Best bang for the points in Shasvastii

Discussion in 'Combined Army' started by Space Ranger, Jul 10, 2019.

  1. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I’ve been looking at what are the best shooters for the points in Shasvastii. Not counting Sheskin or Sphinx. Because, obviously.

    I’ve broken it up by BS skill and points just to try to make it a bit easier.

    Short to Medium Range

    This is a tough one for me. It’s between the Nox and Q-Drone with Plasma. I think the Q-Drone wins out because of Mimetisim and being upgradeable. Plasma is also always good. But then I like the Q-Drone HMG too much!

    Well there’s certainly plenty to choose from! So I’m breaking it down by points.

    I’ve always liked the Shrouded BSG. It’s already in a great range and gets surprise shot. If positioned well he can wreak mayhem on link teams. Now we have an extra bonus for just .5SWC and +3 points, he comes with a Dazer and Minelayer!

    Runner up is the Caliban SMG & Pulsar. Everyone already likes SMG but then you add Pulsar to it and Surprise Shot what’s not to like? Oh and Specialists! Oh and can eat unconscious figs to gain wounds!

    If it’s all about gun fighting, I’d say the Speculo BSG. Great ability to get right up to the front door of the enemy Deployment and get the +6 range.

    Surprisingly Victor Messer with Multi-Rifle looks pretty good. He’s got Nanoscreen, but can do Cybermask to gain Surprise shot as well as defense, then also White Noise. But the Mulit-Rifle also gives hims some great flexibility for what he’s shooting at. Then add on that he can be in any link team.

    Medium to Long Range

    Q-Drone, HMG is the winner here because we can 2 of them and only 1 SWC! Also a bargain at 26pts. IT can also be modified by a hacker, Mimitisim alone is worth it.

    The Nox are great but I think you just get so much more from the Q-Drone. Yes I know the link makes a difference but i’m not sure it beats out the advantages of the Q-Drone.

    Under 29pts.

    For some reason I keep coming back to the Haiduk with AP Marksman rifle. Marksmanship makes it AP+Shock, MSV2 and 22pts, 0 SWC. Those things alone are pretty good! But then adding Sapper when you need it and you have a pretty good gunman! They need to do that with Bao troops in YJ! The sniper is pretty good but I'm thinking I like the MR just for being cheap and I like rolling more dice.

    I really like the Notifier Spitfire. He can get into position relatively well because of the need to discover first, then surprise shot, it’s also the lowest cost for 30pts. I know guys swear by the Missile one but I have horrible rolling! I need more than one shot. Then there’s the Dogged. Really good when you need it.

    The very close runner up for me is the Caliban Spitfire. It already starts in +3 range, surprise shot, camo, etc. The reason he’s not my first pick is because I like him for the Specialist too much.

    I actually think Hasht beats out Gwailo. He’s cheaper pts. and SWC. He can join a core of Nox to give him +3 BS.

    I think I’m going to try out more Haiduk with AP Marksman. He’s cheap points and SWC, He’s good even without Sapper. Cheap enough that I can also afford other good shooters.

    I’m also going to try a core team of Nox+Messer+Hasht.

    Here's a list I might try out next.
    Shasvastii Expeditionary Force

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]10
    NOX Combi Rifle + Light Grenade Launcher (Normal and Nimbus plus) / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 17)
    NOX Hacker (EI Hacking Device) Submachine Gun, Zapper / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 17)
    NOX Combi Rifle, Zapper / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
    CORAX HASHT Spitfire / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 34)
    VICTOR MESSER (Hacking Device Plus) MULTI Rifle, 2 Nanopulser, Cybermine, D-Charges / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 34)
    HAIDUK AP Marksman Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 22)
    Q-DRONE HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
    Q-DRONE Plasma Rifle / Electric Pulse. (1 | 25)
    MENTOR Lieutenant Boarding Shotgun / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 22)
    CALIBAN Engineer Submachine Gun, Pulzar, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife, CC Weapon. (0 | 28)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]2 [​IMG]2 [​IMG]2
    SHROUDED (Minelayer) Boarding Shotgun, Dazer / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24)
    SHROUDED Hacker (EI Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 27)
    TAIGHA Chain-colt / AP + Shock CCW. (0 | 5)
    TAIGHA Chain-colt / AP + Shock CCW. (0 | 5)

    5.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    Dedled likes this.
  2. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    Keen to hear back about the list, it looks neat.

    On the BS12 front I think you need to consider Jayth. They're hard to get into range, but once there they can dominate like nothing else.
  3. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I'll certainly try it. I always try something on the board. I've found many things that don't seem good on paper but excel when you actually use them. Right now I don't like the frenzy part. Although you can just cancel Impetuous order if you need to he no longer has cover. I also don't want to tie him to a Duo just to stop Frenzy.
  4. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    As far as Hasht vs the Gwailo is concerned, I've yet to take the HMG or AP Spitfire Gwailo, so see them as very different options. Also, given the rise in the number of MSC troops over the last couple of years, Albedo can be very powerful.
  5. Bohrdog

    Bohrdog Santathematics

    Nov 26, 2017
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    If you do the Jayth pit patrol are they still R/IR or just regular order? Does G:sync change them like being in a fire team?
  6. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Good question, I think they would stay Regular Frenzy. They are not a link team. The Taiga is an extension of the Jayth.
    Bohrdog likes this.
  7. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    The Taigha is effectively a bit of equipment or a weapon as far as Orders are concerned. It's only the Jayth that matters, and they will be Regular Frenzy as normal.
    Bohrdog likes this.
  8. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Which means the Taiga can actually get cover until Frenzy kicks in. And even then you can cancel the Impetuous if you need to because it's not Extreme.
    ijw likes this.
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