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Invincible Army post mortem

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Triumph, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Are you insane? Do you know how absurdly overpowered it would become then? BS15-17 with Shock is the last thing that beast needs.
    Aldo and Kallas like this.
  2. Make PanO Great Again :P

    Make PanO Great Again :P Varuna, with the deadliest reptiles in the sphere

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I´m writing from my phone and the corrector keeps turning the words to spanish and changing some, for this i´m sorry but nothing i can do.
    I know what a Straw man is, and what i mean and was clear is that i dont think my argument or question was one.
    I´m not attacking the SuJian, CB decided that for balance a unit that has all the markings of a REM (remote presence, str insted of wounds, S3/S5, fluff, etc) will be a HI, im atacking the idea that the SuJian can be a HI and this guys cant..
    Before, here, was a discussion of "what really is a HI?", generally speaking people from outside keep saying 3+ arm and 4-4 move and you guys keep saying its the 2 wounds.
    CB will put the tag they think and people will play, or not, and will be fine.
    The funny thing is that the answers here dont care for the definition that was so important before, just how to make the unit more powerful (with AF and such), which goes hand in hand with the impression this threat gives.

    real recommendation here, no trolling, ready?, here it goes: walk away from the forum for a couple of days, for real.
    cool your heads, have some games, look at the units again and then come back
    AdmiralJCJF likes this.
  3. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I can easily see the lack of shock immunity/bioimmunity on the zencha as a typo, which is why I have not commented much on him

    If he has it that's it, I'm getting into IA (dammit)

    If he doesn't though i still think he's awesome
    krossaks and Joametz like this.
  4. Fire@Will

    Fire@Will Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    Well, that encapsulates the difference in how we envisage the Zhencha. The role you've identified seems to be something that can assault a fortified position (by definition, if protected by mines). What I see is something that bypasses the mines to go somewhere else.

    IA won't lack for frontal assault options...
    krossaks likes this.
  5. Joametz

    Joametz Chinese Empire in Space enthusiast

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Would love that. But I wouldn’t mind the Hulang being some kind of “big Shaolin monk” either, with smoke grenades or something.
  6. Borlois

    Borlois Yu Jing Imperial Service Agent

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Ok. It was a long time. I could not read all the lines, but I will tell you my point of view:
    There are some who are comparing Yadu, Dart and Guilangs with the Zencha. Wrong answers.
    Zencha have D-Charges and is harder than the Guilangs. Can face some more classified objectives. And can assault enemies home like other skirmishers, but with the chance to resist one wound, and if he die our enemy cannot do datascan or coup de grace.
    Dart only kills, she can do few missions. Two classified against four or five classified and switching? No point.
    Yadu is not meant to be skrimishers, they are "HI", not hackeable but more expensive than regular HI. Yadu core Vs Zuyong core: Yadu are expensive in points and SWC. Our Zuyong can have a ML and tinbot if we want more protection. And Yadu still being vulnerable against Viral Ammo (Aida Swanson ... That bitch XD).
    Zencha give us an armored way to do classified objectives and missions with a good cost and habilities.
    krossaks and Joametz like this.
  7. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Why don't you leave?

    It's always the complainers who have to leave.

    Why doesn't the people that love the Zencha leave, walk away, cleanse themselves, play some actual games in a reasonably competitive environment, come back and look at the units?

    You want to go to the console. That's pretty much all this overpriced Foxtrot is made for in the "superior assault forces" sectorial. Where else are you going?
    Mruczyslaw, jimbo slice and Kallas like this.
  8. atomicfryingpan

    atomicfryingpan Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2017
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    I know this probably won't be a popular opinion but I would remain optimistic. I think we are going to get a similar treatment to MO. The new MO is almost like a new sectorial with alot of point changes, profiles, and fireteams. Pano are the ones normally crying about they are the faction that isnt allowed to have cool things. All of the new sectorials CB has released has made me really interested in them and they all look fun to play. I think their design philosophy has changed and all factions are benefitting from it. Granted yu jing seems to be the ones benefitting the least from it and the last from it. Despite that though I think the evidence is out there that these guys are making great new sectorials and I think IA will be one as well. I think we will have some cool new units, some good point adjustments, and some fun tricks.

    All that being said there are definitely things that can be questioned. I thought for sure Sun Tze would have been in this sectorial, what exactly does explode LX do, why dont we have any good cc units since the martial arts is a huge part of Chinese culture, and so on. We can speculate and try to figure those out but at the end of the day we just dont know exactly why they are choosing to do what they do. I prefer to assume they have a good reason for it even if I cant see it now. Another thing too is for everyone who has been waiting for this sectorials for years it's very hard to meet those kinds of expectations. We stay on the hype train for so long and get such a crystal clear image of what something should be and then it doesnt match up with our vision/expectations.
  9. Kallas

    Kallas Vincible

    Mar 8, 2018
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    The Su-Jian would be fine as a REM - I suspect that it was made as an HI to prevent it from benefiting from Assisted Fire. Yet, when we say that we'd be ok with it being a REM, that's us wanting more power...even though it was you asking if we'd be ok with that in exchange for the Liu Xing/Zhencha being MI? You're being really shady/disingenuous with your questions, which makes them seem like you're just trying to manoeuvre people into looking like they want the best of every world, which isn't the case.

