How Is Aristeia Promoted in your Area?

Discussion in 'News' started by rag1n, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. -V-

    -V- A! Team member
    CB Staff

    Jan 31, 2017
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    I wish Spanish market was so huge as USA one.
  2. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    At first I wasn't interested in Aristeia! but spoke about it with some folks during Interplanetario. Then I eventually bought it and I have to admit it's a very good game, with lots of depth, fun and tactics.
    I love it and soon made demos at my local club. For now we're three players (each of them bought the core game plus some extensions). They're very enthusiastic. I'm planning to convert some others to the game; my problem is that, with so few time to play, I have to choose playing Infinity or A! ...

    The lack of tournaments is another central problem, though. Many people prefer playing 40k than Infinity just because there is a dynamic community and tournaments each week. In my area, Infinity is maybe 4 tournaments a year (and that's a good year). When there is no A! tournament. That's sad and I'd like to improve the practice of these games. I began to do that with Infinity, and I wish I did the same with A! Time will tell!
  3. rag1n

    rag1n Well-Known Member
    Aristeia! Warcor

    Apr 26, 2018
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    Good to see this thread coming back to life and people sharing similar experiences.

    The scene in my area is even worse than when I started. Would like to see CB take more ownership of promoting this game
  4. jakata

    jakata Active Member

    Dec 23, 2017
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    Here in Spain, concretely in bcn, we have, at least one tournament per month.

    Also running a league every few months. A ten people tournament takes about 4 hours, you can end it by lunch time.

    Sorry to hear in USA you are having this problem, it's an easy and quick game, full of fun and strategy.

    Enviado desde mi Moto G (5) mediante Tapatalk
  5. Roadrunner7431

    Roadrunner7431 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    @jakata Please share with us the places in which you play. Here in the USA the places where tabletop games are played are games stores who make most of their profit from selling Magic Cards and Pokemon cards. The shelf space for miniatures is dominated by GW. I think that Aristeia would be ideal for a pub scene which is mostly lacking here in the States
    knlghth00d likes this.
  6. jakata

    jakata Active Member

    Dec 23, 2017
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    Actually normally is a store. But I have played even in a bar. You don't need that many space to play.

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    rag1n, Numazokola and Roadrunner7431 like this.
  7. rag1n

    rag1n Well-Known Member
    Aristeia! Warcor

    Apr 26, 2018
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    @jakata I'm Interested in what made people pick up the game to begin with. Did CB run demos or promotion tournaments?
  8. Marduck

    Marduck Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Well you would expect aristeia to be more popular in Spain just like Saga and Eden are more popular in France. But yeah a lot of stores here sell aristeia. Very few promote it.

    But that is also true for infinity in Paris. We usually organize tournaments in clubs or convention. Not stores.
  9. jakata

    jakata Active Member

    Dec 23, 2017
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    Mmmmm, not CB directly, but their warcors. Our warcor is not only a good guy, but one with a lot of enthusiasm.

    He is running Varuna Sharks, if you are interested. Is called @Vanther but not sure if this is his forum nick.

    Also Barcelona is 2nd biggest city in Spain, and always has been a lot of War gaming and tabletop community.

    Enviado desde mi Moto G (5) mediante Tapatalk
    knlghth00d and Vanther like this.
  10. rag1n

    rag1n Well-Known Member
    Aristeia! Warcor

    Apr 26, 2018
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    Good to know. Thanks. Might be relevant to become a WarCor after all
  11. dakara

    dakara Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2017
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    Promoted? In my group/groups we have events every year where it is possible to play like 14 hours nonstop and some are using this opportunity. tbh, since most people have to work long terms, they do rather play Infinity than Aristeia!, but sometimes they feel the inner demon and play a few times again, on myself I cannot do much than offering tables and a game partner in addition to demo games and days. But it is okay, people do play in privat spaces quite oftener than in the local store (less people, who annoy them with questions before buying other scummy games).
  12. knlghth00d

    knlghth00d KNlGHTH00D

    Feb 15, 2018
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    I started a Twitch channel live streaming games of Aristeia to help build interest. We also get out to local gaming spots and play and offer tom run demo's for people that are interested. Best thing I could suggest, talk to your mates, get them to try it, do it consistently ;)
    AdmiralJCJF, rag1n and Roadrunner7431 like this.
  13. Flipswitch

    Flipswitch Sepsitorised by Intent

    Nov 4, 2017
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    My group has a chat group and facebook group to coordinate games, so we coordinte there. Aristeia is played alt-thursdays by myself and the regulars - where as Infinity is weekly on the same day.
    Roadrunner7431 likes this.
  14. Spitfire

    Spitfire Member

    Feb 19, 2019
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    Well initially i bought in because i think for christmas or birthday last year the boss of my parttime job gave me voucher for our store, which is a tabletop store and i thought Infinity is great, so give it a shot and i really liked it.

    So i then decided to try and give it a shove and kick the horse untill it's no longer dead or getting alive for the first time.
    We didn't have terrible great growth, but every 2 month-ish we do a tournament with 6 people this far.

    Recently a warcor some 1.5h drive away so not our usual meta did an Aristeia Torunament as well and had a turnout of 8 people (biggest tournament in Germany so far sadly) but here's to hope it'll grow some.

    In addition to game nights and tournaments one player of our meta approached me with the idea of an Youtube channel and we're doing that as well, dedicated to solely Aristeia but in german, not because i'd be uncomfortable with english but anybody can do english content for A! but there is nothing for germans who don't like speaking english or are unable to.
    rag1n, jakata and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  15. rag1n

    rag1n Well-Known Member
    Aristeia! Warcor

    Apr 26, 2018
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    That's awesome that you do a YouTube channel. I have my own and I intend to do some game coverage (Which I havent' done yet)!

    The scene's still quite small here in Melbourne and it's going to be a challenge to try and pick it up. Now that I am a WarCor hopefully that'll help encourage some more organised events
  16. Spitfire

    Spitfire Member

    Feb 19, 2019
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    It's miniscule here in Cologne as well, but we're trying to grow.
    Just go for the growth no matter the status. I'm no Warcor, you can still give it your best to grow and in the end you're helping yourself because community=playable opponents ;)
    rag1n and Croepoek like this.
  • About Us

    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


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    Because we are, first and foremost, players.

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