W tee Eff?!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic English' started by ShaeKonnit, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. leigen_zero

    leigen_zero Morat Pacifist

    Nov 24, 2017
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    That's some real out-of-the-box-thinking vengeance there
    Lothlanathorian likes this.
  2. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    To much work for me and if you get caught here you have to pay everything.
    I am going for the simple solution and glue some small glass balls into the valve hats and screw them back on.
    First the tires will lose the air over time so they wont know it happend at your site and with any luck they drive to replace their tires and invest some money.
  3. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Man, i don't wanna get on the wrong side of any of you guys :joy:
    chromedog likes this.
  4. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I work for a medium sized company doing desktop support, previously we were very spread out with offices on parts of the Ground, second, third, and fourth floor of our building (I used to joke that we should have just one desk on the first floor so we could claim the whole building). As such a good portion of my day was spent on the stairs or in the lift travelling to swear at printers or intimidate surly PCs into working.

    We managed to acquire the entirety of the second floor when another company moved out, and as a result we're consolidating everyone into just the second and third floor. Result! Everyone is closer together and less time wasted with stairs/lifts for me!

    But wait! There's no room for IT in the plans, so we're being moved to the fourth floor... of the building next door.

    Mothertruckers! :rage::rage::rage:
    Xeurian, xagroth and jherazob like this.
  5. sonicReducer

    sonicReducer Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Sounds like the London office of the company I work for. They were getting too big for the building so they rented another one round the corner, expecting to have another 2 floors or something when the occupants there moved out. Well, they stayed put so now instead of one consolidated building there's three. The main building is honestly gorgeous and the other 2 are probably also really nice (not actually been yet). The advantage for people in the smaller two is that they have permanent desks, a lot of people in the main building are expected to hot desk everyday to "increase colloboration" or "agility" or something stupid. My boss has to walk down the road for meetings all the time.

    They gave us nice new laptops though.

    Edit: Amusing anecdote from my induction years ago. HR lady asked head of facilities "how come HR doesn't have a nice kitchen or staff area?"
    His answer: "because you dont make any money"
    xagroth and jherazob like this.
  6. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Look at it as a chance to get some extra exercise!
    jherazob likes this.
  7. Del S

    Del S Tunguskaball

    Dec 11, 2017
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    BMWs and Audis seem to fall into a certain price range of middle-class, below Mercs and Porsches. A level where they feel smug when faced with "ordinary" people, but are in denial over the fact they're driving the Lynx/Axe body spray of German cars.
  8. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I like it!

    Though I would have had words with the man the first time he parked across my driveway, and the second time I would have had him towed.

    People get a polite request from me the first time.

    If they refuse, my answer is, "Well, that's your choice, but I don't think you're going to like the results."

    Dumbass tried to block me in once, the car in front of me was 4" from my front bumper, and he pulled in 4" from my back bumper.

    I asked him to leave me space to get out, politely. His answer was, "no thanks, I'm legally parked." (Officer Friendly recalibrated him on that. Might have been legally parked in California, but not in Idaho!)

    I told him, "OK, but you're not going to like the results."

    Police were called, and his car was moved.

    As an HR person, my response back is, "No, I keep idiot managers from costing the company hundreds of thousands of dollars for being stupid."
    Xeurian, xagroth, Pierzasty and 3 others like this.
  9. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I've had someone park me in (across my driveway so I couldn't get out).
    Fortunately for me, I'm friends with the smash-repair mechanic a couple of blocks away. I got him to tow the guy out of the driveway and 4m back to the corner so I could get out.
    Then I called the parking rangers who gave him a ticket for being in a "no stopping" zone (we're 1 house from the corner, which is a NSZ).

    He hasn't been back.

    Other cars, when they park across the driveway and see me backing out (because they are still in their car) MOVE very quickly. Apparently, nothing puts the fear of grud into a licenced driver here more than a "RED P" plate car reversing towards them (In my region, P1 drivers are "over-represented in road casualty statistics". Which just means it's majority 18-26 year olds who haven't discovered they aren't immortal yet.).
    Dragonstriker and jherazob like this.
  10. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    To be honest, my plan had been to drop my Jeep into 4Low, creep forward until my front bumper was touching the car in front of me, and push. I have a 4.0L inline 6 engine that makes ALL the torque, I can rip (small) trees out of the ground just off idle.

    But he got stupid enough that the police showed up, and then he got informed that blocking a car in like that counts as Car Theft in this state. :smiling_imp: I informed Officer Friendly that I would press charges if it ever happened again, and I didn't see that idjit ever again (he was the boyfriend of the person renting, I'm not even sure he was on the lease).
    chromedog likes this.
  11. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    You 'City Folk' and your parking drama. Me I face a different problem. I live in the country, just outside a medium sized city. What I get to deal with is pieces of shit too cheap to pay for trash disposal, that dump their trash on the side of the road. The brushes and limbs are unsightly and annoy me, but are not a huge deal because they will biodegrade, but the couches and refrigerators are particularly insulting. I don't know what it is, but in the last year, the trash dumpers have reached new levels of assholishness. They don't even dump their trash on the side of the road, they just leave it in the middle of the road! Creating a major potential hazard. I have 3 times had to move limbs out of the road, once four tires, and once a couch! nothing like getting out of the car on a snow-covered un-plowed dirt road, wearing office attire to drag a couch out of the middle of the road so I can drive to work. The worst part is there is no way of knowing who these assholes are, so no way to exact revenge/justice. There has always been some of this going on, but the last year it has been 5 times worse.
  12. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Have you considered game cameras? might be able to snag a license plate or two
    Balewolf likes this.
  13. leigen_zero

    leigen_zero Morat Pacifist

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @Pen-dragon This is how some UK farmers decided to deal with this problem:

    (Don't know of your geographic location, but just in case, that particularly unsavoury practice is called 'fly-tipping' in the UK)
    xagroth likes this.
  14. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I would if it always happened in the same place, but I have about 15 kilometers of different country roads I drive, depending on where I am going. The trash could be dumped anywhere on those routes. I can't afford to put up that many game cameras, not to mention getting permission from local land owners.

