Non-hackable AD specialist with an impact Template weapon and WildParrot, there's a lot to like about that profile for both Vanilla and Varuna.
Very exciting stuff for you Haaqq guys! you deserve it! Pay attention to that last line too "...Strengthen our Haqqislam armies and prepare for the near future of the super soldiers"
Huray for Raoul...let's hope for a cool pose...come on you can do pose... NO tripping over tactical rock...
Yes. It did not go unnoticed, though I still am only cautiously optimistic about the sectorial release ... In terms of concrete optimism, these khawarij look sweet!
If that is true, it would be a hard decision: Paint IA first or carry on with OSS - thats not fair ;-)
He's gonna avoid the tactical rock (it's still there on the base), trip over tactical stairs, and hit a tactical construction beam with his face. All of which are on the base and add to the model's price. Oh wait, the Echo Bravo releases in the same month... They're totally gonna trip over each other. No homo (except for the parrot).
LOL, man! Thank goodness you didn't say that a few months ago...CB could you know listen... It's too late now, but at the same time who knows...
Here are the links to the full descriptions of February's releases.
Awesome, this makes 14 months without releases for Tohaa. This record is going to be unbeatable by the other 7 Factions.
Bonus points if the Echo Bravo is sculpted to look like one the Three Stooges. Especially if its Curly, with the construction beam warping around his iron noggin. I can believe this. I'm not Italian, but I was in Italy over last summer, and we were at this farm in Sorrento where and they were teaching us how to make margheritas. Our tour guide (we were in a group of 20-ish people) warned us that if anyone mentioned that they liked pineapple on pizza, they were probably going to get thrown out. Luckily for me, I'm not particularly fond of pineapple pizza, so I didn't have anything to worry about :). I beg to differ. In my view, if it swims in the water, then it should stay there, far away from my dinner plate.