This Former Atek just bought some Acon Stuff at his FLGS.

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by TheEmptyRoad, Dec 18, 2018.

  1. TheEmptyRoad

    TheEmptyRoad Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    To add to the Icestorm starter set I still had lyin’ around. I got the Acon starter, the Bagh-Mari box and the Dragoe Box. I decided to jump over to PanO and Aleph and play this game the way it’s supposed to be played - with TAGs and Hackers! Any Ideas on how this former USAriadnan can adapt to the one true Hyperpower? (and Humanity’s greatest creation, Aleph?)
    Ebon Hand and barakiel like this.
  2. Ayadan

    Ayadan Knight of the TAG Order

    Nov 25, 2017
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    For PanO, learn to fight from your DZ before using infiltrators. Because you'll only have few and they will be expensive (and not expandable like a Foxtrot).
    Learn to fight without blocking LoF with smoke. Only FtF and camo can allow you to cross a lane guarded by an ennemy trooper.
    So, in order to do this, you'll have to train yourself in playing high cost units and how to keep them alive while killing the ennemy list. You'll have to learn to not kill too much in order to not trigger the Retreat state.
    Learn how to make the most of G: Synchronized troops too as they are the really unique thing in PanO and our greatest invention : Aleph.
  3. TheEmptyRoad

    TheEmptyRoad Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    *nods along while jotting down notes*
  4. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    Huh, posted in the wrong thread. My mistake.
    #4 barakiel, Dec 18, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
    paraelix likes this.
  5. Sepheriel

    Sepheriel PanO Enthusiast

    Aug 5, 2018
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    Welcome! May I interest you also in our excellent remotes? The Pathfinder is a fantastic toolbox (for our standards, at least) packing Sensor and FO in a cheap (16 points) and fast chassis. The humble Fugazi is the cheapest regular order in PanO (just 8 points), and great in tandem with Sensor users or even as an ARO piece thanks to Mimetism and the Flash Pulse. The Bulleteer, on the other hand, is a fast and mean killing machine: the Spitifire and ODD combo make for a great active turn killer and quite a roadblock when in Suppressive Fire.

    About TAGs... well, using them is an art I don't claim to master, but I'll throw in a bit of advice before recommending the excellent threads sticked at the top of the page.
    First: avoiding enemy hackers is key. Most of our TAGs have BTS 6: not bad, but not really enough to stop an AHD from ruining your day. Keep an eye on repeaters, expecially pitchers and fast remotes. Keep two eyes on Nomads, expecially Tunguska. Bring a killer hacker if you can, better if camouflaged (Hexas, Zulu-Cobra)
    Second: do not, I repeat DO NOT go power crazy. Yes a BS 15 magnetic cannon is awesome, no it's not invincible. Keep a Machinist around (with a Palbot if you can spare the 3 points, they're really useful). Do not be ashamed to retreat to your deployment zone after you active turn killing spree: you need to keep your monster safe to get the most out of it.
    Third: watch how different the table looks to a S7 beast. Suddenly you can vault over containers and big crates. Suddenly that line of fire is open. Suddenly that sniper can see you. Being tall is fun, but it also means you're a big target.

    One last thing: if you're playing Acontecimento you can get some fun toys on loan from Aleph. The Nagas in particular can offer a lot to the sectorial: infiltrating specialists with mines are really useful to our shooty faction.
    #5 Sepheriel, Dec 18, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
    Ayadan and TheEmptyRoad like this.
  6. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    Learning how to use a powerful Core link, how it to keep it safe, and use it to power a few semi-elite Infiltration pieces is a big part of the new and revised Acon.

    Acontecimento might be called "Shock Army", but they're actually really great at defense. Form up your Core team of Regulars with Minelayer for defense, fill it out with Bagh Mari and/or an ORC heavy weapon, and make sure you use those 3 Fugazis for their Flash Pulse defense and cheap Orders. That will give you a really strong base of Orders, utility, defense and firepower without being horribly expensive.

    Then the rest of the list is basically whatever you want it to be. A lot of players will use Nagas and Dart, because they can accomplish missions, lay mines and gunfight. Dart's the real heavy-hitter there... She isn't a Specialist, but she can take down just about anything.

    All the rest (Akalis, Guarda, ALEPH characters, combat REMs) can give you new capabilities and threat vectors.

    If you run a TAG, use your Core link for Orders and as backup gunfighters.

    The AVA3 Fugazi are really helpful, and a really big deal. Purchasing two Dronbot kits may feel expensive, but the capabilities they bring are very strong. I use my Fugazi in every PanO list I build, far more than any other single unit in the entire army.

    As far as things to work on, I second the idea that you need to focus on solving problems with firepower. Deployment is really important for PanO... We don't have the smoke to redeploy, nor the cheap Chain Rifle bodies to help keep the enemy at bay, so it's important we get it right with our tools like link teams, flash pulse, and Minelayer. From there, you project your overwhelming firepower down the lanes, and clear paths for your forward troops (Nagas, Dart, Bulleteer, Peacemaker bots, Pathfinders) to do the mission and punish hiding enemies up close.
    TheEmptyRoad and Sepheriel like this.
  7. TheEmptyRoad

    TheEmptyRoad Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Remotes? You mean like the Traktor Mul? LOL

    Robots and Hacking and TAGs Oh my!

    What’s this? What’s that?
    There’s hackers everywhere.
    What’s this? ‘Supportware’
    Civilized Barbarian likes this.
  8. TheEmptyRoad

    TheEmptyRoad Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    But on a more serious note, I bought out the Shock Army stuff once I noticed that they were no longer going to be available for some reason. I think i do have a Dronbot box, and I’ll look at getting another one, good to know about the Fugazi’s cheap order-y goodness.
  9. Ayadan

    Ayadan Knight of the TAG Order

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Yes, you'll have to learn the power of PanO remotes. I was like you at the start but once you begin to play remotes and supportware, well, it is really addictive.
    TheEmptyRoad and Sepheriel like this.
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