Total Immunity - ARM/BTS roll choice

Discussion in '[Archived]: N3 Rules' started by Ginrei, Apr 25, 2019.

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  1. Ginrei

    Ginrei Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    But this will never happen unless i get support from others here. If they don't acknowledge my interpretation as valid, why is anyone going to consider changing the rule to ensure we all come to the intended conclusion?
  2. Ginrei

    Ginrei Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Mahtamori To make things crystal clear, while everyone else seems to be on board with assuming the second bullet applies only to the conditions put forth in the first bullet. I've assumed the second bullet applies to the situation put forth in the first bullet.

    For me the structure clearly reads (3+2)5=25 rather than trying to second guess what CB has done there and conclude it was 3(2+5)=21
  3. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    I'm aware that that is what you've done, I just disagree with that decision. It's not how I read the rule.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  4. Ginrei

    Ginrei Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So you disagree... fine. But are you also saying my interpretation isn't valid?
  5. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    "Valid" is a loaded word here.

    I think your interpretation is incorrect.

    I've already said that I think the rule could be written more clearly. It's certainly not an interpretation I would have ever come up with given that text, and I feel like your attempts to defend your interpretation have been more about talking down to others who disagree with you rather than being willing to meet them halfway and have an honest and open discussion. That doesn't affect the validity of your position, but does make it hard to continue maintaining my own half of an intellectually honest conversation on the topic.
  6. Ginrei

    Ginrei Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So to be clear, no you don't think it's valid? If your answer was yes, you couldn't have said i was incorrect. Why sit on the fence?

    If you think I'm talking down to others I suggest you take a long look at how these conversations have played out in the past then. How many posters here can you honestly say have discussed the validity of MY arguments? Not just their own. It's been a constant barrage of you all telling me I'm wrong and sticking to your own interpretations based on text. While I've based mine on structure AND text.

    Have you challenged my points anywhere other than to simply tell me how you think it's interpreted and played? I've challenged the interpretations and points brought up. You have not done the same. You just sat there and said you tihnk I'm incorrect without providing one ounce of evidence to support that statement. You've given your interpretation only, which is not anywhere near the same as disproving mine.

    This has been my experience on these forums, and I find it shameful. Maybe you all need a good scolding, which is why i speak harshly.
  7. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    My evidence is the same words you are using for your evidence. I fundamentally disagree with your interpretation. I understand how you could read it that way (so yes, I guess it's "valid"), but I disagree with it and therefore consider it incorrect.

    I'm fairly confident there have been a number of posts making a number of rational arguments about how and why we do not read english prose in the way you are suggesting.

    Just to play the game - here's how I read the first two bullets of Total Immunity:

    • When suffering a successful Attack—or being affected by any weapon or rule—that forces any ARM or BTS Rolls, the owner is immune to the special effects of the Special Ammunitions, treating them as Normal Ammunition.
    • In addition, players can choose between making an ARM Roll or BTS Roll, choosing the most advantageous for them.
    I read the second bullet point as adding an additional effect; whether or not the previous effect was applied is not relevant. Since it's "additional", it still has the same condition as the most recently stated condition.

    My fully expanded version would look like this:
    • When suffering a successful Attack—or being affected by any weapon or rule—that forces any ARM or BTS Rolls, the owner is immune to the special effects of the Special Ammunitions, treating them as Normal Ammunition.
    • When suffering a successful Attack—or being affected by any weapon or rule—that forces any ARM or BTS Rolls, players can choose between making an ARM Roll or BTS Roll, choosing the most advantageous for them.
    The one condition now has two effects, which are evaluated independently. As discussed in the Protheon thread, this also means that the second effect can apply to attacks that did not trigger the first one, such as with Normal ammo or ammo-less attacks such as Protheion.

