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Hunt for Red [October Releases]

Discussion in 'News' started by Solar, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Please read #211 until enlightenment.
    I`m telling you that SAA hardware is dead, SAA software is alive. Please don`t disappoint me in humanity cognitive skills.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  2. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So new console is not an old one. Really? Do I have to point that rage on some minor company while turning blind eye on exact same things done by large companies looks miserable?
  3. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Yes please, insult me when you run out of arguments.

    And by the way, I'm not saying whether discontinuing sectorials is good or bad, the only thing I'm saying is it kills sectorials and saying otherwise is at best naive. Practice some reading comprehension before insulting other people, thanks.
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  4. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sorry to insult you. I`m not saying this is good thing too. That`s why I`ve pointed it to similarities in other entertainment industry. There are plenty of people who play old games all over the world, because these games are good. I don`t see why anybody can`t play using SAA rules because rules are good and interesting.
    Why are you trying to portray wargamers less passionate to their hobby than other communities?

    I`m really sorry to insult you, but I guess you`ll be anyway because of nitpicking.
  5. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think it depends on CB agreements with their production facility regarding minimal amount of boxes to be produced. It could be cumbersome to produce and store, for example, 500 boxes of same one position because of couple of orders.
    "While stock last" could work, could not. It won`t shorten warehouse number of SKU, but it could show that some positions don`t sell at all, to display grounds of production stop.
    eciu likes this.
  6. Icchan

    Icchan Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2017
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    At this point I'd rather want them to put older sectorials on hold if that means I don't have to buy more minis for them and they get updated fireteam options and maybe point adjustments. If I had to choose between buying new sculpts for existing profiles or fixing existing profiles, I know which one I'd choose.
  7. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Because my point never was people can't play their old minis, my only point is retiring the miniatures kills the sectorial and I dunno why people want to be so naive to think otherwise.
    tyrannosaurus69 likes this.
  8. chaos11

    chaos11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Kills the sectorial how? You can still play with it. The rules are still there. New players will have a harder time if they want to play it, but that's not the same as killing the sectorial.
    A Mão Esquerda and sarf like this.
  9. tdc

    tdc ALEPH Fragment

    Feb 21, 2017
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    And given the proxy rules, it's not exactly hard to get what you need...

    Fusiliers = regulars
    Bolts = Baghs
    Any Knight = Montessa
    Squallo/Zsally = Drogoes

    You can even go further
    Tabby bolt = Stephen(ie) Rao
    Lareon, Balewolf, Berjiz and 5 others like this.
  10. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    @Benkei, calling people who disagree with you "naive" won't help you convince them you're right.

    ASA was never a very popular sectorial, discontinuing minis will probably make it less popular with new players, but that's not the same as killing it.
  11. ZlaKhon

    ZlaKhon New scale enthusiast

    Nov 27, 2017
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    FYI: I started a thread in offtopic wondering what tabletop games are played the most. 9th age (pretty much open source Warhammer fantasy after GW ended support) was one of the top 3 tabletops played at tournaments in my sample. Not claiming statistical significance or relevance outside of Germany, but your statement is definitely not true.

    Edit: here’s the link: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threa...player-bases-and-tournament-activities.25022/
  12. Darkvortex87

    Darkvortex87 Combat jump kamikaze

    Nov 24, 2017
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    see also bloodbowl. It went on 20ish year before GW noted that it was still played around the world.
    Lothlanathorian likes this.
  13. Wombat85

    Wombat85 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Given I can count on one hand the number of times a company has actively and literally laughed at consumers concerns in official press I would say yes its hostile.

    You didn't read my post at all, I never said CB wasn't making models, I said there is little direction or guidance in what models are getting made. Just look at Joan, 2 models in one year says 2 things:
    1. Someone at cb really likes Joan
    2. There is no one prioritizing artist time into things that need to be done instead of pet projects. This is why I don't buy Bostrias we need time for Tohaa crap, you had time to make 2 copies of one model for one faction (which is more than all tohaa releases this year) you just missmanged your artists.

    All these random actions they keep springing have me saying "if I buy this will they just repack it in 2 months and I could have got it cheaper then" or "is my faction dead and its only a matter of time before it ceases to exit". Because make no mistake once the models arn't selling the impetuous to keep things like FRRM updated and competitive in army is gone, and given they cant manage their core employees (the artists) I doubt that the IT guy is getting much of a look in.
    Abrilete likes this.
  14. Ramas

