Haqqislam maybe?

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Obeisance, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Obeisance

    Obeisance Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I recently won some stuff and I can trade it in for minis.

    Haqqislam looks pretty interesting.

    What are the benefits of the two sectorial lists over vanilla?

    If you were going to crash course into 300pts worth, what did you buy?

    Yeah, this is a shopping list thread. =P
  2. HardDisk

    HardDisk Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    First, welcome to Haqqislam!
    well, i'm a Hassassin/Vanilla player, so i will leave QK for more experienced players to tell you.

    Hassassin Bahram is a trickster with a glass canon.

    You use HB for the useful linkteams options, Ghulams for defense, Muyibs for the toolbox, Govads for the long range punch and Asawiras for the Assault.
    Besides that, we have awesome units for linkteam support, Ghazis can deal an absurd amount of chaos, Daylamis can turn the fight, Fidays are "Fear spreading tool", all Farzans profiles are good, Barids and the list go on...

    You need to know to pick your fights and use the best tool for the job and that can be a lil hard for new HB players, cos you can't pick a even fight and expect to win, and HB have a big weakness to fight vs Camo/ODD but nothing that you can't deal with (mines, templates indirect fire...), the Govads are good to fight that weakness but players sometimes forget it because they don't have MSV2 for the smoke trick

    Anyway, if you like HB units, give it a try, i find it a rewarding sectorial (but they're my main army, so i may be biased :grimacing: )

    For the shopping list, if you choose Vanilla (its really one of the best well-rounded vanilla faction in the game) and have a friend to share the Red Veil/Beyond Red Veil, go ahead, besides that, Ghazis are never a bad choice, the support pack for the bots (you will use it a lot), Naffatuns and 2-3 blisters that you like is a solid list.

    is you pick HB, the new Starter is a must (useful for Vanilla too), ghazis (again), Leila (you can proxy she if you don't wanna get the Dire Foes box), Muyibs/Govads/Ghulam SWC box for the linkteam, Lasiqs and maybe another Farzan or one Asawira (but they are old and some day will get a resculpt), for start that will be more than enough.

    I don't like Remotes for Haqq Beginners since they're far from a must have for Haqqislam.
  3. Natsymir

    Natsymir Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Hassassin Bahram is a bit of Ironman Mode, really. They're a good sectorial and all, but they're glass cannons, and have a critical lack of MSV2. Their main advantage is that they have some excellent link teams, and that they can field more than one Hassassin Fiday, the most awesome unit in Haqqislam.

    Qapu Khalki is an easier to play sectorial, but they have a lack of good infiltrators, and needs to rely a lot on their powerful link teams. They do have a very interesting cross-factional mix of units, being able to field Alguacils and Mobile Brigadas from Nomads, the always crazyballs Yuan Yuan, and several cool, cheap TAGs.

    For a shopping list, of course it depends, but there seem to be almost a consensus that Ghazi Muttawi'ah are the best troops currently in Infinity. If you chose vanilla or Bahram, you might consider getting the box of them, especially if you want to win a lot.

    For Bahram, I would continue with the new Bahram starter, the Muyib box (they're an amazing link team), but also the Barid hacker blister - he's a terrific and super cheap hacker with great special programs, and can be a lieutenant, too. Getting your hands on line troopers, Ghulam, will be a bit difficult as they only come in boxes designed for vanilla Haqqislam, but you can always go to ebay for a split box deal.

    For vanilla, again I would go with the Barid blister, and perhaps the new Bahram starter - those guys are awesome in vanilla, too. There is a good new starter pack for vanilla, too. Another great option is the three awesome models from the Beyond the Red Veil, but you'd have to go to ebay for a split box deal, unless you have a friend that plays Yu Jing. In Beyond Red Veil, you get both a terrifying Hassassin Fiday, a good, solid airdrop in the form of the Ragik, and the awesome Tarik Mansuri, the best Rambo in Haqqislam.
    Unfortunately, for vanilla, the compulsory MSV2 + HMG-model, the Djanbazan, only comes in a box of four. Again, consider a split box deal, as you'd seldom wanna use the other profiles. The Djanbazan is excellent in vanilla because Haqqislam have looooots of smoke.

