're paying about 26 points per order and costs start to line up in a more sensical way and I think that's the key.
  10. ik3rian

    ik3rian Anti-Ariadnian Specialist

    Jan 19, 2018
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    I wouldnt call them bad, even tho i didnt had any luck with them, especially against Aleph. This sectorial brought good units like Mukhtar and Nahab, but if i would have to point my finger at something i dont like with RTF is a some sort of lack of flexibility when it comes to list building. No matter the scenario, i always end up with a very similar lists; Ghulam core with Khawarij Spitfire, Nahab KHD and Mukhtar Haris. They can get the job done, but even with the NWIs and such they are too fragile for my likes. Maggy is good, Janissaries are bland and expensive, and AlFasid struggles to find the purpose. Zhayebois are sadly pushed away when compared to other links, Tarik was never my fav, Carmen and Mostruckers are really good for what they costs imo. Tuareg and Hakims are solid, but i find them more valiable in vanilla - maybe i just like that tradeoff style of playing that i love in vanilla and HB, and the amazing link choices in QK. RTF lets me play with nice units, but not in the way i like.
    Zelaponeepus and Ariwch like this.
  11. Monster

    Monster Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I agree.

    Ramah has to little going on that is actually useful. And they feel very generic.
    Zelaponeepus, oldGregg and Golem2God like this.
  12. Arqw

    Arqw Member

    Sep 10, 2018
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    Extremely rarely write on forum, mostly read. But now I just can't keep quiet.
    I write quickly and with the help of an interpreter. Sorry, guys.

    Ramha came out frankly boring and monotonous. Sectorial as if he's forcing you to take certain units sheet. Designer link on ghulams gives to choose only between Mini-Tariq and Big-Boss-Tariq. That's all. Zhayedans not withstand the price competition, although quite fun in themselves.
    You can talk a lot about nahab and Muhtar, but these units look like a strengthening of vanilla, in the sector do not reveal themselves completely.

    I play for nomads (except Corregidor) and the full spectrum of haqqislam. And I will say the following: Tunguska, with his poor choice of the links is played much more interesting than my favorite haqqislam in the form of ramha.
    At the moment Bahram and QK look much more interesting, flexible and variable.
    I have a lot of hopes pinned on new sectorial, but they went to pieces. Well, keep playing vanilla, Bahram and QK.
  13. Kraken1130

    Kraken1130 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2018
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    Ramah does feel an awful lot like too much of a glass hammer - I've found when I go first, there are so many tools that pack a huge punch in Ramah that I can easily outmaneuver or overwhelm my opponent with our various breeds of super soldier. That said, our ARO presence is lacking and we don't have much in the way of visual mods to hide behind. One team I've found that works fairly well is:

    Ramah Taskforce

    HORTLAK Submachine Gun, Blitzen / Viral Pistol, Knife. (0 | 28)
    NAMURR Spitfire, E/Marat, D-Charges / Heavy Pistol, E/M CC Weapon, Knife. (1 | 44)
    JANISSARY Boarding Shotgun + 1 TinBot A (Deflector L1) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 32)
    JANISSARY Akbar Doctor (MediKit) AP Rifle + Light Shotgun / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 41)
    LEILA SHARIF Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Shock Marksman Rifle, D-Charges / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0 | 20)

    1.5 SWC | 165 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    The Namurr is the active turn assault piece, able to leverage full link bonuses and TI to stay pretty consistent in its performance. The Hortlak can be a useful short-range attacker and decent ARO platform with the Blitzen, though if you're worried about AROs the sniper might be better. Janissary Doc is a rugged specialist that can keep the Namurr healthy, and then you have a killer hacker with tinbot support built in.

    The goal with this team is to get it to the midfield quick, where its array of weapons can perform a bit better and make up for Ramah's lackluster ARO performance. The Namurr and Hortlak can more easily dare zones dominated by hackers (LI and Stealth respectively), and there is a plethora of specialists to complete missions once they're there. Plus just about everyone has some flavor of more than 1 wound.
    Zelaponeepus likes this.
  14. Fenrir

    Fenrir Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    I think this list is only for IL or for some particular mission as much.

    Would change the doctor for hmg and go with hakim/tuareg or ghulam for medic.
    oldGregg likes this.
  15. TriggerPuller9000

    TriggerPuller9000 Poverty Orde Wingate

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Ramah is OK from a power perspective- lots of units that hit hard in the active turn but drop like prom date panties on reactive. They generally lack midfield presence (outside of ~30+ pt units) and strong ARO presence. They can mitigate the first with speed...the second is helped by having a Flash Pulse network boosted by an EVO.

    Some of the proposed changes here seem very reasonable. I'd like a reason to take Zhayedans for example.
    Zelaponeepus and oldGregg like this.
  16. siri

    siri Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I agree with all those things.
    Now Ramah effectively has a chance to win by the use of fatality l2. Expensive and weak profiles 30~ , and a low defensive presence. So first turn if you don't begin, you have to hide, and hide only.
  17. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    What happened to the nearly giddy anticipation?
  18. Xeurian

    Xeurian Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    The profiles are almost all great! Ramah looks awesome on paper. They just don't seem to fit together very well for me when it really comes down to building the list and then when it comes time to move them around on the table.
    Barrogh, Zelaponeepus and oldGregg like this.
  19. ldgif

    ldgif Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I enjoy all of our Super-soldiers! I just feel like a lot of the other RTF units got left behind in the dust. Al Fasid, Jannisaries/Hortlaks, and Zhayedan seem to have gotten little love. If Zhayedan could count as Ghulam, and if both Jannisaries and Al Fasid got some sort of Haris I would be estatic. I genuinely don’t understand why neither of the them have a haris. If Krizas+Hollowmen can haris, I don’t see why Al Fasid couldn’t get a little love to make him hit B5.
    Barrogh, Zelaponeepus and theGricks like this.
  20. Kraken1130

    Kraken1130 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2018
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    I would love a 2 Hortlak + 1 regular Janissary Haris team. I'm a bit disappointed Hortlaks weren't given more profiles in general to fit with the light and rapid feel of RTF, but I also understand if we had a rifle, BS, SMG, sniper, and red fury/spitfire Hortlak profile and full link capability on them I don't think anyone would ever see standard Janissaries on the table... which speaks a lot to how meh "standard" HI are right now.
    Zelaponeepus likes this.
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