Well that's it. 1500 posts, and we've got @Koni saying that IA is coming today. I still plan on getting into IA once I finish up painting my ISS. I was fairly lucky in that Uprising didn't really effect me apart from the fluff (purely ISS player), but I can definitely see where both sides are coming from. That said, I can't wait to see what profiles we get dropped on us today.
Nomad will get a cheap warband-like jumptrooper with explode lx, like a yuan yuan without booty and the cc stuff... oh, and it will also be remotes with religious for extra cheap and mms l1 for shock on the template, ava 4. Tried my best... but i am still happy and motivated ... sorry :D
Maybe? Haidao will have a KHD profile and they're probably (not certain if confirmed?) going to have an Engineer profile, but it's unclear if they'll have a dual KHD+Engineer profile.
I just want to step in here and offer my praise for the dedication and focus which has been shown in getting this madness all the way past page 75. May you all be as dedicated to the many other aspects of our hobby.
Dual KHD... Does Twin Weapons even work with those? Can you put down Burst 2 Cybermask, or ignore 2 firewall mods?
A skill honed over many years playing cooperative games whilst lacking friends or cool siblings. Problem is, it's KHDs. So you'd have to montage that Rimmer clip with the Exploding Heads sequence from the climax of Kingsman. I can't tell if that would make it funnier, or disturbing.
It has just occurred to me that 400 point games are going to be a lot of fun given what we know about IA. No Zhanshi, no filler REMs, just one full Combat Group of the Sphere's finest canned soldier, stuffed with extra orders and able to complete every classified in the deck- with the exception of the MSV-Biometric-Sensor one. Possibly the last bit of speculation here: I think that the Daoying may be the MSV or Sensor carrier for IA. The Haidao would be great with it, but Yu Jing loves its active Lieutenants so giving them a useful role is typical for the faction.
Say what you will about @Triumph making this thread that got mocked and called a meme. He was right.... Saying anything else is pure denial.
I personally am not surprised on how bad the thread is again going to, I would advice some course correction.
I see it like this: if I were looking for another army right now IA would be very tempting. It's a counterpart of MO; knights have more flexible fireteams and more staying power thanks to 2 W, IA gets more flexibie profiles, better toolboxes, and between Tactical Awareness and NCO options it's going to be very order-efficient. Yeah, it's not the direction that was expected. But it's good. Really, really good.
To add on to the joke that is the IA release, the only good Haidao profile for YJ vanilla (the CoC) is not available to Vanilla...