Tohaa Feelings

Discussion in 'Tohaa' started by Duront, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. DustGod

    DustGod Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2018
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    I'm coming up with all kinda of tactics and uses... But I did not even think to run them with Chakra servants... Thank you so much for that
  2. borings

    borings Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2018
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    Coming from another faction, chaksa servants might take a bit to get used to. Unlike other helper bots, chaksa servants are not remotes, which means they have wounds instead of structure. Downside to them is shock weakness, and no double unconscious state. Upside is they cant be hacked, they can go prone, and they dodge on 14s (as opposed to the 7 most helperbots dodge on). Having them prone behind people you prolly wanna heal later like snipers and such has usually worked for me. Ive also had success with them just aro dodging across the field to do classifieds. No lie, i just had one stand in the middle in the open, and it just dodged its way across the field, as my opponenet hated spending shots on it. Sometimes they are good just as a distraction to befuddle yer enemy. Basically, best helper bots afaik
  3. DustGod

    DustGod Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2018
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    That actually sounds a lot better than the helper bot I mean who's going to pick a helper bot up...? Wasting your opponents orders is part of the Tactics I'm gonna try with them...
    Like "Dazer on the Dark side of the objective"
    Have fun stopping if you don't have multi-terrain...
    Lots of stuff does but how many are specialist?

    I just got my preorder in... Happy as hell
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  4. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    I'm really interested, whaz matchup do you mean. I'm willing to learn and perhaps finally to find a way to see the positive things in the new profiles.
  5. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Being able to reliably generate both saturation and low visibility zones produces firefights that make entrenched or active enemy links much less effective. Tohaa previously didn't really like engaging these high-watermark firepower pieces on anything like their own terms; now they can.

    For example:
    • A Dakini sniper with cyberdancer in core link being engaged by an active Gao-Rael spitfire in a stratuscloud is BS13, B1 against the Gao-Rael's BS12, B4.
    • A Tanko missile launcher in a core link being engaged by an active Draal marksman rifle in a stratuscloud inside 24" (which it will be, because FD2) is BS10, B1 against the Draal's BS13, B4.
    • A Zhuyong HMG in core link engaging a Nikoul sniper behind a stratuscloud is BS10, B4 if it's in a good range and BS4, B4 if it's not (and with sapper you often outrange HMGs if you deploy right).

    On top of that it's a specialist with D-Charges for classifieds, good stats, and either Dazers or mines, either of which is great depending on mission and matchup.

    On a personal note I especially like the defensive aspects. The interaction with the Nikoul has more than made up for any deficit our sapper sniper might suffered from the symbiomate change.
    Scactha, Abrilete, DustGod and 3 others like this.
  6. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    You forgot the unspeakable Kamau MSR in a core link. :grinning:

    And unfortunately I don't see for my playstyle the benefit of the stratocloud cause I didn't take those fights in the active turn due to Makaul and their Eclipse.

    But perhaps I will consider it for the future.
  7. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I've covered the Kamau to death elsewhere but it's good for that too. Not as strong a swing against non-MSV pieces but it's still a sharp uptick in our odds to win those fights.

    And broadly I agree, I tend to solve my Kamau problems other ways too, which is why I like the defensive applications more than the offensive ones. But both are good, and the Draal itself can go on an absolute tear with a couple of makauls and an adventure into the enemy DZ. Stratuscloud even partially duplicates the nimbus effective you'd otherwise get from a Sakiel.
    DustGod and Ben Kenobi like this.
  8. Erolag

    Erolag Member

    Feb 24, 2018
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    I played with Spiral Corps yesterday and my feelings now better.
    I really have fun with tricore draals when have 1st turn or even when I go 2nd! They are perfect pretty nice ❤️❤️❤️ Also I played with bombs but with mates they should be better because ignore flashes!
    Also Kriigel with smokes and 2 special triad with 2 chaksas and taagma (1 lt, 1 viral sniper) my opponent was published at my first turn!!!
  9. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    So haven't actually got to try the new units in vanilla Tohaa yet but these are my thoughts:

    New Mates: Much needed nerf to get our enemies to stop whining. I am curious how it will pan out in the long run and I will play a homeruled version as long as my opponent allows it, that the CoC Kaeltar has one mate and one bomb. If my opponents still whine about mates now I don't know...

    Chaksa Longarms:
    I see absolutely no reason to ever take them. I like Chaksas but these guys...bad BS, one wound no triad and expensive. The portable autocannon maybe to hunt some tags but just take the sukeul ml or sukeul k1...

    Draal Sabateurs:
    For me probably the most intresting new unit, probably will use the Dazer loadout the most because Dazer allows for some interesting stuff but with FD Lv2 the Minelayers are also useful and the AP Marksman Rifle is useful too. Him being a SO he can take the place of a specialist in the triad and brings a lot of utility. BS13 is nice, 2 wounds are also pretty sweet. And of course the Stratuscloud, filling it up in the first turn with a chaksa baggage gives you two turns of it, put him in a triad with a gao rael spitfire you can hunt quite a few aro pieces. I am looking forward to playing him.

