Greetings fellow soon to be O-12 players. I am a huge fan of the models, but I am having difficulty coming up with how I want to paint them. Currently I'm leaning towards a modern day Police style, with Dark Navy and Black armor, with white lettering and accent lighting in yellow or orange. My other idea strictly for the Heavies is to paint them white and black, similar to Patlabor mechas and some modern day police cars. So, how are you planning to paint O-12? Any color choices just jumping off the models at you?
This is a very good question I've been thinking about myself. I really want to do something olive force inspired as well so I'm leaning towards black and navy blue. I'm also maybe going to draw inspiration form the police force in Deus Ex. They remind me heavily of O-12. So grey, black and blue. I've never done light grey before so maybe that.
I'm looking at: -Corvus Black(it's a 'warm' black with a hint of brown to it) for the armor plates. -Death Korps Green for the clothing/uniform/webbing. -'Tech' bits will be either a neon-green OR a more muted turquoise.
I would have gone with an increase in teal/turquoise over the studio scheme but that's too close to my PanO. Pink armies always look very striking on the field, and are very bubblegum cyberpunk, but alas my Cherry Blossom Storm JSA are pink. Light grey is an option, my Ariadna are blue-grey so different enough, but it's dull and blends in too much with a lot of terrain. I like my models to stand out when I'm playing them. I'm currently thinking light grey as a base/undersuit with a bright colour for helmets, shoulders, armour plates, etc. Maybe a nice deep green.
White/cream for the majority of the uniform. Bubblegum pink for the armour plates. Teal (almost pastel, maybe highlighted all the way to white) for the "hex" sections. It's gonna be glorious! (oh, and gold weaponry)
I'd love to see 0-12 painted as a UN peacekeeping force. Not sure how to proceed as Ariadna-USAriadna seems more indicated, miniature-wise.
I'm going to try really hard to do digital urban camo on them. They should be coming out slowly enough that I have time...right?
Ah, the topic I was about to make has already been made! I dislike the Prussian Blue/Gold. I already have a light grey “winter camo” PanO force. My ForCo is dark grey armor and khaki fabric underneath. So most of the classic good looking options are out. White armor is always striking but also miserable to paint. I may give it a try on the starter box and see how it goes. What color to do fabrics and pouches to complement the white? A warm brown?
O-12 are more of a rapid deployment/urban force so brown doesn't really fit IMO, I think a light blue or blue-grey would work nicely, unless you want something really striking like a pink, orange, or teal. Ivory armour is a good alternative to white that's less of a nightmare to paint.
Could anyone with photoshop skills see what the Shas would look like with navy blue and gold and what O-12 would look like with black and red? I have a feeling that O-12 would look *very* sinister in black.
Anything looks sinister in black and red. In fact, I think the Kappa painted in black and red could perfectly pass as Securitate,
Specifically all those straight lines and angles would look interesting in a darker color scheme I think.
Some color scheme samples...the white is sexy af. If I decide to buy 0-12 I'll prolly go for a light / off white color scheme
I decide to paint them as trauma team, since my painting skills quite low, ans this scheme looks nice.
Black on the cloth/underarmor parts, dark blue for armor plates, white for lettering/highlights and red and blue accents mimicking emergency lights