It's tough to say if NCA will get the MO rework (major revamp, new profiles, units added/removed, significant changes overall) or the Acon revamp (very few profile changes... Primarily changes in linkability, with new profiles added to existing units like the ORC or the Machinist.) I think it'll be closer to Acon. Primarily linkability changes, with perhaps some profile changes. There's plenty of room for creativity, especially with units like Aquila or Hexa, where there are a ton of newer rules that thematically belong on either of those two units. But really, I don't know if CB perceives there to be anything wrong. With the Aquila as an example, we as a community perceive that TO Camo is almost always a more desirable rule than MSV3. Both the Aquila and the Swiss perform a similar role and exist at a comparable price point, so they compete pretty heavily with one another for the same spot in a list. We tend to favor the Swiss, but that information is anecdotal. So any revamp for the Aquila is more likely to be motivate by sales performance, or perhaps ITS data metrics. Without having access to thosee, we can't say for certain if CB will agree that the Aquila needs help.
Black Friars are the intelligence/clandestine branch of the NeoVatican, their inclusion in NCA is likely due to their close ties to the Hexahedron.
Plus their role in sniffing out infiltrators (both on the table and off). Indeed, there's the fluff blurb about a Black Friar "Dog of the Lord" eliminating a Speculo on NeoTerra.
I said it much earlier in the thread but it's probably buried by now: I really wouldn't expect any reworks, points adjustments, added profiles, new units, or changes to current profiles. The best we can expect is an ASA or MRRF treatment. just some link options. I think MO was kind of the black sheep with these reworks, more of the odd man out than something to base future reworks off of. You have to keep in mind that whatever they do change rebounds in Vanilla as well, which makes a Swiss guard and Aquila rebalance much more unlikely because they feel perfectly fine in Vanilla. I think any new profiles they may have wanted to add they already did unfortunately.....
You wore out the horse with the Yadu and now the dead cow you're beating is no more, all I can offer you now is a dead goat.
I hope in some new Lt and a drop point for bolts Going slighlty offtopic.... someone use locust? which profile? how you use it? I really like it but he can't find a role in my lists
The Marksman rifle with Garuda and/or peacemaker is pretty good. Use the Locust Marksman to clear enemy defense, so you can get the Garuda or peacemaker into the enemy Deployment Zone. It's a good Turn 1 attack that most opponents don't encounter very often. They don't expect NCA to be so fast.
I love the Boarding Shotgun with Grenades. It's a great alpha strike piece. Link teams beware, because templates are coming in! Marksman Rifle is also fun if you want a mid-range attacker. Don't forget that MM Lvl1 Shock applies to your pistol as well for close range engagements. Most of my opponents have learned to fear the Locusts in my NCA lists.
Most of the time it's MMR and BSG profiles for me. I like the other two non AHD profiles but NCA doesn't need them as much as the two I mentioned first. They are great, really, but it asks you to build a part of your list with them. In fact, there are rarely solo carry units in NCA like Zulu Cobra or Kriza Borac can be. Aquila need defence, Swiss Guards need cheaper units to clear them the way that doesn't fit their rangeband (since you rarely play two and even then there is a role he could fill that you have to give to another troop), Bolts need long range heavy firepower, Fusiliers need heavy hitters and a TO to settle a double ARO gotcha, etc. Maybe the only one who can handle himself is the BF Albedo. Even Hexas need help because they don't shoot that good. But I would say that they are pretty good on their own. As for SG, I think that's because of the meta and the AROs your opponents use. SG aren't as worthy as an Aquila against CH AROs and mines. And he is garbage against Achille who happens to be the prefered unit of the best player of my country. Swiss is good when you have the order pool and the means to detect CH units without using him. Aquila is better suited for LI games where you count your orders and not that much tools or tables with Vis zones. I know a lot of you don't think that MSV3 is that valuable but struggling at discovering things is something I know pretty well and that's something I like to not have to suffer with Aquila. Mimetism might cost 1-3 points but MSV3 negates both TO (which is way more expensive) and Surprise shot and Attack. For a lot of things like those ones, I think Aquila might be good in Haris with Bolts or ORCs. The HMG needs some help while pushing forward in the sectorial. In Vanilla, you have a lot of things to do this that we don't in NCA.
I want the Aquila to get a Multi-Rifle Lt. option & obtain Strategos L2 to better match the unit's lore. Bolts get a Harris option & Axulia able to field different Auxbots besides the flamethower ones. This sounds like a great idea. Have the Aquila be able to join any fireteam in the sectorial. He certainly has the rank & power to accomplish that task.
I would like the Uhlan to get a spitfire/shorter weapon loadout so I can actually use that camo a bit more creatively. Well, some things are pretty obvious. Marker state is god mode in this game. MSV3 is little more than MSV2, not worth the (supposedly) huge price difference, let alone in a faction without smoke. This unit is overcosted, no two ways about it. Sales numbers are solid due to it having a cool model and people wanting some variety in their games, not because it's the best choice.
No, I wouldnt cry. Having 13-15 orders in the same combat group, with my IA is very fun and I dont think Lt. L2 or TA is faction defining for YJ, I think what defines our faction/sectorial more is the inherently designed Lt. L2 synergy with multiple NCO profiles, one of them being inside a link as well as cheap FTO support for the link (and my resoning for this is that neither FTO nor Lt. L2 costs anything for IA but costs points for all other armies). I don't really consider that the same as an Aquilla Guard having two extra Lt. orders because he comes from the best military academy. Besides I would much rather want to see exciting NCA lists with small groups of 12-14 elite models. Quite frankly, I'm bored of facing competitive NCA lists with nearly 20 orders, 3 flashpulses, 2 bulleteers and the token fusilier link, sprinkled with multiple Hexas. I'm not saying those kinds of lists are broken or anything, its just immensely boring at this point.
What I would love is a haris profile Bolt with Drop Bears and give Bolts Wildcard, much like how Kamau mix about with Varuna Bolts mix with everyone in NCA
That's because NeoVatican is literally on NeoTerra. I mean, the main unit is based on Papal Swiss Guard. One could argue that Swiss should be on loan to MO as well.