To be honest the books are ok at best( I buy all of them so far didnt get the last preorder mini but that's on a shop that I would never use in the future), as for the preorder minis they are not worth 45-50$ you are better off picking up a tag or a new starter instead or even the manga. It is unfortunate but there is very little lore and new artwork in the books and any new rules that CB adds are available to download for free on the main page.
The reason to buy the books has always been the fluff and art, never the rules (with the exception of Campaign Paradiso, and even then it was only the Campaign rules that were hard-copy-only, the other new rules were available as a PDF).
I received my replacement copy last week (before going away for the weekend). Can't fault CB's replacement policy.
Hi for rules, with book I should grab. Infinity N3 or Human Sphere N3? And that new one Deadalus its cool for beginner, and playng with just one friend?
You don't need a book at all for the rules, they are all free for download on the Infinity homepage N3 are the basic rules HSN3 are further rules Deadalus Falls has at all fluff
I just like learning and use books. So I need two of them. Deadlus fall was thinking about campaign and spec ops. That sound cool. But Im not sure its good for novice. And just two players with limited models.
I'd say the best place to start is one of the two-player boxes. They contain 6 missions which grow the rules and uses the models in the boxes. Perfect if you can both agree on one side each of a box. Also I'd strongly consider printing
Thanx guys. I have operation box and soon will get beyond and more. We play some starter missions. He get hyped to :). So thats good. I told him to wait till gen con for his own minis.
If you want the rules in dead-tree format, you are going to need both Infinity core and Human Sphere, and Deadalus Falls later when you get to wanting to play a campaign. Plus printing out the FAQ, a few pages of New Rules from Uprising and 3rd Offensive, and finally a few pages of new rules from Daedalus Falls (which doesn't include the campaign rules!). Oh, and you're also going to at least need some pages from the Army List PDF and Daedalus Falls Units PDF that have the sectorial units and AVA on them (they're kinda scattered around, sadly, usually at the end of each Faction's part of the PDF). I strongly recommend using one of the online Army Builders, though. Makes life a lot simpler than back in the day when army lists were in the books or PDFs only. I don't have Daedalus Falls yet, I do have the N2-era Campaign Paradiso book though, and the N2 campaign needed at least 4 players. So you can probably skip buying DF for a little bit, until you get a couple more players. Can someone with DF confirm minimum-player count for us? I really hate giving people bad information.
Thanx for help. Make more sense now. Maybe its good time to learn new ways. So more coins into minis :).
Campaign is designed for at least 4 players, always in pairs. otherwise is quite boring, frankly (you can do those with 2 players, just rotate factions...) Specops is simple, but unbalanced. As for the actual campaign rules, it's quite.... meh. The rules are the same as in N2 (Campaign Paradiso book), changing the tables (last slot and two others), still an imbalanced as hell system that gets further broken the more you play and gaps open between players. As for the books, FAQ, etc... if you play somewhere with Internet connection and spare time, the Infintiy Wiki is a great resource, with the FAQs included on all pages relevant to them. Just remember the golden rule of rules check in Infinity: If you are not checking a rule in at least three different parts of the books, you are missing something and probably reaching a wrong conclussion.
After I'm read nearly the complete Fluff in the book, I'm really pleased. I haven't read any of the N2 Sources therefore I can't say how many article are recycled.
If you're talking about Infinity Core and HSN3, then pretty much all the fluff is recycled from N2 (as it should be, honestly!). Uprising and 3rd Offensive are all new. I'm not sure about Daedalus Falls (I don't have it). I'd expect that the fluff of the Paradiso Campaign was recycled, but the other stuff is new.
The fluff is so dry to me... Art and promo model is the thing that's worth it for me... I only wish there was some soul in the narrative.
Uprising recycled a lot from the old Dire Foes boxes, but the NA2 merc chapters were fully new, expanded, and in the case of StarCo with a lot of details to show how a merc company works (when doing it "by the book") 3rd Offensive looks like they decided it should be double the size, so rerran it to add "but..." to almost all paragraphs, aside from things for Varuna you should be able to find in the RPG PanO book. Daedalus' falls has the McMurrough first day as "no more dogface, you are now a dogwarrior 100% of the time" narrative, so some recycling seems to be included... Plus the Campaign system (copy/paste from Paradiso N2 with a few details changed) and the Paradiso Missions (adapted to N3 I think).