Didn't know if it was too soon or not but I guess we should assume that these guys are terrible and dead on arrival. I mean there is probably gonna be a unit that doesn't live up to one of my expectations. Can you believe that?? After all this waiting and having 0 input with the creation of units and profiles something doesn't exactly match my vision for the faction. There's probably a new unit as well that isn't the best unit in the game. I mean it even dies to bullets! How dare they release such terrible units that die to bullets, how are we supposed to play the game?! How can we honestly ask new players to even try out yu jing? To make matters even worst the sky is falling. How am I gonna continue on with the sky literally falling all around me? Ugghhh. ;p
Also, I didn't like the imaginary things that imaginary people did in that story that someone else came up with. Literally the Worst. Thing. Ever!
I can imagine Tigers on foot finally being linkable and picking up a free Shock Immunity like this Kamau. Or Guilang being linkable, why not?
I'll just... slide in here and give some vague arbitrary seal of shitposting approval here real quick. This shitpost was approved by Maksimas.
I'm still getting over ISS defecting to Ariadna and Sun Tzu being Sepsitorised by PanO, can't even think about White Banner at the moment.
Let me tell you, the amount of times I hear people call stuff I day or say ''Maksimal'' is so often, if I got a five euro bill for every time that happened... I could get the MO box at the very least. Which I would very much so like, PanO already was more or less the most likely other than Yu Jing faction to play for me ( Hint: It's because of the HI. ). On a completely off topic sidenote, I've finally managed to rationally get rid of the most horrid tabletop hobby syndromes imaginable: the every faction looks so cool syndrome. So yay.
If you followed up on the subtle hints of that strewn about the recent lore on the Nomads, ESPECIALLY Bakunin, you wouldn't be surprised.
I mean, that was the only way it could go when the Klingon empire joined. Good job they made that Jean-Luc Picard Recreation to combat them.
It's just a rubbish version of the Haqq Wraithlord. I still don't see why one is classified as a TAG and the other as Super Heavy Infantry.
You are all proficient in the ways of the shitpost. This is good. We may infect the other forums faster than I initially expected.