Which Lt profiles do you use ?

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by M0rk4, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. M0rk4

    M0rk4 Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Hello guys,

    Everything is in the title :)

    I use almost always a naffatun as a Lt and i would like to change but before buying new minis I'd like to explore the most commons options.

    One of the thing I dislike the most is not using the lt order (almost always the case with pompom profiles).
    I think using named characters as Lt but I am a affraid that makes the coc profile mandatory.
    How frequently do you use Coc ?
    #1 M0rk4, Jun 16, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2019
  2. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Is this in the context of "vanilla" play? Or are you also anticipating sectorials?
    Errhile likes this.
  3. CabalTrainee

    CabalTrainee Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Any rambo Lt is also great (*cough* Tarik *cough*) in combination with the chain of command farzan.
    Xeurian likes this.
  4. Gabarra

    Gabarra Active Member

    Dec 26, 2017
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    I started playing with QK, so quite often I have a Hafza as lieutenant, projecting as something inconspicuous, Boarding shotgun odalisque being a favorite. The Hafza also pretends to be Saladin when I bring the real one as lieutenant.

    Another option I like is the Barid. Hacking on a lieutenant order is sweet and not overly common (although it does cost an extra 0.5swc). I tend to think the Forward Observer could be overlooked as not many LT would have that option, but never tried it myself.

    Still the humble ghulam is a great choice. Cheap, WIP 14 is above average, and the light shotgun is a decent defense if you tuck him away.
    HotFreshTofu and xagroth like this.
  5. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    As my group plays different pts format (150-200-250-300-350-400) I tend to use different Lts in the lower pts games and different in the bigger.
    My favourite LT is Saladin, hiding between few Hafzas and sometimes supported by CoC. You use his LT order, he combos great with Fidays, definitely the best pure LT in Haqq.
    Tarik is also great - yeat totally different. Aggressive, especially in his RTF profile with LT2. The best hunting DataTracker in Haqq, Can "borrow" his orders to NCOs. And definitely needs some CoC support.
    In lower points battles my favourites are Naffatun. Since N3 they got the option to be LT and now in Haqq they are my typical bosses. They made Hafza LT (my earlier typical low points boss) a rare option. Definitely great units to hide between few same profiles.
    Sometimes I also used Ghulam.

    The rest are rather rarely used.

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    Gabarra and HotFreshTofu like this.
  6. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I'm dipping my toe into Haqq at the moment and my current go-to is a Barid. There are enough linked MSV snipers in my local area that I feel like any list I write should have at least a nominal plan for them, and right now that plan is a Shihab with supporware, an engineer, and to keep shooting 'til its dead. The Barid gets me part of that package for free, so is pretty useful.
  7. HotFreshTofu

    HotFreshTofu Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Go big with Tarik or Saladin, or continue what you’re doing with Naffatuns or Ghulam. I think those are the 4 best options.

    If you wanna try something unorthodox , maybe the Muyib with LGL? Then you can spend the order on shooting smokes.

    There really aren’t many other options available .

    Edit: oh yeah, and like already mentioned the Barid is a good option if you need a hacker
    theGricks likes this.
  8. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    As a "Acontecimento" player I never did use of Kirpal CoC in 3ed-ERA, because he is too expensive and needs to be on the table when your Lt goes down, thing he don't most of the time. When I play Hassasin, where I could do good use of the Farzan CoC I don't, maybe because I'am use to it from the Aco-experience. No matters, if you still have the four Command Tokens you can, in most scenarios, smooth the Lt loss. Of course isn't the same when you can place the Lt in a full Fireteam or if your Lt is one of yours best active pieces. If you want to play an active Lt, then you should align some CoC, if not you could considerer other choices if you reserve the Command Tokens. Loss of Lt is hard, but except a few factions as IE or Haquisslam (Vainilla or Hassasim) is not ease to achieve and not a primary target if itsn't itself because the scenary rules.
  9. M0rk4

    M0rk4 Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    I play only Vanilla for now but I am planning to go for a secto also.

    Thank for your answers guys. That confirm what I was thinking.

    I will definitely try Saladin.

