In honour of international women's day, can we please stop making miniatures with battleheels and tiny backpacks? They look completely absurd, they make zero sense, and quite frankly they ruin the miniature. I'm currently assembling the Ariadna tankhunter with rifle, and I can't get over how goofy the battleheels and tiny backpack looks.
Could we please take real world discussions/themes away from our hobby. Btw I like them. And if you feel better, you even can call me a sexist. Edit: Sry, I'm tired about this discussion who returns every half a year
It returns for good reason. It looks goofy. Combat heels make literally no sense. Uxia McNeil knows what’s up.
I think it is a fair discussion. Female securitate are perfectly fine without heels. Go this way, please.
If a soldier with Combat heels is kicking ur a... I think many people would change their oppinion that Combat heels make definitely sens in such a situation
I would like to see less combat heels and hugely overdone boobplate. And also definitely less cheesecake crap like the tech-bee, which is awful. Having said that, representation of women in Infinity is very high compared to most wargames, and the women of Infinity are as cool and competent as the men. That's very nice to see, and it's awesome to see regular female sculpts coming out on a regular basis from CB. Games Workshop and such are well behind them on that front. Also people who don't like having the discussion are cordially invited to not comment on it, which is how every other thread in the forum works. It does come up as a topic on occasion, but it is quite important to a lot of us.
I feel like this discussion is best left to the off topic section. The difficulty is that everyone is already really entrenched in their position and wont give up any ground especially on a forum over the internet.
And yet cultural attitudes can and do change, we've seen that clearly over the years and to positive effect! So there is a value to having this discussion and also one to having it in an oft-trafficked section of the forum :)
We had a poll, where 60% of the participants where for them. If it wouldn't be a minority, who want them gone, the discussion would be fine, but it is. You want to push through your opinion over and o er again and that sucks. Edit: And please, could somebody move this thread into the right place in the Access guide to human sphere.
Just because a majority of people that took part in that one single extremely limited poll said they preferred them does not settle the argument and to suggest it does is quite ridiculous!
We made this discussion over and over again. No it doesn't, but you want to impose your will to each other. I don't know a single female infinity player I know who complained about the combat heels.
I am not sure if that is an argument pro combat heels or rather a strong one against them. How many female infinity players do you know? And what if that (most likely very small) number is at least to a small part those combat heels' fault?
Actually we're just having a friendly discussion. The only person attempting to imposing their will on anyone here is you, by saying what we can and can't talk about, and where, what we should and shouldn't believe, and telling us if we disagree then we are wrong because of your anecdotal experiences with people we've never met or talked to.
"In honour of International Women's day, can we please start making miniatures that adjust to the sole standard of feminity I deem correct and stop making miniatures that represent feminity in a way that I dislike?"
Other question, how many woman who play Infinity do all of you know who complain about it. Got me One. Now we come into the range of belief and suggested. Neither me nor you can prove his suggestion. Can only talk about woman who are nerdy in the same way I am (playing video games, RPG, board games) and they all are more interested in aesthetics then in realism. And that we have such a little count on female players is mostly the lack of interest in our hobby in general.
Two. None of the others ever expressed liking that part of the aesthetics. But that is beside the point. The point is: You would never know many women complaining about that. As you would never know many men complaining about the stupid rules of "Whack your own head with a hammer: the game ®" Most would never give that game a second look and thus never have reason to complain. But the hobby of Wyohwah:tg® will stay niche because of that. I have nerdy female friends as well. Many play RPGs and board games, like to paint (board game) minis, some found gaming clubs and have game collections surpassing mine. But none of them plays infinity. So the "lack of interest" seems very selective. Why don't we think about for a minute where that very specific lack of interest derives from. (And I don't state I had any definite answer to that.)
Maybe the reason why a lot of women are put off the game and hobby in general is the unwelcoming attitude of a lot of gamers towards women and their presentation in the games we play?