Diversity is about more than just artificial virtual skintones. It's about making things with broader appeal outside of traditional audiences. Are you arguing that isn't linked to the explosion of casual gaming? For miniature games, I reckon there's more mileage in sculpting models that (perhaps) don't just conform to the usual (maybe slightly tired) tropes. Asking what aesthetics women like to see (or any other group, to be honest), and trying to respond is a much better way of going about it. Especially if you give opportunities away with it. Even the 'controversy' over the new Arslan sculpt was suggestive to me of that approach.
When I say “Diversity” I mean the SJW type of diversity. Ironically that involves entirely around either gender or race for those kinds of people. Also, what controversy if I may ask? I am not aware of a controversy regarding Arslan?
He looks perfect to me, too! But, when someone suggested that the aesthetic wasn't... let's say heteronormative, I think they might have been onto something. And, I approve of that. Just as I was intrigued by the cameo LGBT storyline in Uprising.
I think for me it's like, the really important part is the community. The statements you make in your designs do shape the community that plays the game, so in that sense, they're important. I don't see what's gained from keeping the heels, but I think that getting rid of them is 1) good and 2) a strong statement.
There's a pretty powerful essay by James Baldwin on the effect of representation in culture on the self. And, I subscribe to that view (succinctly, that if all you see reflected in popular culture are images of people not like yourself, that has deleterious effects). Likewise, there's plenty of robust work on the male gaze in popular culture. So, if you're seeing representations of women outside of that, or indeed men who appeal to women (Tom Hiddlestone's Loki, for instance), that isn't a bad thing!
It’s about as first world problem as anything gets, it gets in the way of the artists vision of how they make a model, because they now have to actively self-censur to cater to the need of an offended minority, as well as betraying the aesthetics. Such bravery. Much progressive.
Those combat hills are even not that visible when you are playing. I have a few female friends and a sister, they won't be interested in wargames and gaming in general, hills or not. Those women who are interested in this are usually ok with the current state. As for tiny backpacks and weapons, they are made smaller to harmonize with the miniature.
I think that the reason probably isn't just "girls don't like X" though. Why aren't they interested? Partly, socialisation. Partly I think it's because it's clearly a male dominated environment and one which can be unwelcoming to women and men who don't conform to traditional gender ideas.
I wouldn’t know about that because I haven’t read it but that has nothing to do with what I said. You said that diversity can mean more than skin colour, it also means casual gamers etc. I respond with, diversity translates to nothing but skin colour and gender to SJW’s You’re now talking about the “male gaze” and what have you. Sorry but I’m not following.
Yes, neckbeards who play with metal dolls are just oozing with that toxic masculinity which scares the wahmen away.
And partly because there are biological reasons for why men and women, on average, tend to be interested in different things.
Why most men are not interested in fashion? It`s clearly women dominated environment and one which can be unwelcoming to men who don't conform to traditional gender ideas. Why I would spend insane money on the clothes when I can buy "awesome brilliant miniaturez"? See the reverse. It is about enjoying the process
Representation in the media is exactly what you're talking about, dude! When I (as a non-straight guy) see only straight people in any tv show, film, comic, wargames fluff, whatever, then I don't see myself. Or anyone who looks like me. And that's where the crux of the problem is - if I don't see myself represented, then the subconscious message is that I'm not normal. And, maybe you can only really appreciate that if it applies to you in some way. So, the calls for increased diversity are a direct reaction to this problem! The "male gaze" is a term for the specific way that women are portrayed to be either attractive objects, plot drivers, or conquests in literature, film or (especially) comics and videogames. Again, it's not particularly controversial stuff, and once you start seeing it, it kind of gets in the way a bit. Like (for example) Gibson in the Neuromancer who can't talk about any female character for more than 5 minutes without mentioning her breasts...
Are most men not interested in fashion?!? I don't think that's true at all. Clothing and appearance are extremely important, especially to younger men, just like with women. Multiple cultural and counter-cultural identities are hugely based around clothing. Fashion is a big part of the lives of many men, as it is with many women. Not all in each case, but many. Toy soldiers are cool but most men aren't interested in toy soldiers, either. I'm pretty okay with saying that women in our society are less into wargaming, that's obviously true, but I don't think that's because women don't get the brain bit that wants to play Infinity. That's because we are socialised as men and women into gender roles. This... isn't really up for debate. It's a proven fact that most if not almost all of what we consider gender nature is socialised nature. In society we're trying to break that a lot these days, for good reason, and why not wargames too? Infinity could absolutely lead the industry in appealing to women, and it's not taking that opportunity. You'll note that recently GW has absolutely started to try to appeal to women, with more female representation, their kids introductory books having little girl characters as well as little boy characters etc. It's definitely a thing. It's going to keep happening and Infinity should jump in front of that wave IMO.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but homosexuality is not "normal" in the literal sense of the word. Heterosexuality is the norm, so you should expect things to be represented accordingly. Again, this is not to say that homosexuality is unnatural or invalid or anthying like that, I just can't see why you would expect there to be a homosexual character in every other movie, when the vast majority of people are not homosexual? I'm a 5.4 foot mediterannean dude, so I'm not exactly highly represented in popular media either, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the material anyway. I could see the problem if homosexuality were vilified in popular media, but that's just not the case nowadays.
If characters in Infinity were represented as being non-het to the ratio of actual society then each faction would have at least 1-2 non-het characters and none of them have any apart from Avicenna I guess?
No, I know what the male gaze is I’ve seen enough feminist videos to understand it, I’m saying that what you’re saying doesn’t follow. Also what media are you consuming? I see nothing but gay people everywhere these days.
I'm not going to take that the wrong way, don't worry! The argument isn't to make *every* character or *every* movie have someone gay in it, but rather to talk about the effects when there are literally no such characters. Can you see the difference?