Cheap TAG in vanilla, how do you use them ?

Discussion in 'Combined Army' started by Arkhos94, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. Arkhos94

    Arkhos94 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I'm thinking of moving to vanilla CA next season and I spent some time looking at the different profile

    TAG is an important factor in my choice of CA and I find the Xeodron and Overdron very interesting.

    Xeodron looks like an oversized resilient HI.

    On the other side, Overdron looks very interesting : all loadout looks nice and albedo is a very cool toy

    So, do you use these TAG and how ?

    Rambo Xeodron ? Defensive road block Overdron ? Aggresive overdron HMC... ?
  2. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    *Remembers he was writing a CA TAG usage and tactica article*

    I use the Defensive overdron HRL to cover my Raicho, It generally works extremely well as a slower artillery piece to cover the assault TAG and Albedo keeps the majority of nasty ARO troops with their heads down. Camo also doesn't enjoy the fire templates and is a good deterrant. The list lacks subtlety but is A) hilarious B) takes a refreshing half a brick in a sock approach to missions C) few people expect a gun TAG and a main battle/assault TAG

    I'll admit I don't find that much of a role for a Xeodron outside of Onyx and would much rather take a Rodok HMG. but the dirt cheap SWC has potential, unfortunately even with it's phys the Xeodron can't dodge which is a big advantage HI have* or the rodok or samaritan spitfire you took for superjump nonsense instead, that capability and the capability to duck is something to bear in mind on a TAG that's going to be moving up and doesn't have the speed to pull back before your reactive turn.

    I have all three varients of the Overdron, it's a solid TAG:
    The HMC works very well and the suppression fire is a good counter to it's crap performance within 16" but I find it loses out now after the resurgence of the Raicho.
    The Plasmacannons are probably the most destructive TAG firepower option in the game and the template splash is situationally superb you just need to keep it back, give it a good line of fire and give it a decent babysitter. Absolutely excels if you can outrange other TAGS and it tends to win rooftop sniper battle by virtue of being a TAG that a lot of snipers can't actually see.
    Goodness gracious great balls of fire is the budget choice but it's got versatility.

    *PHY 14+ Suryats now!
    DaRedOne and Erbent like this.
  3. Erbent

    Erbent Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I've used both Xeo- and Over- drones a bit in vanilla CA, their main problem is the usual BS13 pricey model with no to hit mods where you pay quite a lot of points but don't get a great effectiveness at ftf rolls, so I wouldn't use either of those as a main attack unit.

    Their main point is trading off good dodges, ability to go prone and various other skills of our S5-6 HI for a very high durability of STR3 + G:remote presence while still packing a punch and bringing some unique weapons to the table.

    For Overdron I prefer dual plasma-sniper for ability to outrange some aro threats and active turn impact templates, it is usually much easier to hit multiple models with plasma teardrop template cpmpared to HRL's circular one, it also works nicely in tandem with anathematics, where by deploying those two on separate flanks you can set up a situation when by counter-deploying against one of the potential plasma-templates your opponent gives you the opening for another one. Also plasma is a bit more reliable in getting wounds through. Dual heavy rocket launcher is still a good pick, being comparatively cheap, and thus more suitable for 2 combat groups lists. With HRMC I haven't got much of a good results, 5 dice and being able to use suppressive fire is cool and all, but at this point Overdron would cost you almost as much as a Charontid HMG, which is s better pick in my opinion.

    With Xeodrone I played less, and with super-jump no longer being able to pull off a trick with shooting in a top back arc of a trooper while being in front of it might be not as good, but Xeo is still quite a mobile unit and can shoot at some prone models on roofs which is good. I'd go with a red fury most of the time if you have swc for it, though if your meta includes a lo t of HI and TAGs you might be interrested ina K1 loadout. Also remember that Xeo too has 3 STR with G:RP and can suck up some active turn shots of most units, so it can also be an aro piece with its blitzen.

    general advice of keeping them from CC specialists and always setting up to be able to go in total cover on a guts roll is applicable to both Over and Xeo drones, as durable as they are, they still go down if your opponent puts in the effort.

    To sum up - even though they are resilient and pack a punch, I wouldn't take them before some attack pieces like Q-drone or Sheskiin that are better at winning ftf rols vs typical aro threats.

    Edit - how could I forget that staldrones give you a nice WIP 13 specialist to grab objectives? well that only adds to the functionality of these TAGs on the table and gives you an option to have an attack run and get objectives while doing so.
  4. Arkhos94

    Arkhos94 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    It has been interesting reading the two post above.

    Does anyone else use Xeodron/Overdron in vanilla and want to share his experience ?
  5. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Xeodron I've used combed with some White Noise to hunt isolated MSV2 snipers, the Super Jump makes them veeeery mobile, and their size allows for 8' (20cm) of vertical menace, but certainly units like Tarik are more optimal to such strategies.

    That being said, they are good units for the missions demanding a TAG on the table.

    As for the Overdron, it can negate whole enemy units with MSV during the first turn thanks to the Albedo, no matter if you use the Plasma Sniper Rifle or the Heavy Rocket Launcher, just by being there.
  6. Cthulhu363

    Cthulhu363 May his passage cleanse the world.

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I've used an HRL Overdron in Avatar lists before. I use its Albedo to clear out any pesky MSV dudes before i send in the Avatar. It's worked very well. The Overdron usually dies first turn, but it almost always takes out the MSV units. Then my Avatar can rampage to its heart's desire.
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