He has just posted loadout of new Orc character: Patsy Garnett have SMG, Nimbus Plus Grenades and D-Charges. Unique loadout, 0SWC/37Points. Also she's Forward Observer too ;) Wish we had some cool new info before the update of the app as well. So far, Morat's rework does not look very promising.
I feel like we're whining enough, but we must not be whining in the correct manner to elicit spoilers.
Looking at the complaints made about the pseudo HI in the IA I can't imagine any complaints about MAF spoilers is in the wrong
I agree. this is probably a case of "you got two new rules and lost a HARIS that nobody ever took." That is all. (And I'll be all the happier for it, I don't need a complete rework of the faction, and am totally content with small tweaks)
I gotta say I'm hoping CB is just being super secretive with MAF because of all it's previous contention and they plan to just let the changes speak for themselves in one big drop.
Most recent statement from Koni - Updates will be released on or before the 30th. No date or time given. They "want to be sure there are no bugs in Army". No clue why they don't just drop a PDF with the profiles - between that and the book, people have all the info they need... Army can follow up at a later date. #DisappointmentContinues #SaltMonkey
As mentioned on the previous page, current info says it'll be up sometime this week. Just hang in there for another couple of days...
I don't have my copy of the book yet, but someone told me there's a reference to Cadmus troops under the Decoy rule that we know Helots get.
Sigh... Guys, really? Come on, we know the update is coming this week, and we know we won't have news until it comes. Calm down, please. If the update drops and it's bad or underwhelming, I'll be the first to raise the flag that MAF needs more and better attention. But right now we don't know what's going to happen. This preemptive complaining makes no sense and just makes the MAF players in general come across as annoying whiners.
Haha, I want to sardonically dislike your comment. I will say given how long Morats have been shafted I understand the impatience and worry that anyone might have. Perhaps earlier released info would have been good for Black Friday
More Varuna updates/news overnight, and YJ news the day before, makes it hard to stomach being continually ignored. Especially when, as above, dropping a PDF would be easy. Even taking 5 minutes to drop a tease in this thread - even once. EDIT - the only "tease/leak" we've had since the video was a FB comment from Infinity stating that we were losing the Sogarat link - from CB's experience with Uprising, I would have thought they'd learned not to lead with taking things away from people, at least not without the counter balance of additional options or profile improvements (which have not been teased).
Our whining is very similar to Yu Jing's, so it's hard to nail down why our whining doesn't work like their's does. Both our faction's whining has costly stat bloat. We both whine with less units than we used to whine with. I don't get it. Do we need to whine with higher ballistic skill like PanO? Oh no. I got it. I bet we need to whine from the marker state. We need that surprise shot modifier to win a ftf with CB staff to score a tease. Too bad for us... Please imagine my post in comic sans.
#ComicSansNow! I find this subforum is generally pretty positive, we probably just don't churn out the quantity of salt required to satisfy the salt god like the blue ones and the orange ones do Also phys 14+ suryats now!
I am like 90% sure, this thread gonna be a huge salt mine after release. So far mixed link teams are far from the greatness of new MO's ones; Suryats did not receive any price discount like hospitallers. I hope that losing Bit&Kiss will grant Morats access to Zerat KHD in at least limited/ambush camo.
There are changes I want and hope for. If they do not happen Morats will go back in the closet for me. Very sure forever. I have been disapoint before. Twice is more than I want.
That is something and will be used if it is the only khd platform. Too bad those marker state hackers are on top of the meta, right.