Dont forget lack of MSV, HD, Sensor ;P And fact that our Sniper rifles could almost shoot their Basilisks ;P
Bostriaposting and Bostria memes have helped the collective community get to where we are today. Do not underestimate its power!
To be fair, 40ks ranges are at least halved over Infinity. And I dunno what it's like now but used to be the Basilisk had range to hit three tables over and the Deathstrike missile could hit Mars o-0
With damage 4?:P max 10?:P Please. Simple damage 13 combi would shatter their tanks, and even fusiliers robe can withstand those bolters and rockets;P Especialy in cover;P
240" with the indirect fire upgrade back in the day. Drop shells on someone else's table ! And yes, people did. There was pics of the Judges measuring range to another table at one of the Grand Tournaments (don't think it was a friend at that table, either...). And the MSR used to shoot 104" in N2... (OK, full profile: 0-12"/+0, 12-36"/+3, 36-52"/-3, 52-104"/-6. DAM15, B2 AP or DA ammo, no template, EM vulnerable, No CC. That doubling of the -3 range at -6 was normal then, as was the ranges not being multiples of 8".)
And now everything has Pistol, Rifle, Combi, Spitfire, HMG, Sniper or ML range (go home, Ojotnik, nobody cares about you). It's just easier to compare stuff now.
I don't remember Multisnipers getting integrated ammo, but yeah, that was a thing. Multirifles had an odd B rating: 3//2//1. They could fire normal ammo at B3, either AP or DA at B2, or AP+DA at Burst 1. MultiHMGs had a 4//2//1 Burst, normal ammo at B4, AP or EXP at B2, AP+EXP at B1. If y'all are thinking that there's no reason to ever use B2 AP, you're right. B2 DA or EXP might be worth it.
I totally forgot the integrated ammo multirifles had...I need pull my old n2 books out and do a reread...
It was a much cooler idea than the basic 'variable ammo' that multiweapons have now, that's for sure. Too bad it basically didn't see use. You couldn't use Integrated Ammo in ARO, and Burst (getting the hit) is more important than after-hit damage bonuses. That is the big reason why Multi weapons have basic variable ammo in N3, CB saw everyone always use the DA or EXP ammo in ARO, and basically never use the fancy ammo in the active turn. Here's the N2 dice calculator: