Koni said; Good morning/evening/late night guys. Expect the update more or less at 01:00PM CET :) Have a nice day and thanks for yourpatience! HAW ! HAW ! HAW !
I'm not putting myself down. We're just running out of pre-release shitpost time. We shall have PLENTY of post release shitpost time though! Almost as plenty as the hackable units in IA! :D
Release the hype and shitpost Kuang Shis! They shall have many new arrivals they shall need to supply with the good greens!
I don't know why i had the slim hope we could start the new topic more seriously once the update drops. Clearly an unrealistic goal, the shitposting has gone so far that it starts spilling.
I'm only here for the shitposts. After all, can't have anyone else having access to a top tier sectorial can we CB? Least of all those shifty Yu-Jing types :D
I don't think so either, but boy does that thing need it to be more than just a niche unit you field only because the sculpt is so fantastic.
Still is for me :) I mean, there's nothing particularly wrong with the profile. It's very much like a Zuyong or Mobile Brigada with a Combi Rifle. Stats are good, armaments are acceptable, but for the points it just doesn't do a lot. You just don't see people fielding plain Mobile Brigada or Zuyong or Asawira or such as solo models. It's as hard to say "this is wrong" with it as it is hard to justify fielding it. A mediocre profile when a blind ferret would have no problems finding decent or better profiles that are significantly easier to build lists around.