So Draal can be linked in Triads. If it has stratuscloud active while it's moving around how does the effect interact with the other two members of the link? I would assume you trace movement for all units simultaneously to see if there are any gaps in coverage, but I just want to be sure since, as far as I'm aware, this is the first moving template we've had in the game.
Fair point, i wasn't thinking about N2 when i made my statement. I didn't play Bakunin in N2, so my memory could be incorrect, but i don't think pi-well could join links or be synced to zoe, and since coordinated orders didn't exist I don't believe there was any way for pi-well and another model to move simultaneously in the same order expenditure.
Coordinated orders did exist in N2, command tokens didn't. You could even do coordinated orders with impetuous orders. It was stupid. For the Stratuscloud template, I'd play it like any other template, as in have it affect all points it moved over during the order. You'll need clearly declare your intent when moving though so both players can easily determine where the stratuscloud area reaches.