    [Minor edits for clarity]
    #47 toadchild, Apr 25, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  8. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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  9. Wizardlizard

    Wizardlizard Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Ginrei - what bothers me, other than you standing there and refusing to ever say all of you may be right, is you don't even play the game. Why in the world are you keeping up with it and coming in the forum and just trolling. You are not part of the infinity community. Wait until 4th edition comes out and see if you like that better.
    I stopped playing 40k after 30ish years because 8th is just not good to me or fun. I do keep up with broad strokes but I would never go add comments or participate in any forum because I am not part of that community. Your comments across the forum are disruptive, lead to bad impressions from new players trying to learn and are enjoying a great game and you may be too demanding a player for table top gaming in general and infinity definitely.
    Even though logically and when I first read the faq I agreed with your vision of the rule, but that 2nd bullet is about as clear as it gets and with the point increase I feel like my initial reading was off and the community is agreeing with my 2nd impression so discussion over.
  10. ambisinister

    ambisinister Broken Zoetrope

    Mar 23, 2018
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    I've lost the thread. What is there even still to debate here? Can the TI RAW be read the way it seems the majority of people commenting here are reading it? Clearly it can be that's how they're interpreting it. Can the TI RAW be read the way @Ginrei is interpreting it? Clearly it can be because that's how @Ginrei is reading it. But we also know the RAI because @ijw told us what it is. When you combine all that, then isn't the most reasonable course to say "The TI rules are not written clearly because they are open to different conflicting interpretations. They need to be edited to match RAI."

    What is the merit debating the semantics of RAW if we know what RAI is? Yeah in a perfect world RAI and RAW will always be in complete alignment and that's what rules should strive for. Is a rule book where you need to double check RAI elsewhere because RAW is unclear well constructed? No, and I think most people here will agree on that. But the fact remains that we know the RAI and we know the RAW could be better and we all want the rules to be clearer, so what is everyone arguing about?
  11. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Okay, that sounds less like an argument and more like just ridiculous arrogance. It's pretty hard to take someone seriously when they say stuff like this.
  12. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @ambisinister Part of the issue is that Symbiomates making the bearer flat-out immune to nonlethal ammo is a very questionable design decision, so it tends to provoke more outrage from people who are paying attention.

    Depending on how much Flash Pulses are being used for ARO duty, it might represent an upgrade over SymbioMates in their earlier state, and Tohaa were already one of the most competitive factions in ITS, before the Spiral profiles and this change.
  13. ambisinister

    ambisinister Broken Zoetrope

    Mar 23, 2018
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    I'm on board with that scenario also being a bit of a clarity fiasco. I would like to point out, though, that this is the "can you choose to roll BTS against normal ammo" thread, not the "Does shooting a pokemon in the eye with a laser pointer cause it to faint" thread.
    Hachiman Taro and Wolf like this.
  14. Ginrei

    Ginrei Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm confused, if you think it's valid, that means I can play my way, and you can play yours, because both ways are valid. My way is then by definition, also correct. Now, you may feel it's incorrect from what CB intended, but that a different debate. One we don't have an answer to.

    In your words, What game are you playing here? I've already heard many reasons why others prefer your interpretation based on the text alone. I agree there is more than one way to improve it.
    REREAD THE THREAD and many others i post in if you need to. But I've already stated everyone's way of playing TI may be correct based on what CB intended. So it's your own fault if that bothers you, because it's not true.

    So what if i don't CURRENTLY play the game. Does that exclude me from having an opinion? Does that exlude me from wanting to help it recognize its flaws and improve?

    @psychoticstorm Moderate this trash please. Is this how you want these forums run? Is this how you want people treated? Is this the kind of community you want new players exposed to?
    I agree with you and that sounds reasonable. But if you've read through this thread, you'll notice no one has actually agreed my interpretation is valid... except maybe toadchild, that seems back and forth atm. So why will CB ever improve this rule if people like IJW are standing behind it as working well?