    Greif Operators:
    Who the f are these guys? Tohaa? Human? Haven't seen their fluff only that they are available in a bunch of armys without being a merc...
    Its a decent unit in my opinion. Msv1 combined with mimetism and FD2 and a shock marksman rifle makes him a decent attack piece against camo spam ariadna but BS11 and one wound makes him ok. I think for the price its a decent loadout.
    His inferior Imp with 2 breaker pistols and a combi, is also quite nice being able to place him anywhere on the map makes for some interesting angles. 65% to place in enemy DZ is nice

    Kiiutan Imposters:
    2 wounds and 9 points more expensive than the imp loadout of the Greif. Pretty similar thoughts to Greif, BS 12 instead of 11 is nice. Many possibilities.

    Kriigel Agents:
    Pheroware Eraser and Mirrorball makes him already a pretty interesting unit. His Phero Booster is also interesting. But with only one wound I will probably use his Pheroware more than the booster, looking forward to try it out. having him in a triad with a sukeul k1 and a makaul running into a good spot to Erase some troops or trying to Target an enemy so that the sukeul has an easier time finishing it off.

    Reex Escorts:
    They are bad. I see absolutely no reason to take them. I am curious if they really don't even have the special Fireteam triad. If they have that in vanilla the k1 marksman rifle with marksmanship 1 could be amusing to try out but I rarely see one wound heavy armor units so even that is rather bad

    Taagma Schemers:
    He is nice. His holo1 allows for some fun mindgames and BS12 with Breaker Combi is not so bad especially in a triad, it also has a template weapon. His counterintelligence is not bad if we get first turn. For 16 points a nice unit that I will try out for sure.

    Kiel-Saan Covert Assault Unit:
    So he is big and expensive. And what do we get?
    A unit with 3 wounds, 6-2 movement some interesting weapon choices and a melee killer.
    He is not bad really but he gets outshined. If we need a melee killer 3 Makauls are cheaper and more effective. If we need good ranged damage on a tanky unit, Ectros HMG. But he combines both he has some interesting weapon for range and he is a great killer up close. So I want to try him out but I think a Lt profile for that sweet extra order would be really nice on him.

    So I think besides Chaksa Longarms and Reex Escorts every new unit is at least playable and we got quite a few new possibilities and skills. Nothing that really makes us stronger and with the mate nerf we are weaker overall. But it makes us more versatile and give us more options to mess with the enemy.
    These are my thoughts just at looking at them, sadly I only get to play one game per week so will need some time to actually try them.
    I haven't decided yet if I want to buy the Spiral Corps box because half of the troops in it will never or rarely see the table (3 reex and 1 draal will never see the table. The kiel will see it rarely and I got already 2 clipsos and a hatail)

    My conclusion is that I am pretty damn happy about all the new toys and even the mate change. I am looking forward to what CB has for us Tohaa in the future
    #49 ChoTimberwolf, Apr 1, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  10. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    They're tohaa in stolen uniforms pretending to by sygmaa troops (or in combined army, sygmaa in stolen uniforms pretending to be tohaa). Basically, the symgaa trihedron hasn't been occupied long enough for there to be much cultural or linguistic difference between them and regular tohaa, so there have been a bunch of really ugly military incidents that exploit that apart from equipment, humans can't really tell the difference between different tohaa.
    DukeofEarl, Abrilete, borings and 2 others like this.
  11. Peanuts

    Peanuts Active Member

    Mar 4, 2019
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    Always handy to get someone else's take on things. Agree with most of your observations Cho :) Definitely some fun to be had with these guys.

    That is some interesting fluff Rob... Why are they named after a german battle tho?
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  12. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Thank you Peanuts I just wanted to bring more positivity in this sub, we got a bunch of pretty intresting new toys and still it felt like we got way to much negativity here. I am getting more and more hyped for my game tomorrow and I am more and more inclined to actually boy the SC pack and try to sell the ones I don't use or something :)
  13. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Operation Greif ('Griffon') was a German operation in WW2 in which nazi soldiers used stolen German equipment and uniforms to masquerade as American soldiers to attack American-held bridges.
  14. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    They are not "named" themselves, its the O-12 designation about such troops.
    xagroth, nehemiah, Abrilete and 2 others like this.
  15. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Aha! I wondered about that (my information is second hand from people who got early preorders). That makes a lot of sense.
  16. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Thanks for clearing that up psychoticstorm
  17. andre61

    andre61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I'm right there with you, I was a big Tohaa fan but now I'm playing Pano, My feeling for Tohaa has left the room.
    MisterCram likes this.
  18. melkiach

    melkiach PheroBoosted

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I've been testing a lot this weekend and I'm quite happy / satisfied with the contributions of Spiral Corps to Tohaa, without mentioning the possibility of making new lists and using new tactics
    RobertShepherd and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  19. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    The change is interesting, because in practice for a majority of symbiot armor units, the mechanic and results are not going to be different in a majority of the cases, though now there is some risk to making a sprint out in the open. However, the changes to Total Immunity mean you will not have to worry about a critical piece, being taken out by a single critical hit from Monofiliment, Explosive, DA, Viral, or Fire Ammo.
    Another interesting aspect of the change is that cover is important to the survive-ability of the unit, which means your opponent, may spend more orders trying to get an angle on your unit from outside of cover. While this could lead to a better result for them, getting them spend more orders before even engaging a unit can leave them out of place for our following turn.

    Overall, I am happy with the new tools we have for Tohaa, and do not see the change to Symbiomates as a drastic change in Tohaa's combat ability.
    Peanuts and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  20. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I actually took a list without double Kaeltar CoC to a tournament, so I guess that's something.
    ev0k and borings like this.
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