What should I paint first?

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by wafflenaut, Dec 19, 2018.

  1. wafflenaut

    wafflenaut New Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    Curious what I should paint first from this? What am I most likely to use more frequently.

    Janissaire 1
    Hunzakat 1
    Naffatun 3
    Ghulam 6
    Khawarij 2
    Taureg 1
    Zhayedan 1
    Djanbazan 1
    Hassassin Lasiq 1
    Azra'il w/ Panzerfaust 1
    Hassassin Ragik 1
    Ghulam Doctor Plus 1
    Najarun Engineer 1

    Also - is there anything that I really ought to add to that list?
  2. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Most of the models you have are the new starter, they will be in a new sectoral soon(ish). Your ghulams are you only potential firearms. For playability I would start with them. But from a painting stand point I would go with the azrail. It's a great model and a nice center piece to you list.
  3. Faqadat Said

    Faqadat Said Shab Rayie

    Jun 23, 2018
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    What is the djan armed with? I personally take the sniper and a fuerbach az’rail in just about every game, makes for a scary ARO combo. One for anti armor with DA+AP or just good old explosive, and one to counteract Camo and smoke. Plus, in cover they are both tough to take down, so they tend to eat a lot of orders to take down. Add ghulam doctors, or even a jannisary doc for the az. So if it is the sniper I would say ghilman first (the usefulness of 16 point doc plus total AV unit cannot be overstated) then sniper, then az. Jannisary if you are feeling groggy from there. If you have the doc and najarun i’m Assuming you have the nasmats, since that is the support pack, so DEFINATELY get those done along with the ghilman, nasmats are invaluable for doctors. From there go by what looks like fun to play.
  4. Myomer

    Myomer Tyrannosaur in an F-14

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I have a djanbazan, hunzaqut, and Ghulam doc in almost every list, and I recommend painting them and some Ghulam/naffatun (for orders and DZ defense) first.

    Unfortunately that particular Azra-il model is no longer a playable profile; he has been redone as a size 5 super heavy infantry (which are represented by a beautiful pair of models).

    Otherwise, everything listed is useful in some way; paint what you like the looks of!
  5. MikeS1173

    MikeS1173 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'll answer as a batch painter not a gamer. Even if your creating your own color scheme, the grouping below are "soft" textured models followed by "hard" Textured models

    I'd paint Doc, engineer, and Hunzicut first to work out your paint scheme. If they don't match, so much the better to single them out.

    Paint ghulams, Naffatuns, Tuareg, zheyaden, and Khawarij, using similar colors.

    I'd paint the Djan, Jannessary, and Azrail next. Lots of hard armor here. You might paint/modify the Azraul as a Jannisary rocket luncher , or mount it on a 1.5" fender washer and build up your own base, perhaps on a rocky mass to "fill" the smaller model into the S5 space. It will never have the heft of the read Azrial, but might pass.

    Lasiq and Ragik are both unique to paint, fit them in whenever...

    If game usefulness order I would do something like:

    This is a solid base of orders and rear guard. Naffatuns coordinated forward to cover objectives are good troops.
    3 Ghulams and/or 3 Naffatuns
    1 hunzucut (great infintratin specialist)
    1 Djanbazan (all profiles have a use)

    next, you need active pieces
    Jassiasry HMG (but skip for later if AP rifle)
    Taureg Hacker (but skip for later if sniper. Heck, say your self a step an just glue her parts to your fingers. She was awful to assemble.)

    Lasiq and Ragik
    Deltervees likes this.
  6. JoKeR

    JoKeR HAWZA Instructor

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Of course this one. & newer leave home without her!
    no matter if you take ghulam link or not!
  7. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Actually I'm in the process of building exactly such a conversion :) (though he'll end up as a Riot Boy, i.e. non-standard Riot Grrl for a StarCo force. Along with the quintet of Azra'il I used back in 2ed for my QK).
    Pretty simple job: cut off the Panzerfaust, replace it with basically any stick (for the tube of a ML) with some add-on bits.
    Working the rifle out of his right hand is going to be a mite more challenging.
  8. wafflenaut

    wafflenaut New Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    The Djanbazan is armed with an HMG I believe. That sucks about the Azrail, the new sculpt is nice, but the old one is interesting. Maybe I'll do the same conversion.

    Gonna paint my old Ghulams first I guess (waiting on bases for the new ones), then I'll branch out from there. Will pick up a new azrail next I guess (try to pick up model every time I play in a store).

    Also - Jannisaerie is AP Rile, and Taureg is the sniper ; p
    #8 wafflenaut, Dec 22, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
    Errhile likes this.
  9. HotFreshTofu

    HotFreshTofu Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Paint the Ghulam and Doctor, Hunzakut, and Djanbazan HMG / Sniper. I would add 2 Naffatun after that. That is a solid core, which you can then paint whichever feels or looks cool from. Enjoy.
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