    We don't all know RAI either, we take IJWs word for it. He's not CB, I don't care how close he is to them, we accept it because we have no other choice.
    And it's hard to discuss anything seriously when every point I bring forth is dismissed in favor of popular opinion. Funny how you don't seem to have an issue with that.
  15. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, ditto for the "Karakuris are now ARM 6 without having to pay for it like other troopers" factor.
  16. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    It isn’t though. Every point you bring forth is something you claim is backed with evidence and structure etc. Except it isn’t. You have failed to demonstrate a counter argument to the simplest refutation of your entire premise; why do you exclude Normal Ammo when the literal RAW INCLUDES Normal Ammo in the TI description? Because this isn’t a case of RAW vs RAI, there’s no way to get around neither RAW nor RAI.

    Some might agree on some wording issues but not on anything that breaks RAW, again you’re merely arrogantly suggesting people who refute your point are doing it because they are mere simpletons who are dogpiling you. This isn’t the case.
  17. Ginrei

    Ginrei Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Then you've failed to understand what i've been saying in this thread.
  18. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    By "valid" I simply mean "an interpretation that is possible without intentionally violating the way things are written". You did not define your terms so I had to assume a definition.

    Sometimes a rule is not written 100% clearly, and as a result sometimes there is more than one way to read it. At that point I think it's important for a community to come together and figure out what it means. Sometimes we get official clarification, and sometimes we have a consensus, and sometimes we disagree.

    Can you play it how you want? Sure. In your own games of Infinity you're free to interpret any and all rules however you like, even if they expressly violate the rules stated by Corvus Belli.

    Can we have discussions on the rules forum about what we think was intended, and what we (collectively) think is the most likely, most sensible, etc. interpretation? Also yes.
  19. Ginrei

    Ginrei Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    We agree my interpretation of TI doesn't expressly violate the rules? Would you graciously accept this in a friendly game? In a tournament you have the option of a TO, which is your right to use. But these situations don't need to exist. They aren't fun for either side. Which is why I'd be so much happier if those with influence here could be more open minded. Instead of fighting tooth and nail to pretend these rule issues are fine or don't exist.
    Agreed, and if this is how these rules threads panned out most times, i'd be happy.

    But what do you think is happening in many threads, or this one in particular? I see the community consensus you've found crushing other opinions by weight of numbers, insults, and a general unwillingness to consider the other sides points. Not everyone of course, you've continued to engage with me despite the bumps we've had, and @Mahtamori seems to grasp the issues well. IJW however is about as rigid as they come.

    Popular opinion has taken a rather sickening approach in dealing with anyone who has a different opinion in this forum. I wish others could accept different interpretations when they are valid and not approach them with such hostility. Because I don't respond well to that behavior, as you have seen, I will retaliate, but I'm nearly always provoked first.

    Is anyone here going to defend someone when another member tells them they are not part of this community? I have to hope we're better than this, otherwise this community is well and truly lost. But i guess the preference here is to defend CB's poor RAW. @psychoticstorm
  20. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    I mean, I think you're misreading the text. I don't think you're intentionally misreading the text out of bad faith, which is the important distinction I was going for previously with the "correct/incorrect" vs. "valid/invalid".

    I'm a pretty easygoing person, so I wouldn't just refuse to play the game until you came around to my point of view or anything like that. But that's not a terribly high bar, and I would want to make sure we worked something out before playing another game where it would come up. The only thing worse than having someone unexpectedly flip a rule on you is knowing that a conflict exists and then just walking into it again unprepared.

    I strongly disagree with your characterization. There were a number of posts that clearly stated how they read the rule and why they did, and you blew them off because they did not format their arguments exactly how you wanted to receive them. You don't get to dictate the way people phrase their points.

    There are plenty of rules threads that have ended up with no resolved consensus because both sides have equal footing when it comes to how the rules are phrased. I don't think this is one of them. It's not strictly a popularity contest, but it would really help your case if anyone else were taking your position. Sometimes we have to apply the Gordian Knot style of conflict resolution, and if only one person holds belief A and everyone else holds belief B, it's pretty likely that A is wrong.
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