Holoprojector L2, What model do I deploy?

Discussion in '[Archived]: N3 Rules' started by KujakuDM, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. KujakuDM

    KujakuDM Vigilo Confido

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Holoecho stated that you use the actual model as one of the three things on the board. What information about the actual model is considered hidden?

    Can you pretend a kanren was another model under the holoecho or does the fact that the holoecho is a Kanren full open?

    Does holop L2 interact with L1 in any way as well?
  2. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    The Holoecho state (the L2 state) doesn't change what information about your trooper is hidden. Which of the three figures (whether you're using models or holoechoe markers, they're all treated as figures) is the real trooper is hidden information that you need to record.

    Unless you have L3, they don't interact at all and you have to choose between using L1 (to deploy as one possibly false trooper) or use L2 (and deploy the real trooper with two holoecho copies).
  3. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You can absolutely combine L1 and L2, L3 lets you combine Holo and ODD/mimetism as a special case for Patroclus
    • The effect of the Holoecho state can be combined with the effects of the Holoprojector L1 state.
    • This allows the player to replace the model with others from the same army possessing the same Silhouette value, and also to replace the Holoecho Markers with figures. However these must represent the same type of trooper as the model, possessing the same weapons and equipment, like the Holoecho Markers do. If it is not possible, then the player must place a Holoecho Marker beside that model to reflect its condition.
    If the player is using models instead of Holoecho Markers, then at the start of his Active Turn or if he activates the Holoecho state in his Active Turn, the player must place a Holoecho Marker next to one of the three models, but it is not compulsory that model be the real Holoprojector L2 bearer. By this way, his adversary can know he is facing a Holoprojector L2 trooper in order to be able to delay his AROs. The player can remove that Holoecho Marker at the end of his Active Turn.
    xagroth and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  4. KujakuDM

    KujakuDM Vigilo Confido

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I'm sorry but can someone give me an example of how it works like in a game? I'm having trouble understanding it.
  5. Arkhos94

    Arkhos94 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Let's imagine you play a list with an Hassassin Ayyar.

    You don't want your opponent to know you have one.

    When you deploy, you deploy him as 3 Ghulams (in coherency). You secretly write which one is the real one
    When you start your active turn, you put an Holoecho Marker next to one of the three models to show the group is one holoechoed trooper.

    It mean, if you don't start that your opponent won't know for sure if these 3 ghulam are truly 3 ghulam. He will only know if he hit them with something.
    Barrogh likes this.
  6. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Let's see,

    You can deploy a Kanren as three Celestial Guards using the three Celestial Guard models from the ISS starter. This is combining HP1 and HP2.

    The open information is that they are all Celestial Guard with Combi Rifles part of the same combat group as the Kanren would be. The Kanren profile is fully Private Information.

    During your active turn, you place a Holoecho Marker next to ONE of the three "Celestial Guard". The other two models remain merely Celestial Guard and indistinguishable from the two REAL Celestial Guard with Combi Rifles that are nearby.

    You do NOT need to hand over a list of Hacking Programs where the Kanren's Killer Hacking Device programs are visible. The fact that the "Celestial Guard" can be hacked is unknown to your opponent until you leave the Marker state or until your opponent manages to get a Hacker's Hacking Area to cover the hidden Kanren.
  7. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Let's say you are playing Haqquislam Generic, and your Lt is the trusty Saladin (change him with Sun Tze in ISS/YJ generic). He is a walking target, however, so you want to make it hard for the enemy to kill him.
    So you deploy, for example, an Ayyar (Holo2, regular) disguised as 3 Saladins (or a Kanren disguised as 3 Sun Tze). The public list you hand to your opponent will list 4 Saladins of the Lt profile (or 4 Sun Tze, same Lt profile), and it's his job to guess the real target... and 2 of those are just empty spaces with projected light (that will goo "poof!" as soon as anybody looks at them!), when you count your orders for your turn you have to place a marker on one of the false Saladins (or Sun Tze), and if you move the Ayyar (or Kanren) you have to move the three copies, so it's best to leave it as decoy until you consider it's time to strike.

    So let's say the enemy fires at one of the empty images, that image won't roll, and if the enemy hits it will disappear (if the enemy misses, laugh and tell him to try again XD).

    If the real troop rolls dices, however, the 2 echos will vanish. It doesn't matter if he's dodging, attacking, Reset, punching a button on a console... And of course, the user can do a Surprise Shot, since Holoeco 2 is a marker state.

    Remember that, since it is marker state, the enemies can delay ARO, and only HoloN3 (which is limted, atm, to Patroclus) can use things with Negative Feedback (ODD, Mimetism, Cybermask...) or link into a Fireteam.
  8. KujakuDM

    KujakuDM Vigilo Confido

    Dec 18, 2017
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    So at no point can a holowhatever deploy as three markers

    If they are deployed as three models and you activate the actual model do the other models become markers at that point?
  9. KujakuDM

    KujakuDM Vigilo Confido

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Also I can just shoot at any holoecho without worrying about discover rolls. But since they are markers I can delay aro against them?
  10. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If you deploy as just Holoecho (i.e. using only Holoprojector 2), then you are effectively 3 Markers. However, you use the original model (the Kanren) for one of them so that your opponent can know what the Markers represent more easily.

    Holoecho's Markers are never Models (not even the one representing the real Model), they are Markers that are treated like Models for a very specific set of circumstances (triggering Deployable Weapons, AROs, etc).
    Holoechoes are not like Camouflage Markers, and can be targeted by Attacks. Not being targetable by attacks is an effect of Camouflage Markers

    You can delay because the rules for Holoecho says you can delay. Delaying is not inherent to all Markers.

    It should be noted that there is no point what-so-ever to ever not use Holoprojector L1 as well as Holoprojector L2 at the same time - unless you're being blatantly and needlessly honest with your opponent. There is a tactical significance to using HP1 and HP2 to project as three models that just happen to be exactly the same as the HP trooper (e.g. Kanren KHD using HP to project as 3 Kanren KHD), if only to make your opponent doubt that it's actually a (Kanren KHD) and not a (Kanren AHD)
    Flipswitch and Barrogh like this.
  11. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Sometimes reality ensues and there is a reason - which is lack of models to use :weary:
    T. Rex Pushups likes this.
  12. Flipswitch

    Flipswitch Sepsitorised by Intent

    Nov 4, 2017
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    I use it so my Kamael don't end up covered in dust. :V
    T. Rex Pushups likes this.
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