Aleph Lore FAQs

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by Nemo No Name, Jul 11, 2018.

  1. DeepThought

    DeepThought Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    So essentially, if you define that as a god, then it's what is referred to as a minor god. So long as you don't capitalize the G, we're good, as you're talking about something akin to a teeny tiny chaotic god from Greek, Egyptian, Marvel, or D.C. lore.

    By that standard, your definition isn't invalid. That said, I doubt Corvus and Co. are going to play with omniscience if they know what's good for them. That would include knowledge and answers to the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything, and trying to tell people they know the truth about those things would just drive customers away.

    I guess that means I missed my opportunity to just type back "Puny god"
    #161 DeepThought, Feb 16, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
  2. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yup, a "puny god." Deliberately lowercase. But also immensely more powerful than a human, immensely more powerful than a human nation, more powerful than (today's) Roman Catholic Church.

    I'm nominally Christian, I only use Capital-God when I'm talking about the Judaeo-Christian Creator. Any and every other deity gets the lowercase-god.
    Golem2God and jherazob like this.
  3. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    When you assume this level of ignorance in your audience, make this level of unsupported assumption in your argument, and demand so much evidence from others without presenting the same, it's VERY hard to continue engaging in good faith.

    I hope that you now go and read the vast quantity of setting material for yourself, although I am increasingly unconvinced that this will do anything to shake the core delusions which form your worldview to the extent that you project them even onto the fiction which you consume.

    Please know that I am now blocking you, so further discussion will not be forthcoming.

    Good luck.
    Musterkrux, Pen-dragon, Alphz and 5 others like this.
  4. DeepThought

    DeepThought Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    You all speak of ignorance, and yet cannot find, or even manufacture a point to your claim.
    I came onto this site to have questions answered, and yet when I pose a question what do I get?

    "You have bad assumptions in your questions."

    Taking your word as truth (being new to the forum) I express that if this is so, then I find the material short-sighted and disappointing.

    The reply: You're offended I find it short-sighted, even though it was your very words were the basis for my conclusion.
    I therefore ask for a citation to show me why the book does as elegant a job as you claim it does. "If it's so great, maybe it's just your response that was lacking," I think to myself.

    The reply: No one gives any quotations from the book that are applicable or of value. They just jeer me and claim I'm living in a fantasy world.

    This repeats, and After enduring/ignoring verbal abuse from members who fail to show even a shadow of reasoning in their thinking, one AdmiralCJF finally puts forward a quote. One that in fact bolsters my original view, and I explain why.

    His reply: He wants to block me.

    This is not how any new member ought to be treated. I find AdmiralCJF, who claims to be some kind of ethics professor. Rather than speak frankly, he tries to smear my name in the forum. Much like one trying to stir up a mob, he appeals to feelings and nothing that actually has to do with the real world. For a man who is supposed to know about ethics, he certainly fails to practice what he preaches.
    Perhaps he can block me, but I'm quite viewable to others, and it seems a level of accountability must be established for people like these. That someone should exist who can point out that without citation of published material, they are spouting nothing but meaningless hearsay. After the conversation I've had so far, I'm beginning to think their authority is based on a frail, if not non-existent foundation.
    #164 DeepThought, Feb 17, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
  5. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    @DeepThought - what you seem to fail to grasp is that the way you've been communicating over the last several pages is generally perceived to be quite rude. You come in asking questions, but you're not apparently interested in hearing answers. When people tell you what the actual printed lore says, you disagree with them, and insist that they are foolish for thinking that. When people ask you to read the material and justify your positions, you just ignore them.
  6. DeepThought

    DeepThought Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    Are you daft? I haven't even made any positions on infinity in this thread!

    I have not called anyone foolish for quoting the thread. I've called them foolish for FAILING to quote it!

    I'm fine- thrilled in fact, with actual answers that are based on the text- but has one of these jokers that has provided that? NO! Not one instance of "in infinity book, the text on pg XX of book J says "XYZ". This would indicate A,B, and maybe even C to me". That is how you develop a point of view in a thread that is credible. This is so stupidly easy, that even a grade schooler could crack open a book and do it!
    As is, their logic is sketchy, and frankly, until they can cite a published work related to this, I'm not sure they really do know what they're talking about.
  7. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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  8. DeepThought

    DeepThought Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    I mean, let me put it this way: You would be suspicious of a man who claimed to be a plane mechanic but couldn't quote the Airframe Technician handbook, right?

    This is not that different. There is only 1 quote in this whole thread by them, and it didn't actually contradict any of the "assumptions" they refer to in my first questions, but in fact, SUPPORTED the premise of my questions. I'm not saying they don't know what the lore of Infinity or ALEPH is. What I am saying is their vague claims and failure to quote source material makes me suspect they might be either misinterpreting the material (which is essentially the accusation they made of me) or worse, just not be as informed as they think they are.
  9. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Ok, so that somewhat dismaying sideshow now being over, it's about time I broke down the contents of the ALEPH RPG faction book.

    The most interesting material is spread throughout the book, but any ALEPH player is going to want to spend a lot of time with Chapter 1. From the first couple of paragraphs, where we are introduced to the massive breadth of the duties ALEPH performs, directly, through routines it has written, or through its Aspects, to a development of the idea of ALEPH as a gestalt consciousness and the simple fact that we ultimately don't know how precisely this consciousness actually makes choices, it's clear that this is an amazing resource.

    We are introduced to the challenges of the 20th and 21st century, as well as the emerging problems presented by pervasive domotics, which led to the initial project Toth. It breaks down the international effort, and massive coordination between different groups. The integration of constraints, surveillance and ethics from the beginning of the project allowed the emergent Bureau Toth to install the new-born AI in the infrastructure created for it by O-12.

