Questions about Nomad remotes

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by Varsovian, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I'm considering buying some more remotes for my Nomads (right now, I only have Tsyklons) and I have some questions. Could you guys give some advice?

    1. Are the Baggage remotes of any use? They can re-supply the mine layers and other characters with limited equipment... but how often does that come up during the play? Is there ever a need to lay more than three mines etc.? Also, is there even *time* to resupply? Aren't Infinity games only a few turns long anyway?

    2. More about Salyuts - aside from their Baggage, do they have anything useful? One of them has a Minesweeper - but so does Lunokhod... And the other one has an EVO Repeater. So, what exactly *is* this EVO thing? Is it useful? It makes the remote into a hacker, but my Nomads have already a few hackers to choose from...

    2. Vertigo remote - is it useful? It has Smart Missiles, which look fun. Enemy-homing boom! :) But is a Vertigo more useful than the EVO Salyut?

    3. Meteor remote - here's a practical question: does the mini come with some sort of transparent base? It's supposed to be hovering, after all... Also, I'm wondering: if this remote is hovering, why does it have the same Silhoutte as the crawling remotes? If it's high in the air, shouldn't it have some special rules to reflect that?
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  2. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Baggage is useful for counting as 20 points in holding territory or scoring in annihilation. Otherwise the repeater can come in handy.

    People do use the reload thing but not a lot.

    EVO is great if you use:
    Extensive Hacking
    Airborne Deployment
    Heavy Infantry

    Here are the rules:

    There are links to various programs in there. You can also use:

    The Meteor does come with a clear rod.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  3. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Meteors are much better when you use them than you first think. The 1 SWC is a pain, but in a Sectoral with a 0.5 SWC Spitfire in the Moderator team it feels like less of a burden to me than when I play, say, Corregidor (which has quite SWC demands).

    On the battlefield they're hugely flexible and capable. Not least because you can give the MML2 and make them excel in firefights, but also because they're a specialist, they reveal camo and they give you a very aggressive hacking web.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  4. Skaldur

    Skaldur Active Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I've used the vertigo quite a bit, and come to the conclusion that it's ....ok

    If everything goes well you can wipe out large groups of units with a single blast. It's also good if the opponent has bunkered up or has prone units on a roof.

    But for it to go right, you need to first successfully forward observer or spotlight a unit, then roll a hit on one dice and not have the enemy Dodge. If they have hackers they can use uturn to make it harder to hit. All of this takes a lot of orders and you can very easily roll badly and do nothing.

    Nomads do have the best hackers and repeater network to make it work but it's still very random.

    The vertigo is at least cheap and its missile launcher has decent range bands when used in direct fire. It can make a decent aro piece if buffed with assisted fire
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  5. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    A further question about the EVO remote: am I correct that, if you have an EVO remote in your list, you don't need a human hacker to deploy other remotes? Because the EVO remote works as a hacker?
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  6. Skaldur

    Skaldur Active Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Yes that's correct
    loricus and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  7. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So, you have Tsyklons and want to delve deeper into Nomad's remote game...

    Zoe + Piwell are a good investment, she is both a hacker and an engineer. And Pi well... is a Specialist remote with OOD and S2

    Remote specialists: more repeaters, can take objectives, have sensors...

    Meteor zond: a remote specialist changing some stuff for the AD options. Be careful with AD, it's better to enter from a side of the table if possible.

    EVO: yes absolutely. It's a hacker, yeah, and gives a +3 to PH rolls for AD, but gives some VERY IMPORTANT extras for a hacking-based list, those being:
    • Use of a command token to repeat hacking rolls
    • EVO support programs (and if you go second, you can spend 1 command token, which is not a strategic use, to start with one!)
      • Overclock makes all remotes with a repeater to have +1 Burst in ARO... Somebody said double Feuerbach?
    • Coordinated orders of Hacking!
    Also, the S4 baggage bot is an cheap 8 points order, and counts as 28 points for surviving units and points in range band.

    S3 Remotes: if you are not using them as specialists (seriously, grab some of Aleph's Rebots to act as the specialists), this guys as S3 8 points cheap orders not only gives you a cheap order AND a repeater, when paired with the EVO you get B2 Flash Pulse for extra annoyance on ARO duty (plus mimetism).

    Total Reaction S3 remote: useful, give him supportware for Marksmanship N2 and let it roll. Prime candidate to have Zoe nearby for both repairing and buffing duties.

    So imagine you go second against a 10 order enemy list. You can *still* spend a command token with your EVO to make the following bots B2 in ARO:
    • the 2 Tsyklons
    • the 2 Flash Pulse 8pts mimetic remotes
    • Piwell
    • the 2 Lunokhod
    • the 2 specialist remotes (Stemplers)
    • the meteor, if already deployed on the table (because of whatever reasons you decided not to use AD later)
    Granted, most will have horrible reach, but even so... And the Lunokhod carries a Disposable (2) Adhesive Launcher... Let the enemy TAG come! XD
  8. Tom McTrouble

    Tom McTrouble Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    It's ability to fly is reflected in having AD. The model does come with a transparent mount (which I clip down to make it closer to S3, otherwise it's way taller). It can be a great utility piece since it has a lot of options. My Meteors moment of glory was ADing behind an MSV sniper and dropping a white noise right on top of him.