    If you like the chicken remotes, they're actually a good option; they can easily be buffed by the Barid, and you can never go wrong with a total reaction HMG or a cheap regular order. I almost never build a list without my 8 pts Fanous remote.
  4. HardDisk

    HardDisk Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Ohh! how could i forget the 8pt order bots, they're good indeed for cheap regular orders for haqq.
  5. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Generic: Saladin, Tarik & Khawarijs, cheap orders & Fiday, very good variety of infiltrating troops (Tuareg Medic+, Hawwa hacker, Farzan chain of command...), Naffatum...
    Hassassin: tough guys, they are the "elite" of Haqquislam, right now the best option to play Limited Insertion (a Haris of Asawira Spitfire + 2 Muyibs, a Core of Muyibs or Govads or Ghulam, Farzan...)
    Qapu: maximun variety, only one with access to TAGs, you can fork both QK and Druze Bayram with ease (Druze box and another single druze, Scarface & Cordelia...) or have some sinergy with Corregidor (Iguana).

    Shopping list for KQ: Try to get Leyla Sharif.
    For max flexibility with minimun expenses:
    • QK Starter (Hawwa hacker, odalisque, djanbazan sniper, 3x Hafza)
    • Hawwa Sniper blister (it's the only other Hawwa model)
    • Specops Blister (if not a Specops, can be legally used as proxy for Hafza, Ghulam or Muyib model)
    • Yuan Yuan doble blister
    • Odalisques box
    Fireteam Core of 3 Odalisques + 2 Hafzas, Haris of 2 Odalisques + 1 Hafza, use Yuans for smoke and Djanbazan for MSV2. 2 Hawwa hackers on the middle of the table (they can manage almost all secondary objectives). Warcor provides cheap ARO for any human faction.

    Expansion: Djanbazan box, Bashi Bazouk for extra disruption on enemy files. Ghulam box can be acquired for extra expansion, but it might be better to get the Haqquislam starter (you will use the Ghulam mostly as Medics or snipers).
    For example, the list could be:
    [​IMG] Qapu Khalqi
    GRUPO 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]9 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]1
    [​IMG] ODALISCA (Fireteam: Haris) Fusil + Escopeta Lig. Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0.5 | 25)
    [​IMG] ODALISCA Spitfire, Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo. (1 | 30)
    [​IMG] HAFZA (Observ. de Artillería) Fusil + Escopeta Lig. / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 17)
    [​IMG] HAFZA Teniente Fusil + Escopeta Lig. / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 16)
    [​IMG] HAFZA Lanzacohetes Pesado / Pistola de Asalto, Cuchillo. (1.5 | 18)
    [​IMG] ODALISCA Spitfire, Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo. (1 | 30)
    [​IMG] ODALISCA Fusil + Escopeta Lig. Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 24)
    [​IMG] ODALISCA Subfusil, Contender, Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 22)
    [​IMG] GHULAM Médico Plus (MediKit) Fusil + Escopeta Lig. / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 16)
    [​IMG] NASMAT Pulso Eléctrico. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] YUAN YUAN Chain Rifle, Granadas de Humo / Pistola, Arma CC AP. (0 | 8)
    GRUPO 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]3 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]1
    [​IMG] HAWWA' Hacker (Disp. de Hacker de Asalto) Escopeta de Abordaje, Cargas-D / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0.5 | 26)
    [​IMG] HAWWA' Hacker (Disp. de Hacker de Asalto) Escopeta de Abordaje, Cargas-D / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0.5 | 26)
    [​IMG] DJANBAZAN F. de Francotirador / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0.5 | 31)
    [​IMG] YUAN YUAN Chain Rifle, Granadas de Humo / Pistola, Arma CC AP. (0 | 8)
    5.5 CAP | 300 Puntos
    Abrir en Infinity Army

    For mixing with Druze, get Druze box and use the Ghulam as brawlers, for example.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  6. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I play Vanilla, HB, and QK, and each play very differently.

    HB is the scalpel where you want to make sure you know the order you want your targets dead in. In Area Control missions they will reign supreme, and in Assassinations. They make death look easy. Fiday's, Daylami, and Farzans will wreak chaos in your opponents lines at the very first order, and HB NEEDS to be aggressive. As has been said they are a glass cannon.