    The question of the immutability of the core architecture is examined, through a discussion of the origin of the AI in either the programming project, or the emergent properties of the complexity of the system of information created. It's noted that this is an unresolved issue, and while ALEPH is benevolent and interested in the betterment of humanity, the latter origin might not promise that will be true forever.

    The control over the AI, wielded by Bureau Toth, is discussed along with the fears of the general population which are allayed by that control. However it is made clear that Toth has access to everything that ALEPH does, and ALEPH does not have any way to know what exactly the examine or consider. But that this doesn't always mean that they can fully follow or understand the decisions the AI makes, or the logic on which is operates (thus requiring a degree of trust) is also explained.

    ALEPH has influence over a huge range of activities through the Human Sphere. That access to ALEPH is based on the investments made by the contributing governments, and other entities, has long been clear. However the fact that it massively boosts scientific research and development, as well as infrastructure, transport, communication, finance and media. But ALEPH also engages with individuals, especially the disenfranchised and disengaged, helping every citizen to find a place which maximises their potential.

    As a consciousness, ALEPH is often diffuse and touches on far more than it directly intervenes in or concentrates on. But within Maya there is little it cannot interact with whenever it chooses, and it can reach far beyond when it wishes.

    Aoidoi, as the "voice" of ALEPH, and its storytellers, are highlighted as a key method the AI uses for communicating ideas to the wider community. And it is clear that they make a significant contribution to the overwhelming positive view held by nearly all of the Human Sphere population towards ALEPH. However the existence of a counter-narrative of ALEPH as "big brother" and "digital dictator" exists, although some accept the threat of the Combined Army as justification for nearly anything.

    The Well, in which the primary processors of ALEPH reside and without which it would be (at least) crippled, as well as the Bureau Toth agency responsible for it are detailed. The Well is confirmed as the source for all system-wide updates, and therefore the ongoing improvement of the AI. With 98% of all gate traffic being data transfer, there is a lot of information flowing for, and under the direction of, ALEPH. The relay stations and jump gates are described as "the nervous system of ALEPH". Previously denied the right to develop a unique programming language under the Sole AI Bill, ALEPH has recently been permitted to do so by the Utgard Accords, largely out of fear of EI intervention.

    Roles, capabilities, and various functions of the Aspects of ALEPH are explored, from the SSS, including OSS, ASS and (terribly) SSS (again... but it's Support Sub Section this time, right!). The major personality and capability differences between the different kinds of aspects are discussed, along with the unique approach taken to the ASS, recreations and posthumans.

    The role of ALEPH in resurrection is raised, but not really explored in great detail. I'd like to see a lot more on this, but this isn't the place for it unfortunately. Mostly we just see chat around the development and deployment of the Cube 2.0 and Posthuman infrastructure.


    So, this takes us to all of pg 11.

    The next section of chapter 1 is a faction by faction breakdown of the role and investment of ALEPH.

    But we can save that for another day.

    I'm happy to field questions!
    Golem2God, jherazob, Shoitaan and 5 others like this.
  10. Nemo No Name

    Nemo No Name Aleph Cultural Atache

    Apr 25, 2017
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    @AdmiralJCJF Thanks for the writeup. If you agree, I'll add a link to these posts on the first page? :)
    stevenart74 and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  11. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Go for it mate.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  12. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I just want to say, with nothing in them from my perspective but a series of GIFs, this post is just brilliant.
  13. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    While I love the passion lore discussion brings to people.

    I am here to state that the conduct this discussion has been done is not in accordance to the forum rules, please agree to disagree and move on in your discussions if the alternative is to devolve the discussion to personal attacks.
  14. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    lol. stop trying to sound so smart for the plebs, they will appreciate it more and be more pliable to your wants.
  15. DeepThought

    DeepThought Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    Said post looks in order, and doesn't contradict what I read. Glad to see at least one of you isn't an NPC and is capable of answering from source material. Having limited access I will (if and until new information arises) take it as accurate. This material does pretty much blow any earlier claims by the NPC's about the human sphere economy not being at least partially capitalist (post-scarcity market my foot!), as it refers to other entities besides governments investing in it. Impossible for "other entities" to be in the picture and purchasing services without a free market. This is however, solely based on the text just presented by AdmiralJCJF, so any quotation contrary will overrule this.

    The question that arises for me based on this text is this: "What kind of investments are these entities making, and who recieves these resources? Project Toth? The AI directly?

    Mind you, if there's no text one way or another about this money trail, then it's been left ambiguous for a reason, which happens from time to time.

    A second question that arises, (and I suspect this is just a minor lore gap) is that if (quoting Admiral's post) "...As a consciousness, ALEPH is often diffuse and touches on far more than it directly intervenes in or concentrates on.... it can reach far beyond when it wishes," then isn't that a baseline to assume that even if Aleph doesn't "know what exactly they (Bureau Toth) examine or consider", that it can still anticipate- and even influence- what is going to be examined by it's keepers?
    #175 DeepThought, Feb 17, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
  16. gregmurdock

    gregmurdock Extremely Beloved Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    lol imagine knowing this guy in real life
  17. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    It's so funny to me that every so often one of these people wander into the forums. I feel so bad for whatever local meta they may be a part of
  18. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Please just stop.
    jherazob and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  19. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    This might be a situation where you need to give more than a general warning mate.
    ev0k and jherazob like this.
  20. DeepThought

    DeepThought Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    Aye, AdmiralJCJF is probably right. People are blowing you off like you're "on my side".
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