A *not Ikari Company* Ikari Company

Discussion in 'Ikari Company' started by Mysd, Jan 25, 2019.

  1. Mysd

    Mysd Member

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Afternoon all,
    I rather like the look of the Ikari Company list and at some point would like to use it as a template to run something a little different (at least visually); a *not Ikari Company* Ikari Company.

    My idea is largely inspired by Cerberus within the Mass Effect universe and would comprise a mercenary company that has been partly or wholly corrupted by the Combined Army and is now at the command of the EI; an asset to be used to further it's goals within the Human Sphere without attracting the attention that deploying its own (alien) troops would bring.

    I'm looking to Cerberus for some inspiration both thematically and aesthetically, though it would be by no means a recreation of Cerberus within the Infinity universe. However the intimidating visual aspect is certainly one element I would like to utilise and it's a great excuse to use some models that I love (from various factions), but would otherwise never get a chance to use.

    I'd go for a much more advanced, cohesive and professional look than the base Ikari Company and would appreciate thoughts on my proxy choices:

    Keisotsu = Securitate. Clean cut, professional, neutral.

    Brawlers = Kamau (or possibly Bagh Mari). Love the slanted visors and general style. Suitably intimidating in dark colours. Similar stats and weapons.

    Druze = Druze.

    Bashi = Uncertain. Love Akalis, I'm not sure that their style is fitting with the irregular Bashi. May choose the standard Bashi and they'll represent a contracted, expendable merc.

    Karakuri = Hollow Men. Robotic heavy infantry, but without the anachronistic aspect. Very intimidating.

    Wu Ming = Wu Ming. Perfect.

    Tanko = Shikami. I like the Tanko, but their highly anachronistic Japanese armour style isn't what I'm looking for. The Shikami are just superb and remain similar to the Tanko whilst being less heavily ornamented. Anyone know of a loose missile launcher?

    Al Fasid = Azra'il. Very similar in every aspect, but I just prefer the Azra'il. One of my favourite Infinity sculpts.

    Daiyokai = Daiyokai. The company leader. A head swap and the removal of those banners will hopefully leave him appearing more subtly inspired by historical Japanese armour, ala Darth Vader.

    Ninja = Red Veil Ninja if I can get her or Oniwaban if not, or possibly Igao. No explanation necessary.

    Desperadoes = Kum bikers/enforcers. No really good option aesthetically, but much prefer these to Desperados. May just be seen as expendable outside mercs. Other suggestions very welcome.

    Yuan Yuan = Die Morlock Gruppe. Crazy, villainous and suitably armed. Not drop troops, but does it really matter by the time they're on the table? Very happy to imagine them being dropped in by transports/deployed in drop pods/landing on buildings & shimmying down etc. As above, probably expendable outside mercs.

    Toketsu = Toketsu or Yu Jing support pack or any number of other good options.

    Cube Jager = Igao or Gao Rael. Can't choose between these two.

    ABH = So many good choices - Lasiq, Ayyar, Intruder sniper etc

    Krakot = converted Krakot, Daturazi or Raicho pilot. Outside merc

    Yojimbo = Yojimbo. No choice here, the sculpt's just too good and utterly unique IMO. Again, outside merc. Having said there's no choice I've just remembered and have always been fond of Penthisilea....

    Scarface = Scarface or Anaconda. Anaconda is, visually, one of my favourite TAGs, but I already have Scarface...

    Remotes = Variety. EVO repeater will be CA E-drone (supposedly captured and repurposed) to facilitate communication...

    Warcor = Civilian or CSU.

    Libertos = Libertos or regular Helot (whenever they're released).

    Thanks guys.
    WarHound and Ariwch like this.
  2. froste

    froste Member

    Jan 13, 2018
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    some good choices there i think, i ended up using Yu jing Zhanshi for Brawlers and am happy how they turned out
  3. daszul

    daszul Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2018
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    What about Aragotos?
  4. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    I had some similar idea Cerberus ikari company. I'm using less proxies then than you anyway.

    For desperados try aragotos (mine is one converted with a chain rifle) and the moto bounty hunter (the model is amazing and fits very well the merc high tech role).

    The Ryuken 9 squadron also works pretty well as brawlers but they are extremly hard to get (still waiting a general realese out of the limited edition army box, but if you want a daiokay you will get them anyway).

    For bashis i got hakims, they look a bit more professional and less pirate....

    Finally i bought a Danavas hacker to use it as the central hacker model (some times as keitosu hacker, some times like brawler)
    #4 krossaks, Jan 25, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2019
    WarHound likes this.
  5. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    From here: forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/icarium_cerberus-yu-jing.3291

    Nakadai Shunya from Outrage would do. And you'd get Jethro to use him as your Druze sniper. Also Beba can be a Warcor or a HVT... Or Vanya "Domovoy" Nevski could be HVT, lol.

