List Pairing for tournament

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by T. Rex Pushups, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. T. Rex Pushups

    T. Rex Pushups Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Round 1: Hunting party
    Round 2: Acquisition
    Round 3: Frontline
    Round 4: Firefight

    The two lists I want to run:
    [​IMG] Szalamadra Limited insertion

    [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife. ()
    [​IMG] ALGUACIL Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] ZERO Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 21)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] MOBILE BRIGADA Lieutenant MULTI Rifle + Light Flamethrower / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 39)
    [​IMG] INTRUDER HMG, Grenades / Pistol, CCW. (1.5 | 42)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker (Hacking Device Plus) Boarding Shotgun, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 26)
    [​IMG] TOMCAT Doctor (MediKit) Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 22)

    4.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    [​IMG] Nomadcare

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]10 [​IMG]1
    [​IMG] HELLCAT HMG, E/Mauler / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 31)
    [​IMG] SPEKTR (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 32)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)
    [​IMG] ZERO Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 21)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Adhesive Launcher, Panzerfaust / Pistol, DA CCW. (0.5 | 13)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] INTRUDER (X-Visor) MULTI Sniper Rifle / Pistol, CCW. (1.5 | 43)
    [​IMG] KRAKOT RENEGADE 2 Submachine Guns, Chest Mine / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 17)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]6
    [​IMG] ALGUACIL Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] ALGUACIL Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] ALGUACIL Lieutenant Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 10)
    [​IMG] DAKTARI Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] TOMCAT Engineer Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 22)
    [​IMG] HELLCAT Combi Rifle, Adhesive Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 23)

    5.5 SWC | 298 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    I'm pretty satisfied with the Limited Insertion list. I just need to get more practice games in with it.

    The second list is something I would appreciate people taking a look at.I know that the LT will not be hidden in hunting party but I am hoping I can get his LT glued with greater ease than he can.
  2. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Just try it and tell us how it worked. You have a game plan and should try it.

    My ideas:

    - Maybe switch the Alguacial for a second Jaguar in your first list to have more smoke backup.
    - What is the purpose of your Mobile Brigada in this list? Would go for an Interventor KHD and a Zero with deployable tepeater or even Moran to make use of your Interventor HD+. With a Moran you get Zone Control as well as a FO.
    - If I would play against your list and have the first turn I would go for an alpha strike in CC against your Szalamandra. A Moran with repeater and Koalas can protect you a bit as well as a TR drone.

    [​IMG] Szalamadra Limited insertion

    [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife. ()
    [​IMG] MORAN (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] INTRUDER HMG, Grenades / Pistol, CCW. (1.5 | 42)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker (Killer Device Plus UPGRADE: Lightning) Boarding Shotgun, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 20)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker Lieutenant (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 27)
    [​IMG] DAKTARI Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
    [​IMG] CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)

    6 SWC | 297 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
  3. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    The second list is a bit tricky to me. I never had a clue how to build a perfect list for Hunting Party.

    I like some FOs and hackers for a targeted state and throw speculative E/M grenades with my Moira on +3 (+/- range).

    Another good tactic are Bandits, Lunokhods and AD troopers like Hellcats and Tomcats. Everything else is too static to me.
  4. Ieldin Soecr

    Ieldin Soecr Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Also for Hunting Party think about using Prowler and Intruder with their ADHL Profiles as they have two Shots with them.
    DukeofEarl and reaper1714 like this.
  5. reaper1714

    reaper1714 Annoying genocidal machine

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I was going to suggest that. The Spektr can be dropped in prowler's favour, who can be mistaken by a mine if a zero is revealed at 20cm :)

    I also don't understand the KH zero, you wanted a cheap specialist? Or are you expecting to play against hackers? If it's the 1st I would choose a not-that-much-situational specialist.
    Plus, switching the Spektr for a prowler you can make it Operative for 0.5 SWC and have more points to spend elsewhere...
    #5 reaper1714, Feb 13, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
  6. reaper1714

    reaper1714 Annoying genocidal machine

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's the list I used during the Hunting Party in the Wotan campaign, hope it helps and brings some ideas.

    (Sorry, previous version was in Spanish)

    [​IMG] Glue'em!

    [​IMG]8 [​IMG]2 [​IMG]1
    [​IMG] PROWLER (Specialist Operative) Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower, Adhesive Launcher / Pistol, CCW. (0.5 | 33)
    [​IMG] PROWLER Spitfire, D-Charges / Pistol, CCW. (2 | 36)
    [​IMG] INTRUDER Lieutenant Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower, Grenades / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 35)
    [​IMG] GECKO Mk12, Chain-colt, Blitzen / . (0.5 | 54)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] GECKO PILOT 2 Assault Pistols, Knife. (0)
    [​IMG] GECKO Mk12, Chain-colt, Blitzen / . (0.5 | 54)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] GECKO PILOT 2 Assault Pistols, Knife. (0)
    [​IMG] TOMCAT Engineer Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower, D-Charges + 1 Zondcat / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 26)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] ZONDCAT Electric Pulse. (4)
    [​IMG] MORLOCK Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 6)
    [​IMG] INTRUDER HMG, Grenades / Pistol, CCW. (1.5 | 42)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] WARCOR (Sixth Sense L1) Flash Pulse / Stun Pistol, Knife. (0 | 3)

    5 SWC | 299 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
  7. Rubberpiggy

    Rubberpiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Hellcat adhl is awesome in hunting party. Being elite, he gets two of them.
    T. Rex Pushups and reaper1714 like this.
  8. T. Rex Pushups

    T. Rex Pushups Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    The purpose of the Mobile Brigada in the first list is two fold:
    Additional armor and multi weaponry for the opponent to have to deal with on top of the Szalamandra. By being the LT he can be a real hero in turn 3 when orders have become scarce. In earlier turns he can help clear pesky skirmishers & AD troops on my side of the table.