    Pi-Well is potentially the nastiest remote that we have access to, competing probably only with the climbing plus TR bots.
    xagroth likes this.
  9. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm more wary of CA's Total Reaction remotes (mimetism... and if they advance, plasma rifle for Burst 3 with Plasma damage => save ARM and BTS each hit!), while a Total Reaction able to climb plus is nice, I've used it several times with Aleph without much impact (true enough, I tend to park the TR and use other troops, so I use TR kinda like the Sin Eater).
  10. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Okay, please explain this to me: remotes count as specialists? I missed that part of the rules...

    Another question: Stempler and Transductor remotes. There are no models for them, right? I can't seem to find any...

    And to summarize: it seems to me now that of all the remotes, Vertigo, Reaktion, Transductor and Stempler are the least useful? They have no armour and don't have that useful features - aside from Stempler, who has nice abilities, but shares them with Meteor?

    I'm kind of sad that the EVO remote is so useful. Now I have to buy them for my Aleph and Haqqs too... (gah! I'm spending so much money on this game!)
  11. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I use the Haqquislam Kameel (S4 baggage) in both my Nomads, Haqq and Aleph armies, and my Aleph Rebots (S3 remotes) for the others aswell.

    Consider that the box of S3 remotes can be mounted as 8 points remotes, Total Reaction, Guided Missile Launcher, or 17pts Specialists Remotes. I'm going to acquire some PanO S3 remotes to cover those bases.

    Remotes do not count as specialists, but there are a S3 remote in all armies (usually with Ava 2) about 16-18 points (17 on nomads) with a combi rifle, a sensor, able to perform Triangulated Fire, and Forward Observer (FO is a type of specialists, armed with Flash Pulse).
  12. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Forward Observers and all hackers count as specialists.

    The Reaktion, Stemplar, Transductor, and Vertigo all share a box, you can build any 2.

    Vertigo and the Salyut with combi are probably the least common.

    Most people take Transductors over the unarmed Salyut because it is faster, smaller has Mimetism and a Flashpulse.

    Reaktion is powerful because of the mix of low point/SWC HMG as well as Total Reaction. While Salyut can get Total Reaction as well it is really powerful with an HMG.

    Stemplar gives you a fast Sensor and specialist. Many players consider them necessary, although I don't.

    Reaktion is the most popular. Transductors are probably a close second, then Stemplar then EVO. I'd suggest building a Reaktion and a Stemplar if you buy a Zond box.
  13. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Remotes with skills like FO or Hacker are specialists, just like any other trooper.

    The Vertigo, Transductor, Reaktion, and Stempler Zones are all built same Zond remote box, it contains enough parts to build any of them.

    Reaktion Zond staple many lists due to Total Reaction and MM2 being boss at AROs, climbing+ makes it a very mobile attacker too.

    Transductor is a dirt cheap order and throwaway ARO

    Stempler is a cheap, mobile fast specialist and anti-camo tool in one cheap package.

    Vertigo is probably the least generally useful as it needs more support like FO, Spotlight, and Sat-lock to get the most from it. Useful in the right list though.
  14. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I see...

    You know, guys - I'm playing with Infinity Army right now and I'm starting to think that I'd like to have all of these remotes! Gah! Coupled with the remotes I want to buy for Aleph and Haqq, I need another $200!
    xagroth likes this.
  15. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    There's no reason your Haqq and Nomad forces can't "borrow" Aleph S3 remotes (or vice versa) if you don't want to buy multiples of what are essentially the same statline.
    xagroth and T. Rex Pushups like this.
  16. Rubberpiggy

    Rubberpiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2018
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    I find it hard not to include Zoe and Pi Well in any buttonesque scenario. A specialist with sensor, odd, s2 and 6-4 mov? So awesome. Several of my regular opponents start muttering angrily whenever I deploy him. Throw on marksmanship 2 for added hilarity.
  17. T. Rex Pushups

    T. Rex Pushups Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    See this is why I am so glad I was able to eBay a bunch of game stuff for systems I had not used in 5+ years for 1000 dollars this month.

    I was able to feel better about the 200 I spent on Nomads stuff and help deal with some sudden bills.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  18. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Ah, but you see - I want to have three armies that can be played at the same time - so that I could play Infinity at home with people who don't own anything :)

    Also, I'm a perfectionist / completist...

    Hmm. But Pi Well is so ugly. I don't feel excited about him at all. I think I'll be passing on him for estetic reasons...

    Unfortunately, I don't have anything to sell at this point (although I may end up selling my Savage Worlds books). Oh well, I'll pay.
  19. Rubberpiggy

    Rubberpiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Agree on the model. I am proxying with a fastpanda.
    T. Rex Pushups likes this.
  20. Tom McTrouble

    Tom McTrouble Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    Ah see I think of them as much more offensive with TR being a huge cherry on top (which also is the reason I will probably never field a Sin Eater). I think it makes sense in the context of Aleph to use them as ARO pieces exclusively since you have other units to do active turn heavy lifting but in Nomads I think they work really well as offensive pieces too. Your ability to cherry pick off units with a combo of climbing plus and the occasional free buff (or white noise) from an interventor Lt makes them gross. On top of that if you take Zoe and Pi-Well plus a zondbot, you can buff two of them and have them both in position to easily be repaired if they go down. I've been running 2 reaktion zonds in almost all my competitive lists and the best word I can use to describe their effect is "oppressive"
    xagroth and T. Rex Pushups like this.
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