First impressions on Vedic now that it's on army?

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by Bard, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. kinginyellow

    kinginyellow Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    The 3 big things I saw was: Asura spit + Lt L2 looks really fun. Give a model 2 more orders, they become instantly better (weird, I know)

    The deva killer hacker + lightning seems really good.

    I can't believe we got the dakini link team. That is stupid strong and will be the backbone of our sectorial. Asparas does seem to edge out assisted fire as lose +1bs but get it immediate for aro and dont have to run a repeat at them to get it up later in game. I think deva lightning is gonna be the 5th man each time.
    Mikes, Mruczyslaw and Abrilete like this.
  2. Renfri

    Renfri Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2017
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    I also find it a bit meh, but I also find the gameplay element to be completely lazy. "Put that unit there prone on a rooftop / in a building and don't use it, just let it buff shit somewhere"

    Puppet master was already halfway there. Apsara went full retard.

    And you know what Ron Downey Junior says about going full retard ;-)
    Death and Benkei like this.
  3. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    We can deal with them, but only in close range. Our long range anti armor is rather limited, especially since the Marut does not seems to be that viable in this sectorial.

    Dont forget that said K1 marksman rifle is on a remote that can be in a haris. That means we may be talking about a B4 shock K1 BS15 equivalent with a +3 range up to 60 cm on a sturdy platform. That's rather frightening for 40 pts, don't you think so ? It's basically a downgraded MULTI HMG.
    DukeofEarl and csjarrat like this.
  4. Bard

    Bard Member

    Feb 24, 2018
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    If you want a good laugh consider this...
    G:J LZ says: "REMEMBER: G: Jumper LZ grants its user the G: Remote Presence Special Skill (see Infinity N3)." and Remote Presence says: "In game terms, when a trooper with G: Remote Presence loses all STR points, it enters the Unconscious state like any other trooper would.[cut]"
    So the Apsara having 1 W and no STR, goes unconscious at the start of the game.
    BUT! She can be repaired by an engineer and if she gets repaired, it comes back with 1 STR because "Troopers with G: Remote Presence need only an Engineer in base to base contact to pass a single WIP Roll in order to recover from either level of Unconsciousness and revert back to STR 1."
    This will result with her having 1 W (since she never lost it!) and 1 STR.
  5. Nemo No Name

    Nemo No Name Aleph Cultural Atache

    Apr 25, 2017
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    No, I don't find it that frightening. It includes quite a lot of points required for support to get to that point (link team members, hacker), while being, as you say, a downgraded MULTI HMG against high ARM targets, and (much) shittier against everyone else.
  6. Bard

    Bard Member

    Feb 24, 2018
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    In all fairness, it can be on a Fireteam Core and has a repeater so can be easily buffed with Markmanship L2 no matter where it is at the time.
    So that'd be a Burst 4 K1 rifle with BS 18 at a good range and ignores cover. Also Shock for good measure.
  7. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I think you might be underselling Jumper LZ. It does not combine with remote buffs, It is not quite as good as the remote buffs, but it does buff an entire remote fireteam at once without spending any orders. Then it also gives all remotes in the fireteam 'Number 2' so your remote link team cannot be destroyed by taking out the link leader. The big one for me, is the Jumper LZ can hide her order in a netrod if her body gets snuffed, just like the Posthuman can. That gives your team greater order protection. And using Jumper LZ does not lock you out of also using remote buffs. They don't get the benefits of both, but you can drop Assisted Fire on your main gunner, and still have your paramedic in the link team benefit from the WIP bonus. That is a lot of utility packaged in a 22 point profile. I can't believe people are complaining about this.
    Mikes, DukeofEarl, Death and 2 others like this.
  8. Bard

    Bard Member

    Feb 24, 2018
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    Uhm, from how I read that, if a fireteam has the marker assigned to it, no REM in it can get a supportware buff.
    But if it is as you say, it's a lot better since you get one buffed remote and everyone else buffed in ARO too even if a bit less.
    I'm not sure it is tho... that might need some clarification.
  9. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You got that wrong mate.
    I can see what you mean but it doesn't work because Engineers can only repair troops with STR as per Engineer rules.
    Apsaras are not the first troop with REM:Pres and Wounds either.

    TL:DR doesn't work, sorry.
  10. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    LT level 2, Link teams, Apsara and Posthumans able to still provider orders from netrods even when their bodies are gone. Not to mention the devabot and kiranbot possibilities. OSS is going to make some very mean limited insertion lists.

    I could be wrong, but the text says they cannot benefit from Jumper LZ and supportware at the same time, it does not say they cannot have them. In my mind they can have both, you just choose which benefit you are going to be using for that order.
    Stiopa and eciu like this.
  11. Bard

    Bard Member

    Feb 24, 2018
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    I figured it, it would be silly if it did, I was just pointing out that the rules "as written" are quite confusing and would imply that it should work.
    But I'm not sure what would that give them? Going with the letter of the rules they'd lose the Cube and get Courage, while all the other rules would not work, but if so, why go to the trouble to give it G:Remote Presence?

    That would be quite better indeed.
  12. BigBadFox

    BigBadFox Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    Where can I find the rules for "suboficial" on the Yadu with HMG?
  13. yojamesbo

    yojamesbo purchaser of car seats

    Nov 25, 2017
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    This guy is pleased as punch with the Vedic list. Especially with the modifications to the Asura and Andromeda's new SI profiles. Fun fun fun, and reason enough to get two of my favorite models out on the table.