    Second he is much more resilient to speculative fire and can’t be killed by a killer hacker. He is 39 point of toughness that can easily help secure a region in frontline.
  9. T. Rex Pushups

    T. Rex Pushups Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    What specifically would you use for that melee alpha strike?

    I was hoping that the minelayer would be discouraging of behavior like that.

    The only reason I don’t have morans right now is I am waiting for a rescuplt
  10. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    A resculpt won't come that fast I guess. They are doing Bakunin now. Then maybe Tunguska. And I like the old Morans.

    Mines are ok but can be easily avoided.

    Alpha Strike could be as Nomad with Morlock, Bran or better the Überfallkommando.
  11. T. Rex Pushups

    T. Rex Pushups Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    The furries are the ones that scare me the most out of those. and even then mostly because the Chimera has eclipse grenades and their dodge is so damned high the mine won't do much.

    The others are stuck with regular smoke so if I am smart with intruder placement I can make it much more annoying. Plus I can make the mine impossible to avoid by sticking it right next to the Szalamandra.
  12. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Just played Hunting Party with two Hellcat ADHL and an EVO I was pretty satisfied by them.
    reaper1714 and Rubberpiggy like this.
  13. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    These were just examples from me as a Nomads player.

    The Chimera dodges not as good as the Pupniks, so the player should be smart enough to let the Pupniks advance in front of the Chimera. But apart from that, the Überfallkommando is the strongest CC unit in the game. Other armies have such things as well like the Tohaa Kerail Perceptors who are even better to handle since they are regular.

    Smoke is still critical to you even with an Intruder. If the Intruder isn't in the midfield with optimal range and suppressive fire he is almost dead since he is a bad ARO piece with one shot. If you don't place him prone and I have the first turn, I will just turn a strong 3-4 burst unit against him until he is dead and then advance with my Morlocks. And with the Überfallkommando I will just run straight towards your TAG.

    Sure, this is a worst case scenario, but something to consider. I experienced such CC tactics two times in tournaments, one by myself with a Morlock E/M CCW versus a Squalo and one time some Perceptors versus my Szalamandra.
    T. Rex Pushups and reaper1714 like this.
  14. T. Rex Pushups

    T. Rex Pushups Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    If I don't mind giving up all of my forward deploy specialists I could drop the killer hacker zero and Alguacil to get a Reaktion Zond & transductor zond.

    [​IMG] Szalamadra Limited insertion

    [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife. ()
    [​IMG] ZERO (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] MOBILE BRIGADA Lieutenant MULTI Rifle + Light Flamethrower / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 39)
    [​IMG] INTRUDER HMG, Grenades / Pistol, CCW. (1.5 | 42)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker (Hacking Device Plus) Boarding Shotgun, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 26)
    [​IMG] TOMCAT Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower, D.E.P. / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)
    [​IMG] TRANSDUCTOR ZOND Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)

    6 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    But I think I might get some more games in with the current list first.
  15. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Like your list, but I tink the Mobile Brigada is a bit of wasted potential. You have the Szally and the Intruder now for the damage and the Tomcat for AD versus Tohaa, for example.

    I will try the list below the next weekend.

    Morans, Zero and TR drones will protect me from massive alpha strikes.

    The Chimera can make an alpha strike itself. The TR drones can be a backup damage dealer if my Szally dies to some Crits. ;)

    The Hacker duo is able to have massive impact with the repeater coverage. The Clockmaker is able to use his Zondbots to easily repair both drones and the Szally.

    Only thing I miss a bit is a Doctor, maybe I drop the Chimera for it and to get this 10th regular order but I am going to try this first.

    [​IMG] Szalamadra Limited insertion

    [​IMG]9 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]1
    [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife. ()
    [​IMG] MORAN (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
    [​IMG] MORAN (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
    [​IMG] CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker (Killer Device Plus UPGRADE: Lightning) Boarding Shotgun, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 20)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker Lieutenant (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 25)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] CHIMERA Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Eclipse Grenades / Viral CCW. (0 | 20)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] x3 PUPNIK DA CCW. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)

    6 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    [​IMG] Szalamadra Limited insertion

    [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife. ()
    [​IMG] MORAN (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
    [​IMG] MORAN (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
    [​IMG] CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] DAKTARI Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker (Killer Device Plus UPGRADE: Lightning) Boarding Shotgun, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 20)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker Lieutenant (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 27)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)

    6 SWC | 296 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    #15 HarlequinOfDeath, Feb 15, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  16. Rubberpiggy

    Rubberpiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2018
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    I like that list a lot. I tend to have issues with the uberfall in limited insertion, since it likes to gonzo and it rather often comes down to burning a regular order or losing the chimera. I’d probably run a lunokhod with a hvy flamethrower instead, to have something that handles odd and some additional dz coverage.
    T. Rex Pushups and reaper1714 like this.
  17. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    @Rubberpiggy I like your idea. Would be a 3rd option:

    [​IMG] Szalamadra Limited insertion

    [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife. ()
    [​IMG] MORAN (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
    [​IMG] MORAN (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
    [​IMG] CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker (Killer Device Plus UPGRADE: Lightning) Boarding Shotgun, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 20)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker Lieutenant (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 25)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)
    [​IMG] LUNOKHOD Heavy Shotgun, Heavy Flamethrower, D-Charges, CrazyKoalas (2) / Electric Pulse. (0 | 25)

    6 SWC | 299 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    T. Rex Pushups and reaper1714 like this.
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