Because, once you factor in the movement across the top of the building as part of the first move, there's a good chance you'll be stuck like spiderman on the side. Ideally you want maybe an inch or so left at the bottom to position.
I think that's too dependent on people's local terrain setups. Yes, 4-2 is a disadvantage; however, imo it's less of a disadvantage than not having Shock Immunity. Hell, Shock Immunity is only 1 point, why not just give it to the Zhencha?
Because game balance? I don't know, but I suspect 4 true HI running around in the midfield from the get-go wouldn't be fun to face.
As someone who plays alot against YJ: That new HI design is horrible. Not even talking balance but now i have to recheck every time for every single nerd on the opponents team if he is 2W HI, HI with shock immunity or bioimmunity or neither. It feels completely random. They could have just stuck to one thing and actually made that a trademark for IA budget HI.
I mean there are only like 4 HI units that are not 2W, if you really play against YJ a lot you probably have it figure out after awhile. . hell, Steel Phallus with a bajillion unique characters is far more confusing.
It's fine, first couple games sure confusing and I guess annoying but if you play against them regularly I'm sure that'll change.
If 4 35pt 1W+NWI+Shock Immunity HI is broken, then surely 4 34pt 1W+NWI HI are broken. We've been told a dozen times that Shock totally isn't that prevalent (he says, hiding the Hulang SMGs, Mowang RF, Haidao RF, Zhencha SMG, Daoying Minelayer ... ), so surely it doesn't make a difference. Right? Or Shock actually is common (obviously, it is), and they're engineering a weakness specifically for the Zhencha...uh ok? Why. I mean, I can kind of understand the notion that 140pts for 4 Infiltrating Camo HI would be powerful, but they're still only packing SMGs for actual gunfighting. IA looks fine, just filled with a lot of pulled punches.
I think the intention is to engineer vulnerability to mines, such that they continue to offer some protection against what is a super-heavy skirmisher. I suspect the Daofei, with its weapon options, isn't considered to be in the same category.
They do offer protection: it auto hits and can still bring down HI. Maybe not in a single hit but that's kind of the point of being HI! Do mines have to be capable of auto killing something to be worthwhile? Not even slightly. That they're Shock is usually the icing on the cake, and the majority of midfielders are 1W, so they are disproportionately more useful when choking up the midfield.
Hey, just askin' One know Mines can hurt Zhencha, why would such one run Zhencha into mines? Do the recamo and lay low. Why bother. :o
You mean you don't run head first into mines with your skirmishers? What do you expect us to do, outplay the mines and adapt?
Well, most of the time people end up running into mines unintentionally. What LOOKED like it could be a rather tame Foxtrot in Camo could very well end up being the last order you spend on your Zhencha that game.
To clarify my comment was sarcastic and making light out of people blowing the zhencha dieing to mines out of proportion.
And thats one good comment. Dude. IMHO its their problem getting bursted into mines. Zhencha SMG's more than enough to cracjmk a game, which only require skills to outplay the mines!
If you know it's a mine, sure. It's not always easy to tell, plus they're not totally reactive, what with the corner truck and everything. Plus it's not just mines...