Enomotarchos Fireteam Shenanigans (Drop-Out)

Discussion in 'News' started by multor, Dec 21, 2018.

  1. multor

    multor Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Hi Rules Gurus,
    I play Steel Phalanx and I have an idea that I want to play rules-legal. I couldn´t find this specifically in any of the countless other Fireteam threads, so please forgive me, if this has been asked before.

    The Situation:
    My Opponent has the first turn and deploys first
    I deploy (among others) a Fireteam Enomotarchos (Myrmidons) which includes 2 generic Myrmidons, 1 Myrmidon Officer and Ajax. I want the Fireteam to be created by the Myrmidon Officer.

    My Idea:
    Assuming noone in the Fireteam was injured during my opponent´s initial turn, I would like to drop Ajax out of the Fireteam after my opponent´s last order of his initial turn or before my orders are added to my order pool in my turn. I´d like to ommit the necessitiy to recreate the Fireteam (which would cost me a Command Token I´d prefer to use otherwise).
    I do not want the Firetam to be cancelled, I only want Ajax to drop out.

    The Reasoning:
    During my opponents turn, I want Ajax to be part of the Fireteam (+1B in ARO, 6th. sense, etc.), but I also want him to go nuts on my turn and Rambo out towards the opponent making use of his Impetuous order! Unleash the beast, you know...

    My questions:
    1. Can I remove Ajax from the Fireteam without to recreate it?
    2. If I can, when can I do so? What is the correcct procedure to do so (declaration, markers, etc.)?
    3. Can I declare a Coherency Check to be failed or can I legally fail it for this one particular trooper at will?
    4. If I cannot remove Ajax from the Fireteam by declaration, will I have to take actions that remove him from the Fireteam (like declaring a different ARO or dodging out of Coherency) in order to achieve my desired setup at the beginning of my turn?

    Yes, this is a very specific question, which only occured to me, while I prepared for mission 201 of the Paradiso camapaign which we play with N3 and ITS9-Objective. In this scenario, deployment and Initiative are predetermined. In any other circumstance, I could not plan into this level of detail.
    And btw: I am aware that I can decide not to do this, if it would force me to let Ajax run into his own demise.

    Thank you all!
  2. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    multor likes this.
  3. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    You can't. The Fireteam Integrity rules give the ways that a trooper can leave a Fireteam, and there is no option to simply drop someone out of the Fireteam. You also can't choose to fail a Coherency check, either they're in Coherency or not.

    So option 4 is going to be your only option, and is going to be tricky to pull off as it depends on your opponent's actions.

    Alternatively, pay the Command Point... ;-)
    multor likes this.
  4. DukeofEarl

    DukeofEarl Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    You best bet would be to use Ajax's Dodge range to get out of Coherency during their turn.
    multor likes this.
  5. Icchan

    Icchan Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2017
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    "In the Active Turn and in the Reactive Turn, a Fireteam is automatically cancelled in the following cases:[[ ]]
    -The Fireteam can be cancelled voluntarily by the player, with no expenditure of Orders or Command Tokens."
    Break fireteam at the start of your turn before impetous phase.
  6. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    The OP is aware of that, but doesn't want to spend the Command Point.
    multor likes this.
  7. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Given not wanting to spend the command point to reform the Fireteam:

    I think the only way to get Ajax out of the Fireteam is to either have him dodge away (and get him out of coherency), or simply to have Ajax perform a different ARO than the rest of the fireteam.
    multor likes this.
  8. DukeofEarl

    DukeofEarl Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I thought you had a clever idea there. Not sure if this means can or must though.

    "If the Fireteam has not been cancelled, then the troopers who left will automatically be able to rejoin it if they are again in Coherency with the Team Leader during the Order Count phase of their next Active Turn."
    multor likes this.
  9. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    'able' makes it optional. If it was obligatory, it should say 'will automatically rejoin it if...'.
    chromedog, multor and DukeofEarl like this.
  10. multor

    multor Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Thank you all for those reponses. I see you also follow my line of thinking.

    I just thought, I was super-clever by thinking: "Hey, you can volunteerily fail a guts-roll. Why can you not decide to fail the Coherency check?" I looked it up: Guts explicitely allows it, Coherency doesn´t mention it. Darn...

    So this is sufficiently clarified, not to my desired result, but in detail and with explanations I understood! You guys rock, thanks a lot!!
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