While Koni has significantly more credibility than Bostria, I'm even more inclined to believe him give there is an Aleph MSR (or possibly a MMMR) in the video that isn't in that list (might be the sapper I suppose...).
Mmm... Kinda meh seeing the artwork. The homogeneization of the armies keeps marching in; I'll wait for the minis, but the big Shasvastii and the O-12 troops could work for almost any army with a different color scheme
It's kind of sad Tohaa was removed to make space for another human fraction but it gives my wallet more time to recover. Cover art looks great and all presented units look promising. I'm not a fan of the legs armour plates on that O-12 S5(?) unit. I guess CB wanted to try something different but if you remove fancy light effects, I find it more medieval looking rather than super fancy high tech cutting edge technology type of armour.
I can't help but imagine Koni and Bostria having fun doing their litlle sketch on the kitchen table for the video. Cant' waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit !!!!!
No, that PSI makes reference to the greek letter PSI . Notice the trend here: PSI unit, Zheta unit, … There're no psykers in Infinity.
I mean, if you look at the other factions.... JSA has traditional outfits with extra high tech bits. PanO has litteral knights in shining armor. Haqqislam has trenchcoats everywhere! Having a bit of a medieval look for the O-12 HI would fit the idea that they are the special guys to save us.
Hmmm...hopefully the miniature reveal will be better. The artwork was a bit of a letdown for me. On the plus side, some good Aleph and PanO proxies. On the minus side, so generic and non-special looking. Crossing my fingers for great posing and all the unique stuff being hidden for later. So far nothing new to see here for me.
Exactly this! That blocky armor design doesn't seem fitting for what's supposed to be the highest elite tech force of Human Sphere. That along the choice of colors: Gold and Blue, and the glowing teal areas, I can't help but getting a strong feeling from Warmachine's Cygnar faction design. Even the big armored dude could pass as a Warjack! The art really puts me off, let's hope the miniatures help to change my mind. On the other had those Shasvastii look amazing.
That armour plating will make a lot more sense if we find out that S5 is ARM 9, BTS 9, with 3 structure, TI and NWI.