Another fine example of how not to communicate with your community. Luckily Koni does OK. By the way, now that we have opened the sarcasm can: i have heard the Vaughan method is great.
*Looks at thread title* *looks at Bostria's post* Well, I'm at least glad the thread provided an illustrative example of bad communication just in case anyone needed one. I'm also glad that my Daofei doesn't have a white mask, so I can officially use it in IA! Now, if only we could return the Liu Xing and get our Tiger back! As to the second point, does this also mean that TAK will be losing its multitude of Camo units? Corregidor has Hellcats and Tomcats, surely that is too much AD in one list! We also can't forget how the JSA have Ninja, Oniwaban, Kitsune, and Saito Togan. Certainly the Ninja alone is enough! I mean, if more than one AD option is too much for IA, then it stands to reason that other armies should avoid overlapping special rules as well, or we will have only madness! But hey, after recent tidbits from Koni I was starting to actually get a bit hopeful about IA. Luckily Bostria showed up to remind me why I should continue to have low expectations! Agreed!
Well. If your expectations are low, you can't be disappointed. The video from Warsaw tournamet just proved that. It's nice that they recorded it but it was like "we are glad that you play our game. Unfortunately we don't have anything else to say because reveals will happen on (surprise) adepticon and gencon which are like half of the planet away. And yeah. We also have that forced funny intro so you should laugh" The tournament also shown yj problem. Out of 52 participants, I was the only one playing any form of YJ (ISS). I know that they aren't the most popular factions in Poland but when we have like 5 vanilla nomads and only 1 yj/iss there is some kind of problem with competetiveness or versitality (because minis are awesome)
At least it's not as sparce as a little bit north of you ( Lithuania, to be specific. ). Here you can more or less group the majority of the player base into three groups. Some flavour of CA. Some flavour of Ariadna. Some flavour of everybody else. Last tourney I was in had about 17 players, about 5 of which were split among the CA sectorials, and then at least three Ariadnas ( A USARF, a vanilla and a TAK. ). The rest was mostly a mix of PanO and Haqq from what I can remember with some Nomads sprinkled in. ( ALEPH guy was unavailable that day and we have only one Tohaa player that started playing only rather recently. ) And then one Yu Jing player ( Me. ) and a JSA player ( Who also plays Yu Jing sometimes, but I mostly see him use JSA nowadays. ). But on the bright side, people don't use an abundant amount of hacking here, so running a lot of HI works pretty damn well!
No, there was already the Tiger Soldier in it. You guys removed that and the Dao Fei - for what reason I don't know, possibly to make people buy new models that didn't already exist.
Well, yeah, once the vision for IA was decided, they’d have the Liu Xing and Zhencha, so no need to later add Tigers or Daofei.
I could maybe even buy that if the Liu Xing was different enough from the Tiger. Alas, it is not. Also, you can have more than one AD/skirmisher in the same Sectorial, but the hard cold truth is nobody would buy Liu Xing if IA could use Tigers. CB could have been creative and given the Liu Xing a differentiate niche from the Tiger, but it's better to just ban the Tiger so players have to buy the Liu Xing. Funny thing is when GW do this kind of shit everybody rages, but here a lot of people just idolice CB.