    That is awesome! I don't have a tractor, but I could totally see my neighbor doing that if he caught the people in the act.

    On a somewhat similar WTF note, a few days ago, I was driving around aimlessly, trying to get my 2-year old to take a much needed nap. I was in an area I had never been before, and decided to see where a particular road went. No purpose, just exploring. I started seeing a bunch of 'No trespassing' and 'Private Property' signs. You see those from time to time around these parts, but their were a lot of them, and gave a really unfriendly vibe. Then I see a crude plywood sign with large red letters saying 'DEAD END', with a deer skull nailed to the top. About then someone tried to call me on my phone, and the call dropped. Checked my phone, 'no service'. I turned the car around and 'noped' the heck out of there.
    chromedog, xagroth, tox and 1 other person like this.
  15. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I've took a trip abroad last few days with the entire family. Turned out we were staying in a pretty nice hotel, a part of a chain that operates 8 hotels at that city (and GOK how many elsewhere).

    Now, we're travelled lightly, so I took my Kindle e-book reader (and a rather old model) with me, hoping I could use it for Internet access*.
    Except it somehow couldn't get along with the hotel's wireless, so I asked my sister (she's the computer geek of the family) to give it a look.

    Hmm, she said. Tapped the screen a few times. Declared the protocol was incompatible - nothing she could help - but informed me that with one standard command she got to the settings page of the hotels' network. Everything there, laid in the open and unprotected. not even a password needed. It might be somewhat difficult to mess it up with my Kindle, but with her smartphone, she said she could get there and make an absolute havoc. Or, perhaps, actually put up a password and demand ransom from the hotel chain for granting them an access to their own network.
    But we decided it wasn't worth the trouble.

    In layman's terms, they were essentially having their master switchboard, with all the security settings and manuals of operation, out in the open, accessible to anyone who knew how such a switchboard loooks like... Yup, in year 2019...

    * not very fast, but for checking my mail or browsing a forum it used to do. I don't really need much more. Apart from it being an excellent replacement for a stack of deadtree books when travelling! In the end, I made it without net access through the entire trip, and read a few books instead.
  16. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Uhm... Words fail me. (Well, not the profanity, but even that starts to repeat and has an awful lot of f-bombs in it.)

    Sorry, going to have to share that with a few people. One guy I know actually works in the hotel industry, and was complaining that their web-based reservation system crashed hard a day or two ago. Could you PM me with the name of the chain?
  17. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Do you want to know more?
    I am with Section9 here. You get a warning in a normal voice, if that doesnt help i am willing to work that you will be called a Monster everywhere you go. In your clubs, from your co-workers and your children.

    Somehow i expected you to drive something like that. Some decomissened Humvee or something with tracks would be totally expected from me. :joy:
  18. Lothlanathorian

    Lothlanathorian Not a custom title

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Idiots parking like idiots. My favorite.

    My father was a framing carpenter and his company was doing a lot of work in DC near and around Dupont Circle before he stopped working (on disability and laid off). Down there, when there's construction, there's a lot of no parking areas in and around the construction zones. Some cabbie decided to park in one of the no parking zones while he went inside a deli to get lunch. My father informed him that he was not allowed to park there and that he needed to move. Fella decides no, they can wait for him to get done with lunch. My father informs him that either the cabbie will move his car, or it will be moved for him, likely into the middle of the street. Cabbie tells him to fuck off and goes into the deli. Comes running out a little while later as my father's truck is pulled up to his cab and there's another guy under it wrapped a heavy chain around it's axle. That car was getting moved.

    A friend of mine lives in Anchorage, AK near some hockey arena and, on game nights, people park all over the place, up and down her street, block driveways, and all manner of illegal parking. So she walks her pitbull on those nights, takes latex gloves, and rubs dog shit under the driver side door handle of every car blocking a driveway or otherwise illegally parked.

    Me, personally, I've never had to confront anyone, but I've gotten a few cars towed. I don't have the time to be a massive dick, but your car getting towed is a fine and you have to pay hook up fee and anything else that comes from whatever was necessary to move your dumb ass car. I'm cool with that being enough. So, had that been my Tesla, old boy would have got towed. I'd have switched the plug back and then sat in my car until the tow truck had removed his to make sure his dumbass didn't get to touch mine again.
  19. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    It was cheap, but fuel economy sucks. I would really like to replace it with something less gas-hungry for driving around town or long road trips.

    Hard to not like the Jeep Cherokee in the snow or out on the dirt roads, though.
  20. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's how I'm feeling about my Land Cruiser, the power, space, and ability to drive on dirt are great but my god does it drink petrol like nobody's business!

    We're currently saving for a new car, something smaller and more economical would be nice but sometimes being able to fit a massive amount of stuff, or 7 people, is really handy.

    I also never have to worry about snow where I live, which is nice!
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