Quick rules check. Disengage states: "When a Character uses a movement to leave a space adjacent to an enemy, both Characters make a Face to Face Disengage Roll". I'm assuming this is the case even if I go to a Hex that is still adjacent to the enemy? IE Moving around them in a circular fashion?
Yes as your still in base contact with the opponents Character. It came up during the BOW filming and Carlos mentioned it as a way to block off narrow gaps with high brawn characters like Maximus
Thanks mate, was discussing it on Facebook with a bud and it seemed to be the case as it does say moving from an adjacent space. wanted to check. :)
Yep, any time you try to leave an Adjacent space, regardless of the destination. Note that you don't even spend the Movement Point or declare where you're moving until after a successful disengage Roll.
So this applies for all situations? Gata is not in BtB. Declares move. Moves 1 hex and is now in BtB with enemy hexx3r. Gata must make disengage roll to jump over (Freerun), and then another disengage to move again? And every time she fails, she looses the rest of Movement points?
Ok then pets assume się is 1 Hex away from enemy A. She spends 1move point to adjenced Hex then 1 move to place herself on the other side. Then 3rd move to move away... Is this the moment she has to do disengage roll? Let's assume that will make her adjenced to enemy B. 4th point to place further and 5th to move away. Is this another disengage roll?
Hello, I know a really old thread, but I just start Aristeia and I'm a bit confused by disengage.... Do I have to make a roll even if I only pass by a enemy model? I mean I don't stop by the enemy,spent my whole movement, just want to walk on a Hex that is adjenced to an enemy... I know if I start in Base to Base I have to. But if I start a Hex away?
You must make a roll to disengage even if your intention is to pass by. An enemy "stops" your movement the moment you enter an adjacent hexagon and you must make a roll to disengage to continue your movement, losing all points of the reserve in case of failure.