    The thing I do not manage to do with naffatun is not being to cautious. I always end up to deploy the Lt one hide prone on a roof and others covering flanks. In that case it is easy to guess who is who ;)

    No one talked about the kum chief, have you ever been successful with that one ?
  10. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I answered the question about CoC, but I forget totally about the Lt choice. In most of my games the Lt is the Muyib Light Granade Launcher, or, if I feel myself "brave enought" the Govad Fusil+lsg

    Yes, in Vainilla the best Lt is Saladino + Farzan CoC. Saladino makes Fiday better in Vainilla than Hassasin Bharam XD

    For some scenarios, like Looting and Sabotage, or Congelation, where you need someone capable of destroy the "heaters" or "the PAC", Kasym Beg can be a good option, but the non Lt profile works still better because is cheaper and expendable.

    In Vainilla, other options as other said before, the Naffatum flamethrower is a good choice. Tarik (+CoC) is of course other good choice, because you have some extra order to make much damage as you can before he died in a terrible and painfull way XD
    theGricks and KedzioR_vo like this.
  11. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Not every time, mind. Have you considered using a Hafza disguised as a Naffatun who is prone on a rooftop? A Hafza who may be carting around a Heavy Rocket Launcher or a Spitfire? (being a lieutenant is optional). Someone who is calculating on a rifle and flamethrower may expose themselves at a bit longer range in error.

    I've never tried him. Most of the locals around me would realize instantly he was the lieutenant when he showed up as a Regular order.
  12. Gabarra

    Gabarra Active Member

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Not as my LT, but I used Kasym a couple of times. He is a missile, given him a target and a couple of orders and they are gone. Both of them.
    At 16 points being able to take out targets significantly more expensive, I’d he’s a good missile. Holding him in reserve, I was once able to exploit a flank taking out an intruder and kusanagi before going down.

    Now as a lieutenant I’m not convinced he is worth the 10 point bump, even with the regular order and extra swc. Also chain of command becomes mandatory. But maybe I’m just being myopic here.
    Urobros and theGricks like this.
  13. Myomer

    Myomer Tyrannosaur in an F-14

    Apr 25, 2017
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    In a normal ITS mission I almost always take a rifle+LSG hafza, but a pair of LFT naffatun also work well. On hafza: if you want a more active LT you can take the spitfire. I did for a long time, but eventually realized I almost never used him as an attack piece—even in turn three, and defensively I liked having the shotgun.

    If playing limited insertion, Saladin and a farzan are my most common choice, although Tarik (also with farzan) works great and still gives you a useful 11th order. These combos work in regular missions too, but they thin out my bench more than I like.

    Ghulam don’t see much play as lieutenants in vanilla, but are very common candidates in Hassassin or QK.

    As for the Barid hacker, I used to take him as my LT frequently, but he is often target number one no matter what faction you go against. He almost makes toooo good a use of that LT order, he’s worth killing anyways, and without the usual Haqq shotgun he’s an easier target than almost anything else in the backfield. Hope that’s helpful!

    TL;DR: Go go rifle hafza!
    oldGregg, Gabarra and theGricks like this.
  14. M0rk4

    M0rk4 Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Thanks that's helpful :)

    How do you disguise hafzas ? Naffatuns, gulahms, odalisques ?
  15. Myomer

    Myomer Tyrannosaur in an F-14

    Apr 25, 2017
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    It can really vary. Sometimes I’ll pair it with something cheap and non-Lieutenant-y, like a naffatun with HFT; no one wants to mess with those guys. Something that would be threatening on the active turn and that people wouldn’t want to mess with makes sense prone on a building a la Lasiq or Djanbazan.

    Basically, something people would rather avoid than deal with head on. Just watch your SWC cost if you’re going to conceal a hafza as something that would be part of your allowance.
  16. Maverick

    Maverick Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    I have in the past holo'd a Hafza Lt. as a Janissary HMG prone in a high tower.
    My opponent never went near it - and spent several orders end of round 1/2 making sure his troops wouldn't be shot when the 'HMG' stood up.
    I had a Spitfire Ragik off board so the SWC didn't seem unusual.
    Capo.Paint, Gabarra and Myomer like this.
  17. Sojourne

    Sojourne Irregular

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Naffatun LTs all the way. Always good to hide among the cheerleaders. 1 in each quarter slice of the deployment zone.
  18. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    My favorites have been:

    Tarik (Bouncy shooty bouncy shooty)
    Saladin (Its Saladin....)
    LFT Naffatun (Its a flamethrower....come at me Impersonators)
    Ghulam Rifle+LSG (My Global Campaign character)
    Spitfire Khawarij (Use this guy if I want to squeeze a few more orders, diet Tarik)
    oldGregg and Urobros like this.
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