[EN] Missing Pieces & Quality Control Codes Tutorial

Discussion in 'Anuncios/Announcements' started by Koni, Feb 4, 2019.

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  1. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Hi everybody!

    Here you have a tutorial about how to complain in case of mispack and how to use the Quality Control Codes:

    NOTE: The Quality Control Codes are used to check the quality of our products, so it is important to make good a use of them.

    It is very important when you are opening that so-desired Achilles blister or that Raicho box you have been waiting so long don’t throw away the Quality Control Codes and be aware of which part of the package they belong to. Don’t worry, I will clear this:

    1 White Quality Control Codes


    You will find these codes in the blister or inside the box. They belong to the packaging process of the bodies, bigger parts of the models and the plastic zip bags that have to be in the package.

    2. Blue Quality Control Codes


    You will find them inside all plastic zip bags, and they belong to the packaging process of the small parts provided in bags to avoid you could miss them when opening the product.

    Here you have an example:


    Parts marked in red (Body, legs, arm with weapon, bases and plastic zip bags), belong to the White Quality Control Code. Parts marked in blue (that means inside the zip bags) belong to the Blue Quality Control Code.

    For example, if you receive this Iguana box and you find the right leg is missed, or if one of the two zip bags is missed (This means, if you only receive one zip bags instead of two) then, you have to provide the White Quality Control Code.

    However, if you find what is missed is the head or the tail of the Iguana, provided inside the plastic zip bag, then you must to provide the Blue Quality Control Code.

    NOTE: You only can complain about missing parts, misspacks or incomplete, misscasted or broken pieces. Mold lines, unless they could be exaggerated something that be evaluated by us, will not be accepted as a valid complaint

    The next step is fill the form in this website: https://store.corvusbelli.com/en/mispack


    Once the problem has been checked by us, if we accept the complain, we will send you the missing piece(s) without any cost for you.

    NOTE: We don’t sell spared parts. If your dog has eaten the HMG of your Spec-Ops, or if your model fall down to the ground and you have missed your Orc Troop’s antennae, we sorry very much, but we can only take care about our packaging process.

    IMPORTANT: We beg you use this service in a good and responsible way. We all are humans and commit mistakes when packaging, and that reason of the existence of this service. We also beg you don’t lie to us in order to get free pieces. Thanks to our codes we can know if the complain is true or not. If any complain results suspicious to us, we directly obviate it. If you abuse of this service we will finish it.

    Remember, you must use the form in the website above, not emailing us. It will make it easier and faster for us and for you.

    I hope this tutorial be clear enough and I hope to not receive too much complains. That will mean we are making an excellent work!


    Attached Files:

    #1 Koni, Feb 4, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    Golem2God, Zsolt, JoKeR and 7 others like this.
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