One thing to not dismiss is camouflage, even from official sources. I for one like how this Guijia was mocked up for example. Anyways, for my own contribution, I'll see if I can get a photo of my Purple OOP Invincible that I use to proxy various profiles. I painted it when I was still transitioning from JSA to vanilla YJ and wasn't too sure if I make my own color scheme. Edit: Took a photo of my purple Invincible.
well, since photocbucket went down, then picload followed purple Yu Jing are not on the interwebs anymore. Time to revive them!! these are the first 3, from...ages ago...but you get the idea of the scheme. Purple and shadow grey armour and greyish guns, both with white details, dark green for clothes and dark brown for other details.
I've just done a color change on my IA. I had the white shown in the middle, but was never satisfied with how it looked. I'm now doing a Jade Green with grey. Some Gold will be in there too.
Also liking the red Mine is a bit different. Next model to paint is the Hsien also in this colour scheme. Any suggestion on how to paint the cloak? Thinking about going red with a white stripe. Alternatively dark pink with gold maybe?
No, not dark pink, it will clash hideously against the red of the armor. You could do the red of the armor but with some softer highlights (like ivory instead of bright white), but I think I'd go dark for the cloak, with gold (or NMM gold) trim.
I thought I’d also share my “retro” Invincible. The White Tigers of the West (Dahshat) with Bounty Hunters.
Here is my Invincible Army colour scheme. Its very slow to paint but I figure its only 10 models or so....