Nothing underslung, the T2 rifle has that handstop/flashlight ahead of the foregrip, it's the same gun as this Wulver.
Apparently german community is not so eager to share the video. @Bostria can you please share it instead? It's not like you guys don't have the video ;)
@Ben Kenobi cheers mate. Nice fluff bits about Perseus and I do love the new preview HVT. I'll need to add her to my growing collection
Heh, so my take away from that is that a) O-12 will not happen soon, b) O-12 will have its own unique design and troopers and c) O-12 will categorically not have lend-lease troops. Also Bakunin will not be retired.
At the 12:00 minute mark, someone asks "When are the Exrah coming back?" and theres actually a serious answer. I think the answer was still essentially "We have no plans to do that right now, but you never know", but it wasn't dismissed out of hand. Edit: At the 20 minute mark there's a question about Campaign Paradiso. The answer is that those revisions are going to be "in the next book."
Yeah, if I managed to follow the audio on my crappy workplace speakers, next book is the one in Q3 that closes the Uprising trilogy.
The girl is an "NGO Volunteer", Bostria wasn't forthcoming about what she'll be part of but she looks like a Dire Foe HVT to me, maybe some sort of mission pack (or even the Preorder for the next book?) There are also "plans" for a Brawler Hacker.