Saucy Sepulchre Speculation

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by Judge Dredd, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Neither it is the HI game, so why do you need special His?
  2. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    I’m also not a designer for this game. So I’m not making decisions for it.
  3. Skoll

    Skoll Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    You dont seem to understand what i am saying.

    That being good at tags doesnt make you special because statistically almost nobody takes those things.

    Furthermore nobody is saying here you shouldnt get more tags in yu jing. Because panos thing is not tags its shooting well, and they already gave that to everybody.

    Even when it comes to tags combined army has a TO tag, and lt. Tag with a sepsistor and strategos. We dont go, omg where is panos avatar.

    Hrmc tag ?check other factions got it.

    Surely as the tag faction it is pano with the msv 2 tag right ? No? Hmm odd.

    The "x faction "thing has stopped being the case long ago and its honestly kind of a bullshit gimmicky restriction.
    Balewolf, AngryPanda, Stiopa and 3 others like this.
  4. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    This is 100% the wrong place to be complaining about the once-prominent design restrictions on PanOceania.

    Because after Varuna and the Military Orders re-work we will really only have two left (no Warbands and no Smoke).

    Nor is this the right place for yet another whinge about how tough things are for Yu Jing, Invincible doesn't have as much spoiled and is already looking awesome in the minds of all my local YJ commanders. And mine as well (as a regular YJ opponent and sometime player).

    We're here to celebrate how awesome the Sepulchre is looking!

    And that's pretty awesome!

    Nearly awesome enough to justify this long standing image:


    My ONE concern is that it looks like the Lt profiles might be gone.

    And with the Fusiliers also gone it's looking like Lt options will be pretty limited in MO!
  5. Skoll

    Skoll Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Im not complaining at all.

    I think the mo changes are awesome. Except lack of changes on teuton
  6. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Well, I think we should be being a little more patient before declaring the book closed on the Teuton.
    Mikes, Stiopa and RogueJello like this.
  7. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Expensive infiltrator that still dies to AP mines is mediocre at best.
  8. Titus

    Titus Varuna Beach Commando

    Nov 23, 2017
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    A holoprojector 2 and infiltration sounds pretty week to me if you don't have turn initiative.

    Maybe someone has some experience with this kind of troop?
  9. Ayadan

    Ayadan Knight of the TAG Order

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Define expensive, please. If it is 30+ points infiltrators, then, there are a lot of infiltrators that don't worth to be picked, like Croc men, Malignos, Dasyus, Oniwabans, Spektrs, Tuaregs, Dart and Locusts. That's a hell lot of infiltrators! In fact, that's all PanO ones except the TOFOOS, all the TO ones except the Ninja because I assumed you would only pick the KHD one (something I thank my opponents to do because it is less scary for my beloved HIs and TAGs) and the Clipsos. That's quite something kind from your part to your opponent if he happens to know you a bit. Nothing tricky except a TO in the DZ. You might love playing Ariadna, Nomad or Haqqislam.

    Well, since some of them used to field Montesas and succeeded to win, I won't be bothering to be able to make something of the KotHS who has two decoys in addition and better defensive skills and attributes.
  10. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Nagas die to AP mines as well and are nearly as expensive. They are still considered great units. Climbing Plus is a pretty big advantage. I think the Yu Jing reaction is overblown but understandable.
    #190 Death, Nov 18, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
  11. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    And these expensive infiltrators are typically taken because people don't have a cheaper option. Cheap infiltrators that can avoid taking fire and force the opponent to waste orders discovering them are the best.

    And it's especially jarring considering that the fluff originally said that Daofei and Tiger Soldiers were part of the IA.
  12. Ayadan

    Ayadan Knight of the TAG Order

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Oh, Dasyus are picked even if Nagas and Mk2 are cheaper (way less cheaper for the Mk2). And the only faction that has not such choices is PanO because only the TOFOOS is under 30 points and he isn't even picked outside of his own sectorial. CA has the Shrouded but that doesn't prevent the Malignos to be picked and dreaded, The same for the Oniwaban while Ninjas KHD are a thing. I think you underestimate the value of expensive specialists. Not everything is relying about order spam. A well rounded specialist infiltrator that can win most of the standard midfield firefights and effectively do the mission is worthing a lot more his points than a Chasseur whom the value is just being the most annoying marker to any 1W troopers around. Once a TAG shows up in face of the Chasseur, things are done most of the time.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  13. daboarder

    daboarder Force One Commander

    Apr 26, 2017
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  14. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    There's walking into them and then there's having them placed nearby to kill you if you twitch.

    But, hey, the Sepulchre is finally getting some love. Hopefully the Teutons are getting some as well.
    Stiopa likes this.
  15. daboarder

    daboarder Force One Commander

    Apr 26, 2017
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    if you are aware of the danger and you choose not to place your models in positions where they are covered by proper ARO pieces during your reactive then it serves you right it the opponent is finding it trivial to mine your 30+ 1W NWI BS13 ARM3 infiltrator to death.

    Really, during active you shouldnt be getting mind, and during reactive it will happen occasionally, but realistically outside of dedicated ARO models you should assume that unit is dead anyway if its been that poorly placed
  16. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Yu Jing doesn't have a lot of proper ARO pieces, they are actually seriously outclassed in reactive by nearly every other force in the game.

    Back to the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, between the surprise shot and Breaker ammo, that Breaker Combi profile mentioned somewhere would actually be really nice for busting overextended rambo pieces in the active turn, or going on a rampage itself against low BTS forces. Perhaps an option if SWC is tight, and great for the late game if you use aggressive LTs such as in Military Orders since it will have defensive marker state, a good midfield gun, specialist status and quite possibly the LT order. You have my envy, PanO.
  17. daboarder

    daboarder Force One Commander

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Not even close

    they have and IA will have access to TR HMGs and Mimetism flashbots and warcors like everyone else.
    Then theres the standouts like Yan Hao Nuerocinetic MLs and you can bet that IA is getting some sweet HI ARO love.

    And lets not mention that Yu Jing has one of the best warband screens in the game
    Sedral and SpectralOwl like this.
  18. derbrizon

    derbrizon Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Lol it's got climbing plus and ph13 with arm3. It is more survivable against all the other 30-40 point infiltrators in the game. See: Locust. It has the vulnerability to shock. That's why it's a only 34-41 points despite all the stuff it has!
    Sedral likes this.
  19. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    You raise some good points, though I still disagree about YJ being at par for AROs this is not the thread to discuss that. I will be more direct and less constructive then: can we all please keep discussion of Yu Jing either on its own forum, or concerning how to destroy it? There is a lot of bitterness about and this is supposed to be a happy place.

    Speaking of destroying Yu Jing, the FD2 Holoechoes could be an effective way of keeping Zhenchas off of good rooftops should the enemy try to Infiltrate over the line, or indeed most forms of Infiltrator trying the same tactic- I know certain Ariadna line troops use Inferior Infiltration a lot.
    Sedral and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  20. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    And honestly, the lack of smoke still confuses me. I'd make it Eclipse smoke, though.

    I'm going to disagree about how awesome YJ looks, but agree that this isn't the place to discuss it.

    Yep, that is the epic image of epicness.

    I'm still assuming that we have not seen all the profiles for the new units. that has been consistent for the last several major releases, I think all the way back to Icestorm.
    Sedral likes this.
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