Hi everyone, really new to Infinity (been eyeing it up for quite a while and I'm excited to really get into it). I've slowly been reading up on the lore (N3 books are in the post!), but I was curious on the lore behind the Devil Dogs. Are they just the USA version of the dog-faces? I know in the tabletop, they're deployed in the wolf-state, but 'off duty' do they transmute back into a dog-face? Or are they always in the Devil Dog state? In either case, character-wise, whats their intelligence levels like? Are they the same as humans? Or are they more similar to the Ogryns from 40K? Cheers all!
They're like the Kazak Dog Warriors on that they're usually human size but are trained to transmute before battle, the fact they have large sized armour also leads me to believe they can maintain their large form for extended periods of time. Caledonian Cameronians are the same and Duroc tends to transform on the way down from the helicopter. McMurrogh is stuck in his transmuted form due to machinations of the Hassassins. Dogfaces have human levels of intelligence, but they tend to be aggressive and angry so they rarely go for academic pursuits. Oh, Devil Dogs also dock their tails, don't ask me how this works with their transformation.
Awesome, that answered everything perfectly, thank you! Where do you get all this information from? I know I haven’t read the N3 corebook yet, but I’ve read most of the N1 one and scoured the Internet for info... is it in the HS book? Edit: I don’t even want to know what the human form is missing after the tail is docked
Humans have the Coccyx, a small bone that juts out from the pelvic bone. Some have said that since Great Ape have the same bone it is proof that we came from Apes. Others say it is the leftovers from a tail that Humans used to have. I personally disagree with both assumptions. There may be a different reason for Humans to be given this bone structure.
This site has a lot of lore from unit descriptions: https://human-sphere.com/index.php?title=Main_Page I couldn't tell you where a lot of the info comes from as I've read most of the books, though I do remember that the tail docking was confirmed by Corvus Belli staff when someone asked them why the Devil Dog didn't have a tail.
After searching around it turns out the Coccyx does have a purpose. Apparently, this bone is the anchor where the 12 muscles we use to go to the restroom are attached. Oh and the word Coccyx means Cuckoo in Latin. It was given this name due to the bone's shape which resembles a Cuckoo's beak. You learn something new each day. Guess I should reedit my previous statement.
I am hoping that in the next edition we get some expanded Devil Dog options. The Dogs are a kind of signature unit outside of TAGs for the game. It would be fun to have new fluff and toys to play with. With USA being so close to the tribes at the wall it also creates interesting new fluff oppertunities. It would be neat to see some more of the love hate relationship they have with guarding the wall from raving hordes of antipodes and then accepting other dog-types within the borders. Maybe one day we could find a way to come together as one with our neighbors. It would be great help to form a military alliance against the real threat. That is the hated commie scum in Rodina.
Say that to my Devil Dog (I'm tempted to calling him Dominik after a werewolf character from a friend) got his ass handed to him by a fukken Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. One interesting tidbit about the K-9 antipodes is that they seem quite smart. The USAriadna booklet has one of them stealing crackers and its smart enough to understand a bargain from a human soldier. It also implies the Devil Dogs all sleep in huge wolf form, so there's that.
Hm, maybe he just has a Masters degree. Antipodes in general are intelligent, they do have a tribal society: they're no mere animals.
Is this true? I’ve never been able to look deeply into this, so I’m wondering if we know that the Tohaa created the antipodes, or is this a rumor still?
Ancient (pre-human colonisation) Tohaa ruins have been found in Merovingia, and Antipodes achieve full sentience in what could be called a Triad. They might not have been created from whole cloth by the Artichokes but there's definitely signs of their tampering.
A lot of the individual unit fluff can be found in the catalog, https://catalog.infinitythegame.com. Just click on the faction and entry and you will find a bit of fluff about the unit origin and maybe an inuniverse quote.
There's also Human Sphere to see some of the older minis, including some that are completely OOP, but there aren't any OOP or old Devil Dog minis. Although come to think of it there don't appear to be any other USAMC units at all...
From reading the new RPG ariadna supplement. It sounded like the Devil Dogs are just the most uniquely notable unit of the USAMC. They also kinda struck me as the best trained and equipped of the Dog Warrior units.