I can't take credit for this, but on the active /tg thread someone made a pretty good observation about the sniper shot. Ariadna doesn't have a support pack yet, and the 112 is pre CAD. Tossing in an edit, compared to support packs we don't have little Gservant bots, so would we get extra support mini's, or would we get a resculpted Mul? Does the mul even need a resculpt... I love my muls.
We have seen drones boxes resculpt, it seems highly possible that we got a resculpt yujing drone's pack for invincible. Maybe in february? I think too that the IA starter will come in january (no speculations of its composition? ^^ IMO, I think it will be composed of 3 zuyong, 1 mohang, 1 liu xing and maybe the haidao or the zensha)
Bonus points if Angel manages to write "Help" and "Hurt" on the fingers of the hands holding the pistol and medikit.
@#Trauma Doc: Posing like the AHB (Beyond Icestorm) - the upper is the medkit, die pointing one the real pistol Beside from this gimmick: I also see a IA Starter and I it shuold contain a Daoying. I also see the Jammer Zulu for Pan O. And I hope for a Tunguska release - Zondnautica.
I have it on good authority that Bostria will strangle anyone trying to replace the 112. Ah, here's the concept art for it... We are to get the starter boxes from Coldfront. The Pan-O support box, or something Varuna related. Something Yu JIng (IA) and something Tunguska.
I am going to speculate Raoul Spector, since he had his concept art posted in one of the last reveals.
Apparently there was confirmation from a Koni that YJ remotes were not being resculpted. Source - https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/yaokong-re-sculpt-potential.25395/
That actually isn't the Echo Bravo! :o The Echo Bravo doesn't have the same calf armor that other PanO LI or MI have. This is more likely to be a Croc Man or Kamau.