    Ah what a nice conv would be Anaconda ==> Reinhardt (Overwatch). But not thematic. I don't know though, maybe Geckos are better suited aesthetically.
    Section9 likes this.
  6. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I love all of your ideas. I've been doing pretty much the same thing. They are mostly made up of ex-YJ troops that have pretty much become pirates. You can see my stuff so far here.
  7. Mysd

    Mysd Member

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Thanks guys, you lot are awesome :grinning:

    froste - Zhanshi would do a great job, but I just can't say no to a slanted visor when it comes to bad guys :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    daszul - I do like the new Aragoto, particularly the hacker. My concerns were similar to my concerns with the the Bashi > Akalis though; would they appear too slick/regular/professional to fairly represent Desperadoes? The second is that their armament is rather different and I'm by no means an experienced modeller/converter, certainly not with metal. Add to that the fact that loose weapons for conversions aren't readily available (at least as far as I'm aware) and I wasn't sure they were a good option for me.

    krossacks - That bounty hunter is fantastic, but I suppose I was envisaging having two Desperadoes available and because I would be using a huge number of proxies I thought it only fair to have internal consistency within units to keep confusion to a minimum. I suppose she and Penthisilea do look rather similar though - that could be an answer.

    I would hope to pick up the Daiyokai separately, so I wouldn't be getting the JSA box. Besides I'm more or less fixed on those Kamau :+1:

    Ariwch - :heart_eyes: Those are just superb! I hadn't considered the garruda and I really should have - it's a fantastic mini and somehow seems very suitable in my mind, in a way that I can't quite express at this moment. Has it ever caused any confusion being a remote and so actually quite distinct from the model it represents? Brilliant use of a Tiger soldier too - is the helmet converted or is it just the angle/paintjob?

    Hmm, Outrage, I'll take a look - thanks for the suggestion.

    Just seen Reinhardt and wow, what a fantastic TAG he would make! Or would that be super, super heavy infantry?!

    Space Ranger - Again, just fantastic stuff. Great to see some of the older figures coming back to life! Thanks for the inspiration :smiley:
    Space Ranger likes this.
  8. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    They are not mine, you'd better ask @IcariumVNam (TS of that thread).

  9. Mysd

    Mysd Member

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Sorry, I missed the link. Thanks for that :smiley:

    Ah, so he's doing actual Yu Jing so Garuda = Garuda. Makes sense.
    #9 Mysd, Jan 28, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  10. KestrelM1

    KestrelM1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    I recently finished painting a batch of Ikari, and the visual theme is fairly similar to what you're going for. I also used a number of proxies for several units, so feel free to try out my suggestions if you feel they'd better fit your theme. I used Zhanshi as Keisotsu, Bao as Brawlers. This helped lend a visual coherency to the "Special Core" that they somewhat lack otherwise. I also used the Nazarova Twins for Desperadoes, oldschool Ko Dali as a "universal AD proxy" (usually a Bashi), and used Yaokongs for the S3 remotes and Kameel for the S4s. I will also say that making your own custom unit bases, or ordering them from a retailer, is a great help if you want to use "permanent" proxies. It helps reduce confusion on both sides of the table. Good luck with your project!
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  11. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    I use Ikari rules for my Dahshat Mercenary Team. I really like the Haqq-models and will use a wide selection of Muyibs, Govads, Khawarijs and Kaplans to proxy the JSA-origin profiles with the correct weapon loadout.
    Space Ranger likes this.
  12. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    They look fantastic man! I've got to get that Oda Spitfire for my Bounty Hunter too. She's great.

    I think a lot of Haqq is perfect for Brawlers. But what are they also standing in for?
  13. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    I am going for a quasi-civilian look for my Brawlers and prefer long coats to hide weapons and armor.

    Brawler HRL - old Muyib HRL, will be exchanged for the new Khawarijs HRL when I am able to buy the box
    Brawler Rifles (LT, Doc, Engi, Haris & Rifleman) - Govad Rifle & Zhayedan Breaker Rifle & Khawarijs Rifle
    Brawler Sniper - Tuareg Sniper
    Brawler Hacker - Tuareg Hacker kitbashed with KanRen Chaincolt arms + a SMG strapped to his backpack

    Kaplans are used as Keisotzu-Proxies as they are wielding Combi-Rifles. I have a spare unbuild Spitfire-Kaplan that has to be kitbashed for use as a Tokusetzu-Doc (I am still looking for some arms the right size).

    If I get my hands on some old Asawiras or the Janissary with AP-Rifle&Sword - those would be my Tankos.

    I will also convert 1-2 old Dakinis with Karakuri-Heads to get some "scratchbuild Battlerobots"

    If I will ever field a Daiyokai, the Tarik Mansour from O:RV will be used on that rare occasion :)
    #13 kesharq, Feb 20, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
    Space Ranger likes this.
  14. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I like the new Brawlers but I just don't have the $ for them.

    I'm using a lot of my old YJ Invincibles for Tanko and Zhanshi for Keisotsu.
  15. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    You might have luck with the old Haramaki ML (that was the one in the blister, there should be a few still lurking around in stores). Otherwise, the Wu Ming HRL would be an option, too.
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