    Plus Sforza.
  14. Bard

    Bard Member

    Feb 24, 2018
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    They don't seem to be up yet, but from old "spoilers" Suboficial might be the spanish version of NCO and if it is, should allow troops to spend the Lt Order themselves. As it was just spoiler I wouldn't consider that a "sure thing", but that's all I've managed to find for now.
    #34 Bard, Sep 10, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2018
  15. tdc

    tdc ALEPH Fragment

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Why not just take 5 dakini...

    IT's assault hacker, not killer
  16. RecklessPrudence

    RecklessPrudence Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Okay, you have much more experience than I do, and I freely admit I could be biased due to my main opponent playing HI-heavy Yu Jing, but...

    I just used the Dice Calculator to run a K1 Rudra vs a Neurocinetics 2xML Yan Huo in cover, probably one of the more lethal ARO options out there, and as long as you aren't silly enough to engage it where it's got a +3 and you've got a -3, if you're both in cover the Rudra has a 52.21% chance to wound the Yan Huo, and a 15.83% chance to knock it out (as well as a fairly negligible 2.01% chance to kill it outright), against the Yan Huo's 18.22% to even wound, 12.75% to knock out, and 5.03% and 1.16% to go further than that. And that's only a 5 ARM HI, not one of the insane 6 ARM ones.

    Against a Su Jian in cover's Panzerfaust, you've got 53.87% to deal one wound and 17.12% to deal two, although you're not likely to kill it outright with one order (2.33%), against it's 16.43% to deal one and 9.19% to deal two.

    Against what's got to be one of a K1 Rudra's worst HI matchups, a Hac Tao with a ML in cover, you're still looking at 45.16% to wound once, and 10.08% to do it twice, against its 26.13% to wound you once, 15.69% for twice, and 4.19% to take the Rudra out of play entirely. That's bad, especially in Active turn, but that's against a TO Camo BS14 unit in cover, that costs over half again what the Rudra does. That's not really a Rudra's prey, since it has no vision gear.

    Heck, against one of the other really bad matchups, an inter-Aleph skirmish against Achilles v1 - so against ODD and BS15, but no cover - the Rudra wounds Achilles once 35.72% of the time and twice 8.28%, while Achilles does one back 25.76% and two 5.08% of the time, in the absolute best ARO case of using a Multirifle in DA mode, instead of the Spitfire I know I usually give Achilles v1. And again, this is against a vision-obscuring unit that costs over half again what the Rudra does.

    All calcs were done assuming Rudra in cover, at +3 range, and with Assisted Fire, against opponents in cover (apart from Achilles), using their most damaging weapon/ammo, in Blast mode if available and, if possible, taking advantage of the best rangeband they have that is compatible with the Rudra being at +3. If the Rudra's player is smart and catches one of these HIs in their 0 or -3 range while still getting the +3 (as is possible with Achilles with a Multirifle and, by extension, many of the non-ML/Pf weapon options of various HI), those odds get substantially better.

    Can't, so far as I can see. They're listed as Core on the video, but don't have Fireteam: Core in their rules. Down the bottom it says they have Special: Core of up to 4 Dakini and up to 2 Devas, with the option to have up to 1 CSU join, but unless it's a mistake that will be corrected, there's no option to take just a Core of 5 Dakinis.
    #36 RecklessPrudence, Sep 10, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2018
    jherazob, DukeofEarl and Pen-dragon like this.
  17. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    This is demonstrably false. It's not a K1 Sniper which is losing 3 Dam, but a Marksman Rifle losing 1. The only place where it's worse than a standard Marksman Rifle is against ARM0. ARM1 is equal, and against everything else it's better. On a robust, buffable 0SWC linkable trooper...
  18. mothman

    mothman Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    its a trade off between 2 weaknesses 1 has no smoke 1 has no MSV2, so will depend on your meta, alot ariadnan players ive gone against bring wallace + tons of warbands and in general I come up against alot of warband heavy forces, so having no msv and a weak close combat game means Tunguska gets shredded by them, Bakunin also has the no msv weakness but has good CC units and better midfield camo game to combat it. I dont think Tunguska is super bad its just a glass canon army with a very strong (maybe near auto lose) counter match up to mass smoke warbands. Anyone wanting competitive Nomads goes vanilla anyway cause vanilla nomads have no weakness. OSS has its weaknesses but I dont think they are as pronounced and as ab-usable as Tunguskas is to any faction with smoke warbands. Tunguska like Bakunin at competetive level will likely focus on 1 super strong link like riot grrls and just hope to brute force their way on turn 1.

    Initially looking is put Tunguska at a 7/10 (9/10 for fun games) functional strong units but very big weakness, OSS at an 8/10 (on paper not seen them play but they have most of the options to make good stuff) and TAK 9/10 mainly from individual unit strengths maybe lower after seeing it played more. Dunno if any are ISS or Tohaa strong

    The clear solution here is OSS vs Tunguska spec ops box, Tunguska gets a mlg pro hollow man character in upgraded chasis with MSV2 + sniper so he can do super jump 360 no scopes and OSS get someone with smoke.

    Im kinda sad that the cyberdancers have no special skills, pretty big let down for such a nice model. Also wouldnt mind just getting confirmation that a Yadu core requires Shakti as she has core on profile, but normal yadu dont.
    deltakilo likes this.
  19. kinginyellow

    kinginyellow Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Just checked, the deva with lightning is killer hacker. And I didn't think dakini could do full core, thought special only. Even if it can, I like aggressively moving dakini as they are a ridiculously strong piece so having a hacker there to kill other hackers in the way is extremely advantageous.
    Mikes likes this.
  20. Scooper396

    Scooper396 Active Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    First impression? I like this alot, I can see myself having fun with this sectorial. My personal verdict can wait till I actually start playing with the models. (Although I doubt I have to worry much about the 'power level' it is aleph after all).
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