He's not saying the same thing I am. He is saying that Yu Jing lost their Sectorial as though it's the same case as MRRF/SAA. Yu Jing lost JSA, but JSA became its own damned army. They're not getting their sculpts shelved, they're continuing production and resculpts. I'm saying that MRRF/SAA are flatout dead. The profiles will still exist, but who the hell cares if you can't buy the models?
The people like me who already have the models and appreciate that we can still play with our toys legally in a competitive setting should we so chose?
I mean, in context of people comparing MRRF to JSA to possible Acon. As in; there's been worse, chill. That said, blowing up Acon to make an excuse to roll some of the Acon "survivors" into NCA or MO would be a novel way of reinvigorating THAT sectorial :)
Besides it's PanO. If you want to proxy this sectorial, no one will notice you are using bolts as bagh mari anyway. They all look alike.
He's the one that Thanos dusted, right? The only thing that's kept me from getting into ASA was the goofy starter box and then the lack of regular box. If they had the normal load out I'd be jumping in on it right now. Also tempted by the 300pt MO box, and after having a bunch of money fall into my lap, it's so hard to say no! I need to get more games in before jumping into 2 more sectorials...
I'm surprised to see SAA being 'retired', especially considering their starter is only relatively new. I might have to pick it up before it goes OOP, the Montesa knight will be needed for my MO and I do like the Regular sculpts. Maybe they can stand in as my Brawlers?
Its not about them being mechanically better, though getting new units to the point of not really having any holes is pretty neat, its that more effort and care seems to be put into nomads as a whole.
At least with SAA I doubt its a situation of them being dead and as far as I have seen that doesn't even fit with the stated intent. Its as likely that in 12 months NCA cycles out and SAA cycles back in with some more resculpts. The production molds are still owned by them. Its not like they are going to throw them away. What would help is if CB was more explicit about their long term intentions.
Is there any info of when SAA will be retired ? I ordered a few boxes last friday on my usual online store and still want to pick up the dragoes
It will go out of production in November/December, and then stock will slowly go down. You've time to get your Dragão.
Riiiight. Because people aren't playing profiles that aren't sculpted at all.... Again though. He wasn't saying it was the same thing. He was saying there is a difference between JSA going NA2 and being inaccessible to vanilla YJ and SAA stopping production, but remaining fully available as profiles to everyone. Go back and try reading it without a chip on your shoulder.
Riiiiiiiiiiight, because those are the same things. I'm well aware of "what he's saying". He's posting the same thing on two different forums effectively and he's using the moderator status he has to make it appear to be an official company line. The situations are not the same thing and bringing them up is disingenuous at best, outright misleading at worst especially with the moderator status behind it. JSA "going NA2 and being inaccessible to vanilla YJ" doesn't mean crap in this situation. It's a sectorial where maybe one or two items found their way into Vanilla lists regularly that has now been spun off into its own army(which it effectively was from the outset) which even has a subfaction in the form of Ikari Company. The Sectorial still exists, the models are staying in production, and the range is being updated. That's not the case with Merovingia or Shock Army. The profiles are staying behind but the models aren't (unless they're like the Tikbalang and a result of poor packaging from the outset), which will affect players coming into the game.
And? They expanded the proxy rules so folks can use others in their stead, and they did (FRRM) and will (ECA) put in tweaks and different options to keep them attractive. Additionally, they did it with plenty of lead time, which, coupled with the time it will take for vendors to run out of stock, means players both new and old will have the opportunity to flesh out what they want and need for their force. It could be a bit of bother for some, but if it means CB feels comfortable and able to keep moving forward they way they want, then it is, in the aggregate and long term, a good thing.
But what is the way they want? As a consumer the lack of guidance, predictability, and outright hostility CB has thrown over the last year has me delaying purchases to the point im spending on other games for the first time in 3 years. Maybe im an outlier but I would say my spending this year on CB is maybe 50% last year at best.
To look at this announcement in a positive light, maybe CB has recognised that the JSA split could have been handled better with some adequate communication? Perhaps the powers that be aren’t as tone deaf as they appeared to be?
I’m sorry, but outright hostility? That is quite a stretch. I can see how Uprising was a little messy for some, but since last December, 7 Sectorials (Counting JSA) have come out with one more coming soon (VIRD). FRRM got some rules updates on their way out of production, and I imagine so will the Shock army. There has been so much content this year for A LOT of factions, if you are choosing not to spend on Infinity it is of your own volition, not because of CB lacking purchase options.