I've been awhile for a while. Are there any other "lies" told by Bostria/CB recently besides that 0-12 is released earlier than expected?
I am not the expert in this area, but it's been memed here quite a bit and people get salty on the internet. To reiterate, when I went back looking for the evidence of falsehoods, I didn't find much in the Q&A videos.
It's salt left over from Uprising. It's going to stick with this community quite some time, I'm afraid.
Don't call it falsehoods, but inaccuracy, exaggerations, mistakes or marketing. And it comes from before uprising. His "inaccuracy" come from even n1
It's not always seen his fault though, Briscards did have climbing plus when he made the video saying they had it, but it was changed last minute, likewise the Tiger Soldiers were originally slated for IA when Red Veil was released, but this changed by the time the sectorial came out. There's been noticeable improvement now they're doing their own videos, likely because they have the ability to go back and re-do bits. I think they said the Shasvaasti video for 3rdO was redone half a dozen times due to changes that occurred, which wasn't possible when they were doing videos with Beasts of War in Ireland. They also sent Belen to babysit him at Gen Con last year, so he could be sure what he was saying was accurate when responding to Q&As.
Yeah. Laughing at your consumers does not go over very well! That is also true. But it wasn't as ... egregious back then. Less over-the-top.
I can't believe so many people are arrogantly ignorant enough to KEEP SAYING that Bostria lied when it's LITERALLY A FACT that he did no such thing.
Bostria is human, and is doing his best. If you live an absolutely perfect life in work and home, then sure go ahead and raise hell. If not, maybe reflect on the criticism you're laying down and consider if its actually productive. There are people working very hard on the other end potentially reading your words. Its just a game people, lighten up.
And if you go see the comments on the youtube videos for wildfire, you see a fair bit of it there, too. If CB had been needlessly dishonest with us, I'd be first in line to call them out for it, simply b/c I think it would endanger a game I enjoy a great deal. But they _weren't_ dishonest (at least in this case) and if anything, it's a good lesson in group psychosis.
I think this matter is blown way out of proportion. He wanted to keep O-12 a surprise and he succeeded. C'mon, give the man some slack.
Bostria is a human, humans make mistakes. It happens. Plus consider he's not the only one working there and misunderstandings can happen. As well, is this truly a lie? Lie is a harsh word and usually means you do harm. O-12 releasing early does no harm, quite the contrary. The only "harm" is potentially to your wallet, and if this purchase is going to really hurt your income and ability to live due to lack of money, perhaps you should consider not buying it right away, even if you'll miss deals an an exclusive mini. Case point, relax, this is a hobby, not your life.
There was the time way back when he said Bao would make Pheasants worthwhile. Not sure whether you want to consider that a lie or him being bad at his own game. That's about the time I stopped believing anything that wasn't printed in the rules.
Well, I mean it gave you more of a reason to take pheasants. It’s actually bao that are probably the liability in that link these days. Pheasants have some uses now, limited but some. I feel The misunderstanding is people assume bostria is catering to the hardcore ITS crowd. Or that bostria’s priority is about the extra 5-10% optimisation a list could get if profiles were just more... optimised.
WHAT?!?!? You mean to say the game doesn’t exist to cater 100% to me personally? That CB will use their vision, experience, and judgement to try and create the best game they can to appeal to the widest audience they can? IMPOSSIBLE!
Again, I don't recall anyone being very bitter about Bostria's small errors prior to Uprising. Whatever minor things they might've got wrong this year would be nothing for nearly all forumites prior to Uprising (I can name one person, but I am not gonna) Hell, they were received as charming before.