that's what I was thinking when reading about 'stretching legs' in Rowlings, I got so nauseated by Martin dull writing style ... ... to me in order to be a real fantasy/sci-fi masterpiece, a book must stand the trial of time. Dune, LotR, Starship Troopers, Frankenstein and the like had, other not quite. For all of my love for Howard or Gibson or Lovecraft yet I see clearly where they sorely lack. Back IT Regarding today's video I find it reveals far less than what it hypes. Waiting till the 30th of november to get all the updates in Army will be our true green (with envy) hell! Changes to MO seem to be amazing and revolutionizing, can't wait for it, whether VIRD will undoubtedly bring some fresh (and salty) air in Vanilla PanO at least. Helots by themselves are a blast, Zulu too. Only thing that I do not quite like is jammer going to be a staple for newer camo/infiltration types. It is not that I don't like that, still I find it very annoying even if gamewise interesting to cope with. However I had such a bad rap 'cos the cheap ghazi muttawi'ah.
I can imagine Gutier reading this thread and taking notes for a new book: -Gutier: Idea for "4th offensvie book", a new non-humanoid race of CA formed by communist fishes get the way to stop the internal core of Paradiso planet. -Corvus staff: Eeeee, are you sure? -Gutier: The fishes can't stretch their legs so they are mounted in motorbikes. -Corvus staff: You did it again master!
By the rate the link teams get more flexible with each release, I think we end up with CJC having Wildcard everything. Coincidentally I think it would fit them the best of all sectorials anyways. :D
Yesss, I just made a proxy Hellcat for him... AND I FUTURE PROOFED IT! BAHAHAHAH! JUST A HELLCAT WITH A PISTOL AND A DIFFERENT HEAD! I tricked you, conversion killer gods!
Raoul kinda has an assassins creed look going on. But he also looks really generic, like he's an uninteresting Observance themed drop troop and not a thrill seeking ex PanO spec ops mercenary. I was hoping for something more like the Brawlers or CSUs since he pairs up with both. A CSU look would even have him fit in well with the Securitates too. I guess I'm just very disappointed, since I was expecting so much more from him. :( maybe the painted version will bring out a bit more character. But right now I'm really looking to make something more flavorful myself.
I like his Concept and the small details like the glowing moon on his back. I hope it gets a cool model.
Hopefully they go for a double blister with each profile or at least alternate arms. If they go that route, I'm buying two.
So, the current NA2 lists are set in stone, all this stuff from the offensive and ITS pack is for the other armies (and StarCo in case of Raoul)? Seems not exactly motivating to play a 3rd offensive army without 3rd offensive treatment.
Personally I am getting a little tired of the tactical hoodies. I mean if they just showed up in one faction, and that was their visual flavor, I would be OK with that. But they seem to be showing up in every faction. It is not a look I am a fan of, and I haven't bought a tactical hoodie miniature yet. Fortunately Infinity has so many good looking miniatures with viable profiles, that I don't feel like my lists suffer due to my prejudice against the hoodie.
I love these hoodies. Don't bare faces (can't paint them) and helmets looks nearly always the same. It's a good dispersal for each army.
Or there's always the generic sword and/or pistol to cover all bases version they might produce. Or they're in cahoots with jewellery saw blade manufacturers and will force those of us who don't like to proxy the wrong gun as a different gun to convert by releasing him as the jump option only...
Sword and pistol is stupid. Especially when he's got tonfas from the look of it. :P Well at least it wouldn't be like Unknown Ranger where one profile(Rifle w/ Chain of Command) was only available via GenCon. Talk about nonsense there. How hard would it have been to include a rifle arm for the general release?