SOON WE SHALL INVADE THE PANO FORUMS WITH OUR SHITPOSTS. United under one sodium chloride silk weave banner, we shall consume all the other factions in an avalanche of salt, shitposts and an unreasonable amount of Heavy Infantry!
Pretty sure we lost TAGs when they decided ITS games were going to be 1000+ point games, right? LULZ wut noob takes Haqq Wraithlords anymore? TOTALLY outclassed by the Jedi recreations. I mean, why take a big talking tank with 72" range bands when instead you could take an Achilles that kills anything in one hit without a roll and dodges everything automatically? (Which reminds me...remember when Achilles used to be a thing? LOL)
Who is HellLois' again...? EDIT: Oh, they're CH staff- Honestly, I've never seen them before on the forums. How odd.
I'm still reeling from the fact that William Wallace's father was an Umbra Samaritan, and that Neko Oyama had been a ghost the whole time!
I love how they worked that into gameplay though. My Guilang Trainer's pet antipodes are level 11 now I think, after the last Codex update!
I admit I had my misgivings, but the new Silhouette 27 Super-Collosal-Mega-TAGs aren't actually all that bad...