Is it confirmed that McMurder has even more murder inside in form of new skill Berserk ? Also can you combine Berserk with Super Jump ?
That rather reads to me as Monster Truckers. You know, Monster Trucks? Or Monsters in Trucks, Doge Truckers? Still 'Murica as hell.
Campaign rules were previously locked into the book and not available for free. It seems likely that this is continuing with DF. Cube 2.0 and Journalist are really only used in Campaigns. For non campaign play SpecOps are pretty straight forward. Just pick a profile that your army can use and add options until you have hit the tournament or match allotment of XP.
I think you would get to Jump+Jump at best. That would be different than Superjump as you have to land between leaps. Assualt reads that you make a " Short Movement Skill Move". That is a specific skill and not "a short movement skill" so I think you are restricted to just standard Move
If it's all in a single Order/ARO sequence, the 'Mate applies to all of them. The first hit that causes an ARM/BTS roll takes out the 'Mate at the end of that Order. You don't get to choose when to use the 'Mate. Exactly, but in separate orders. Shoot it with a rifle in one order, then smite with ML or HRL in another order. Glue still works fine. What rule allows it?!?
Considering there’s no Ariadna army profiled in the upcoming book, I doubt it’s an oversight and is most likely intended.
The previous version of SpecOps rules were never free (as in, it was a part of the campaighn rules in the Paradiso book, and the full rules never were available for download as pdf, only as part of the book), so I guess you'd have to buy the new book to see the new rules.
Yes, the point is that 5 ARO of Flash Pulse for about 27pts means a very fair chance of forcing the Tohaa to roll BTS (due to lack of Burst, saturation, etc...), which triggers the 'mate activation (it is "mandatory" after all), thus being inmunne to the Flash Pulse effects (Total Inmunnity), and then losing the 'mate at the end of that order/ARO. Granted, it's much more likely there will be "real" AROs too, but it's quite hilarious... "wasting" a 'mate against a bunch of paparazzi XD Specops were, and are, free. Campaign were not, but frankly the rules amounted to "spend XP on the Specops or on the Army", and everyone wanted the Army, because of extra AVA, extra SWC, extra points, +1 structure (max. 3) to all troops with STR, autowin on initiative rolls, etc... Which bred "the more you win, the more you will win" loop, making it a bad idea (in my opinion, that is, which was one of the reasons I shared a more "Improvements as a Service" or IaaS campaign rules document :p)
Flash Pulse now has the Non-Lethal Trait. It will have zero effect on a trooper with a SymbioMate, because of Total Immunity.
Got to admit, the Spec-Ops changes were disappointing. Was kind of expecting more options to be available, instead of less in the case of Sectorial armies. Guess the SoF tournament extra will remain a rare novelty. Also sucks that the only new Spec-Ops available, Deva and Taagma, are head-and-shoulders above the bland stuff everyone else gets (except Muyibs). Was really hoping that options like Bolts or Zuyong would be appearing now that SpecOps is its own rule. Ah well, guess I'll go write my own rules. I don't have to worry about sales.
I assume that the Flash Pulse still triggers the Symbiomate mandatory expenditure? I mean, the Warcor impacts the 'mate carrying troop, the 'mate triggers, the troop is now inmunne to the effects of Flash Pulse, the ARO ends and the 'mate is lost. Hafza Sopecops... :p
There is a specific bullet point telling us when the 'Mate has been used up: The SymbioMate must be used when suffering a successful Attack or being affected by any weapon or rule that forces ARM or BTS Roll. The Flash Pulse hasn't forced an ARM/BTS Roll.
Soo.... then the Symbiomate has changed, and now it never "triggers", but instead is always active until there is an ARM/BTS roll? Because I see no other way for the Total Inmunity to work
The rule states: It can be discussed if this "will" is a form of "must", thus "counting as a roll". Spanish: That word in blue? It turns the bloded text into: "it will perform, obligatorily/mandatorily, an ARM/BTS roll with a value of 9, applying the Total Inmunity special skill". So, discrepancy found between spanish and english. Have a nice day.
It's obligatory in both cases - but Total Immunity means that Flash Pulse does not force an ARM or BTS Roll. For it to be optional in English would require "may" or "can".
Does it really? In order to have Total Immunity, as written, the SymbioMate must be used. Without using the SymbioMate, the trooper does not have Total Immunity.