    QK is the mercenary, boot to face faction. They are much less subtle but are more durable in their MI. Yaun Yauns are a great blitz force for cheap and will make chaos happen. Sekban are durable ARO or line defense units while Kaplans, or Jannissaries assault. QK function much less on the asymmetric warfare (except the yaun yauns), and play much more like Yu Jing, Pano, or Aleph.

    Vanila is very much a guerrilla fighters faction. You will be running asymmetric trades and setting up fights. If you want to win fights by using outside of the box tactics, then Haqq is the faction for you. You will need to learn how to utilize irregulars well, and what ratio of Regular to Irregular that will keep you efficient.
  7. Envihon

    Envihon The Sword of Haqqislam, High Commander Envihon

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Danger Rose, HardDisk and theGricks like this.
  8. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    @Envihon has some great articles about Haqq in general, I definitely suggest giving them a peruse.
    Danger Rose and Envihon like this.
  9. Sojourne

    Sojourne Irregular

    Jan 5, 2018
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    The Sword of Haqqislam blog mentioned was really very useful when I was starting out on my Haqq Journey too. Highly recommended.

    I can only speak for vanilla, but if I were to start again, this would be the bare minimal basics I would choose

    • get (or better, split) Beyond Red Veil. Tarik, Fiday & Ragik are all good offensive corner-pieces of any vanilla army.

    • Ghulam Infantry box. Mainly for something to proxy as a Djan HMG (to enable msv2 smoke tricks), getting the full box for the Djan HMG is really not worth it, also the Ghulams can reasonably proxy lots of other essential things too. Sniper for Lasiq Sniper, Hacker for Tuareg, Barid or Al’Hawwa, even Missile Launcher woman for a Hunzakut (she’s mostly a camo marker anyway) or future Daylami. Regardless, the Ghulams themselves are pretty useful too and can be a good fireteam base to start exploring either of Haqq’s sectorials in the future.

    • Naffatuns, great cheap cheerleaders to power Tarik and such, hiding your LT, and also great corner guards.

    • Mutts, extremely steep learning curve to use effectively, but skills you start learning with them will pay dividends way down the line.

    • Ghulam Support box, going to need your Ghulam doc and nasmats a lot in future so might as well get now. Engineer for your future TR bot and eventual Maggie. Engineer can act as a reasonable proxy for a specialist such a a Tuareg, Barid, Al-Hawwa or even Farzan too.

    if you can spare a bit more and if you don’t want to use Ghulam proxies, here are more items for the shopping list. Good to have anyway because you will use them a lot in future

    • Hunzakut

    • Mjr Lunah (Lasiq Sniper), arguably better than getting the Lasiq blister since you probably choose to use the sniper over the viral rifle version most of the time

    • Tuareg Hacker (If you have Red Veil already, the Tuareg Sniper makes a good proxy)

    • Barid

    With the above, you get a very good backbone to start vanilla Haqq.
    Danger Rose, Gabarra and theGricks like this.
  10. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Naffatun box is also really good. The Djan box is debatable. I have run the SMR, and Doctor a couple of times...but not a lot. I run the HMG a WHOLE lot.
  11. ik3rian

    ik3rian Anti-Ariadnian Specialist

    Jan 19, 2018
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    I'm playing vanilla for "pushing buttons" scenarios, mostly because of FO Hunzakuts, Tuaregs and bikes (they can clear midfield pretty well). Also, it allows you fielding DJ Bazans with Mutts, which is a great way to deal with long range AROs. For now, it's also the only way for fielding Naffatuns - amazing way to make your opponent think twice about dropping AD's on yer flank.

    When it comes to HB, it is slightly limited with approach choices (one AD, one CH, one "WB-LI"), and some AVA are ridiculous (only 4 Ghulams; 4 Lasiqs and 4 Ragiks), which always forces me to spend more time on making a playable lists. That said, board control is amazing here.

    Never been a fan of QK, so cant really tell you much about them, but Sekban specialist+escort duo is my favourite here. Pretty straightforward aggresive sectorial.

    When it comes to purchases, i would suggest getting your hands on following:
    Lasiq VSR
    Ghulam Pack
    Specialists pack
    Djanbazan HMG
    AP HMG Azrail and TR bot are nice to have too.

    Oh, and Naffatuns of course.
  12. PreacherSaul

    PreacherSaul Active Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I think you should get the support pack and remotes regardless of which sub faction you go for. They are useful in all of them.
    Danger Rose and Balewolf like this.
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