    Ramas Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    I have big questions at this point. First my positive views to the new policy. First we get new sectorials. What we have seen so far is great. All the new stuff including the split of JSA is really amazing. We have great new profiles and new fluff. Second is that the older sectorials get new options. I like this really. Third, it is a good economic move to remove MRRF & SAA from the stock, if we can get new and more good minis and more fluff. The whole world can advance in new directions. New balancing and so on. I am really really excited of the new stuff. Now my negative views. First I feel like other people here that the info that some sectorials go OOP are not good submitted. In the new video we hear again that we get a really big "swap". But what does this mean. Correct, nothing. We know nothing. But thats not the point. The point is, that info like SAA gets OOP comes from "somwhere". Nothing is really official. That makes me really angry. Okey you can say we had signs or have signs that for example QK leaves too but that has a bad taste. Many people have to save money for their minis. I have to say Infinity is not really expensive. Thats a great plus. But there are still people who have to save money. So for this people would be nice to know in which month a switch will happen. Not one or two month before. I think thats not enough. Three or four month would be fair I think. Yes, thats a problem for marketing strategy. So you have a tradeoff between too much info and too less info. But we are a great community of so different people. Playing ITS ore simple Casual. But everyone needs infos how the whole thing developes. We shape the world with our demand. And thats it. Yes, you can say, okey if SAA sells better it will rise again. But for this it is too late. I think the only way to satisfy more poeple is, to increase the information flow in the near future. So I hope someone reads this and can give infos for example about the future of Qapu Khalqi. In the video was said that the RTF will come. Also we have for december the new Odalisque. This is again a sign for change. Thats not questionable. I started QK recently. So please CB give us the information what Minis will get OOP this year. The december sneak peak has a bad taste for people which started QK recently. I have more fear whats all about the Shasvastii or Tohaa. But this is too far in the future. I think 2019 we will see. But also here I have a bad feeling as Tohaa Player. I hope Shasvastii will only be reworked or be in Two-Player Battle Box with the Triad. This would be very interesting because we have the old war between CA and Tohaa in its full strength. But in the end I am really happy of the new beginning. The new styles and art is amazing. Very good work. I hope for more good news about new releases. :alien:
    #234 Ramas, Sep 20, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
    emperorsaistone and Sora9785 like this.
  15. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    A delicate balance. You need someone business savvy to make sure your business works. However you also need to let your artist run wild on some pet projects occasionally. Some of those pet projects will turn to business gold, others may flop. However if you micromanage your artist tightly you get soulless corporate drivel, and high burnout.

    So far I think Corvus Belli has managed pretty well (despite the occasional misstep). Considering how rapidly their business has grown, they have juggled business and artistic concerns fairly well. They could do with hiring a few business savy individuals to handle their marketing, but you can't let marketing steer the company, or you end up like some of the other companies out there, that I refuse to name.

    The moment Corvus Belli loses their artistic soul, is the moment I check out.
  16. IcariumVNam

    IcariumVNam Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    As a fairly casual gamer who is mainly interested in painting models, I feel CB's model is fairly well balanced. Sure there are things that you can improve but there is also a finite amount of time. I have mainly focused on Infinity and Kingdom Death over the past few years but I still browse GW's site now and again to check what is going on and its hard to follow. There is a cognitive process called Choice Overload, basically humans find it difficult to make a choice when given more than 6 options, for example when your gf asks you to buy shampoo and you stand in the isle of the supermarket for 10 minutes like an idiot. GW seems to be releasing so much stuff that as a casual gamer its almost impossible to follow.

    CB's main strength for people like me is that all the rules are online and free. If I want to play 40K or Kill Team god knows how many books I need to buy. So that leaves all the buyers purchasing power to miniatures. Whichever way you look at it if they want to add new sectorials then old ones need to be removed or considered 'done'. I have an SAA army (mainly made of porxies from O:IS) and I have hardly bought any of the Acontecimento stuff. As a business, of course a new Invincible is going to sell way more than updates to SAA so thats what they did.

    I think going forward this kind of thing should be communicated at least 6 months in advance of it happening so people have time to buy what they want and others don't start a faction that is about to be OOP. They should also spend time picking the low hanging fruit such as updating the Corregidor Starter pack which would sell well and move older popular factions towards being 'done' rather than keep making Joans.

    Shas vs Tohaa has to be the next starter box so I'm waiting for that bad boy to start two new factions.

    Also if you want to talk about armies not getting updated, I was an Eldar player 10 years ago and they still have some of the same models while marines have had about 1000 updates! Seriously considering a hobby project where I make an Eldar Kill Team using Infinity models...
    #236 IcariumVNam, Sep 21, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
    Deltervees, emperorsaistone and Ramas like this.
  17. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    Anyone who says that "it's almost impossible to follow" with regards to GW's releases is ignoring that they're clearly labeled for specific systems.

    Oh and there's a Community Page that can easily answer your question about "how many books I need to buy". The answer for Kill Team is 1 and the answer for 40k is your army's book and maybe Chapter Approved. The core rules are free.
    #237 kanluwen, Sep 21, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
    Graves likes this.
  18. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I do like how personal perception is the most important factor when criticising CB but the least important when comparing to other companies.
  19. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    I love how GW is the devil and lots of people keep spouting old topics about them that are just not true anymore (like the "omg I need thousand of books to play")

    By the way, I find GW is way more creative than CB, specially since CB started their copy and paste rampage with digital design. They both make great minis and that's why I play their games, but GW is redefining fantasy while CB is copying pop references.
  20. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    BTW you still need all the books to play Necromunda)) I guess that would be four (or five?) at the point.

    That`s old grudge. GW outright closed Fantasy battles and invalidated both my miniatures and rules for them. Only option was buy entirely new miniature range to play entirely new game. So I don`t by neither "redefining fantasy" nor "it was all previous CEO fault" bullshit. It`s clear - kill game -> buy new miniatures to play completely different game.
    Pen-dragon likes this.
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