    Simply: the Su-Jian would be fine as a REM (and in fact probably too good); the Zhencha/Liu Xing are classified as HI but really aren't and suffer because of it (and it appears to be CB trying to fulfill the promise of a "full HI Sectorial" while not actually committing to that promise properly).

    Yay, more of this shit. We had it during [CENSORED] when people kept telling us to wait and see, it surely wasn't going to be as bad as we expected - and then it was, and in some cases it was worse.

    In this instance, these profiles aren't particularly great. They're a cop out (ie, they're not actually proper HI), which is mildly infuriating; and they're taking the place of units that we were fully expecting to be there (ie, the Daofei and Tiger: one has been an Invincible for many years; the other was stated to be in IA by Bostria) and they don't live up to those units. We were told that [CENSORED] was making room for new design space...but these units are uninspired and lacking in some of the definition and utility/uniqueness that IA really needs to bring to the faction.

    I could leave and wait and see. In fact, we all are going to have to wait and see, because there are undoubtedly some changes coming to the profiles of at least some of the pre-existing IA units (Shang Ji, especially, desperately needs it); and there are four units that we don't know anything about other than their names and AVA. We can't really play the Liu Xing/Zhencha with the units we currently have in an IA list, because it's not really representative of the options available to IA - it's possible that the Zhencha and Hulang work really well together; it's possible that the Daoying brings something to the table that makes the Liu Xing really shine. We don't know that, and without that kind of information, the Zhencha/Liu Xing are lacking in support units.

    So telling people to step back and go play with them is disingenuous, because you're asking them to play with a half-baked Sectorial, and with at least one unknown rule(!), which would inevitably lead to people being more disenfranchised! You're essentially asking people to make things worse. Good job! :face_with_rolling_eyes:
  10. banthafodder

    banthafodder Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
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    To be fair, I'd be loathe to give up Cautious Move. Those ARO free 8 inch moves have saved my bacon more than once.

    Not to mention the requirement for a hacker. You'd have to give it at least a SWC discount.

    But seriously f*** that argument. I'm not going to engage in hypothetical unit trades among a faction that is 3rd to last in terms of troop profiles. I've already had my bikes, mono filament assassins, base defense, and best engineer taken.

    Not when Hospitallers picked up a 2 point discount and DA, when they were the biggest single argument why sub 50 Arm 4 2 wound BS14 ORC sucks (who are somehow used to justifying Aquila suck). So f*** that noise.

    On its own merits, I'd pay the extra point or two to make Zhencha MI or shock inmune. But don't go asking for that extra pound of flesh elsewhere.
    Zewrath, Kallas and Aldo like this.
  11. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    We've been told to remain optimistic since the first Uprising teaser showed up. Saying that it won't be a popular opinion is an understatement.
  12. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I'd say the split is about 50/50 between people that hate these units and those that don't
  13. atomicfryingpan

    atomicfryingpan Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2017
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    For sure, and it's definitely not easy. A ton people in the pano forums said alot of the same things to me when I said to be optimistic and that I think we are gonna get cool stuff for them and not just things that shoot good with mimetism. I got faith that they'll do some cool stuff.
  14. Kallas

    Kallas Vincible

    Mar 8, 2018
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    CB have burnt pretty all of their good faith. It's about time to actually get stuck in and show, not tell - thankfully, it's only a relatively short while until the November reveal, as opposed to the initial expectation of Early 2019.
    Benkei and Aldo like this.
  15. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I'd be totally down with that!

    The name is also made up some animals, Hu (Tiger) Lang (Wolf) But together it describes something Vicious as those animals. And one thing I've wanted for a long time is some sort of Robotic Foo Dog or Foo Lion!


    I don't hate them. Just disappointed. But i'll live and move on to possibly use them when I can, and figure out how to use them to the best that they can do.
    Joametz likes this.
  16. atomicfryingpan

    atomicfryingpan Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2017
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    There is still more things for them to show. We will see in November.
    Joametz likes this.
  17. Fire@Will

    Fire@Will Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    How often do I want to go to only one console? And how many opponents have the resources to cover all the bases? Yes, that's sidestepping your scenario a little, but equally if my opponent is committing resources in one place, they have to be neglecting something elsewhere. That's where I'm headed; Infinity always involves compromise.

    If there's a mine covering the objective, how does any unit deal with it? Gamble on a dodge, or tank the hit. And, 4 zhenchas that could ignore mines might be OP.
  18. banthafodder

    banthafodder Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
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    That would be nice, though I thought the Yaoxie remotes were already named after the Foo Dogs. Unless I was mixing them up with another spirit.
  19. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Given that being shown things 3 months earlier than expected has counted for nothing, I'm not optimistic a certain core will be satisfied with anything less then an absolutely brokenly good army list at this stage.
    saint, ijw and berynius like this.
  20. Krofna

    Krofna Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Not exactly over the moon about new stuff, but I'll wait and see.

    There is also a slight possibility that they rushed out these previews and that there are still some hidden units to be revealed. After all if you compare how many profiles left, including characters, Invincibles don't seem to be plugging many holes.

    I'm a primarily Haqqislam player, but the first non Haqq model I bought was Yan Huo HRMC for it being such a baddass. I've got a pile of unassembled YJ just waiting for some inspirational artwork or fluff and they're ready to rumble.
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